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India, Russia may join hands for stealth fighter

^^^ i guess every house in Pakistan is having atom bomb... Pakistan government/ISI may have been failed in almost everything.. they are successful in educating the youths in your country with a single word atom bomb...
^^^ i guess every house in Pakistan is having atom bomb... Pakistan government/ISI may have been failed in almost everything.. they are successful in educating the youths in your country with a single word atom bomb...

What does your post have to do with the topic?
In the time of war...these expensive aircrafts won't come to your help(India)...having atomic bombs...can keep your enemies scared..not to carry out any evil plan as far as war is concerned whether its about India/China or Pakistan/India.

This Atom Bomb ??
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Sorry to burst ur bubble man but do u think we are sleeping we always believed in quality vs UR QUANTITY so bro remember
No dude u burst ur bubble.
No dude we have quantity with quality mki's,mrca
U have less quality very where but u ve uantity only n case of Jf-17's cuz its cheap aircraft.
arjun we made alkhalid
I dont say about efficiencies but what u did to counter T90's.
We have made astras for Jf-17 Because its a cheap and best multirole aircraft
u went for a nuke sub = 3 U 214 subs
Lol we have nuke subs that can remain months submerged. We have deal with france for traditional subs that have nuke launch capability.
su 30 =we went for more F16C/D,J11B
Where ve 300 mkis and 30 f-16/j-10.
More over mki is high tech advanced 4.5 g aircraft that will be developing more and more.
same goes for ur PAKFA
ya u ll fail again to counter them.

Try for a nuke deal with US
Ask France to give subs
Buy a nuke sub from china
Try to get J-20 deal before 2040.(I can bet on this.A stealth /5G fighter needs atleast 15 years to get inducted, i dont know if chinese compromise to make J20 a 4.5 g aircraft U cant get J20 till 15 years after china gets. Even if rate of production is 10 for 5 years and 20 in last 5 years china will have 220 j-20's by the time so no exports and chinese dont like to share their most advanced tech with pak.)
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