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India, Russia may build supercomputer to rival China's Tianhe-2

India doesn't lead in software, and Russia doesn't lead in hardware. Yeah totally going to happen.
Russia doesn't need India's software "expertise"; the Russians are more than capable of providing such expertise themselves. What they need from India is $$$ -- plain and simple -- nothing more, nothing less.

India's reputation as an IT hub is built on price, not quality. 99% of IT work is grunt work, and Indians can do it cheaper than other places can. There's nothing more complicated or exceptional than that.

It doesn't mean that India doesn't produce smart computer scientists occasionally -- of course it does -- but India is in no way a leader in software technology.
There is also another way .... just take the specs of other countries and add some more to them and release them to the public .... CCP style .... :lol:

Lol @ your conspiracy theories. When other countries wipe the floor with you technologically, is your response always to dig your head in the sand and assert it's not possible?

I bet you believe that other countries practise open-air toilets too. "If Indians sh!t in public, so must other countries - it's not possible they're light-years ahead of India and have ended this practice!" :rofl:
I wonder if Intel has black project chip designs that they aren't selling overseas...
I believe these black projects are on to building super computers based on theories of Quantum gravity, such as M Theory or loop quantum gravity, that may allow extremely fast computers to be built.
I wonder if Intel has black project chip designs that they aren't selling overseas...
If they don't sell, then what's use of it for them. I mean they are a commercial company they sell these things then why they wouldn't want to sell it?

You are in top 5? well, really a big "surprise".
obviously it'll be for a person who've come into real world and out of CCP delusional world. Anyways welcome to real world.
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that's because you always drink Ganges
No it's actually because you consume gutter oil. Now Don't derail thread. Warned once, will report next time.

A indian welcome me to "real world", I feel upset!
hmmmm...you've still got some time to recover from all CCP world memories. Wil take some time :agree:
Russia doesn't need India's software "expertise"; the Russians are more than capable of providing such expertise themselves. What they need from India is $$$ -- plain and simple -- nothing more, nothing less.

India's reputation as an IT hub is built on price, not quality. 99% of IT work is grunt work, and Indians can do it cheaper than other places can. There's nothing more complicated or exceptional than that.

It doesn't mean that India doesn't produce smart computer scientists occasionally -- of course it does -- but India is in no way a leader in software technology.
Must make you feel a big man constantly undermining India's achievements huh? And that's a myth. There are far cheaper markets for IT products to be produced Pakistan being one of them but yet foreign firms keep expanding their presence in India? India ofers a lot more than competive pricing. The IT sector in India is filled by highly educated and competent individuals who are hungry in a sector the govt has allowed to flourish. It's a perfect combination.
Yeah but i was talking about manufacturing and induction. Rest i know is all Paint and reverse engineering job.
Even in manufacturing the Chinese are only really able to produce medium size cargo a/c of relatively old design. They don't manufacture any state of the art wide bodied commercial air craft.
Russia doesn't need India's software "expertise"; the Russians are more than capable of providing such expertise themselves. What they need from India is $$$ -- plain and simple -- nothing more, nothing less.

India's reputation as an IT hub is built on price, not quality. 99% of IT work is grunt work, and Indians can do it cheaper than other places can. There's nothing more complicated or exceptional than that.

It doesn't mean that India doesn't produce smart computer scientists occasionally -- of course it does -- but India is in no way a leader in software technology.

Here's an Example why Indian IT is considered one of the best in World:

Awards won by TCS:

Tata Consultancy Services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • TCS ranked #1 for customer satisfaction in the UK.
  • TCS was awarded the Business Standard's Company of the Year award for 2012.
  • In 2012, the company won Gold Shield award for excellence in financial reporting from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
  • The company won 'Recruiting and Staffing Industry Leader of the Year' and ‘Best Employer Brand’ awards at the World HRD Congress' annual meet in 2012.
  • TCS was ranked #1 IT service provider for the Manufacturing in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) by International Data Corporation in 2014.
Even in manufacturing the Chinese are only really able to produce medium size cargo a/c of relatively old design. They don't manufacture any state of the art wide bodied commercial air craft.

We are still a developing country, there are many areas where we still need to catch up.

And supercomputers are one of those areas where we still have a huge amount of work to do.
Here's an Example why Indian IT is considered one of the best in World:

Awards won by TCS:

Tata Consultancy Services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

IT service is back office support and administration system, not technology development. You can be number 1 in IT service for all you want, but you're still nobody in technology research, development, and manufacture. This is why you have no Supercomputer ranked in the top 40.

Indian bragging ability is certainly world no.1 :rofl:

What planes of their own design do the Chinese manufacture?? The US's dominance in the aerospace field is simply unparelled the Chinese aren't even close.

Chinese aerospace is not even close, then Indian one doesn't even exist :rofl:
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IT service is back office support and administration system, not technology development. You can be number 1 in IT service for all you want, but you're still nobody in technology research, development, and manufacture. This is why you have no Supercomputer ranked in the top 40.

however, Indian bragging ability is world no.1 :rofl:
Buddy, we live in "fake world" built by CCP, they indian live in "real world", hehe!
IT service is back office support and administration system, not technology development. You can be number 1 in IT service for all you want, but you're still nobody in technology research, development, and manufacture.
:disagree: Your GK is sooo...Anyways Here:

IT as a service (ITaaS) is an operational model where the IT organization of an enterprise is run much like business, acting and operating as a distinct business entity creating Products (including services) for the other Line of Business (LOB) organizations within the enterprise.

Have Enlarged some words so you don't miss 'em.

Hey, cute, why did you quote your own comment?
Wear specs and have a look again.

@Fattyacids Here's some more to enlighten your knowledge some more:

TCS Technology Products: Offerings: TCS
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:disagree: Your GK is sooo...Anyways Here:

Wear specs and have a look again.

@Fattyacids Here's some more to enlighten your knowledge some more:

TCS Technology Products: Offerings: TCS

You know nothing about IT. All these are administration system, CRM, CAM..are designed to work with Six Sigma (American).....
These are basic structure, there's no cutting edge or new technology development, research or manufacture.

IT service are service providers. If you're IT powerhouse, you would have a few Supercomputers ranked in the top 40. Period
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