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india,russia,china to create new alliance to challenge USA's supremacy



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May 28, 2013
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The dispute regarding the first priority in the foreign policy of Russia – whether it should have the Western or the Eastern orientation – has been going on for quite a long time already. The discussion was not surfacing much only during the Soviet era, perhaps. However, it would not be correct to compare the foreign policy of the USSR with the one of present-day Russia.

The issue of the Russian foreign political priority has been gathering pace for the recent six or seven years. The then Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov, who currently chairs the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, became the person, who spurred the issue up again. Mr. Primakov set forth the idea to establish a special relationship between Russia, India and China. The idea was later referred to as “Primakov's Triangle” in Russian journalism.

It goes without saying that the idea of creating such a triangle is based on the wish to challenge the supremacy of the USA. This desire can be seen rather clearly, although it differs a lot with the real state of things. The idea seems to be quite nice, although Primakov's triangle is not likely to take the shape of something real. Yevgeny Primakov's idea was impromptu, for the politician did not put forward any certain suggestions on the matter.

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Beijing and Delhi were not inspired with the perspective of the trilateral strategic partnership because of the above-mentioned reason. The two countries are not ready to challenge Washington just because of the fact that they are happy with their cooperation with the USA in comparison with Primakov's idea to come into a certain political alliance with Russia. In addition, the US administration has recently lifted restrictions for arms deliveries to India, which might cause very big problems to the Russian defense export to this country. The USA does not have an intention to make such a concession to China, though. On the other hand, Washington has recently removed its objections regarding lifting the embargo for arms deliveries from the European Union.

In addition, the USA is an extremely important trade partner for India and China. Russia will not be able to make a competition at this point, at least in the nearest perspective. Needless to mention that neither Delhi nor Beijing will agree to sacrifice the profit for the sake of a rather obscure goal.

To crown it all, both India and China used to experience keen rivalries in the struggle for their influence in the Asian region. Pakistan was supporting China in that struggle, whereas India was having traditional problems with it.

Russian experts are being rather skeptical about the idea to establish an alliance with India and China too. Yevgeny Primakov stated last week at the Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry of China that such an opportunity seemed to be possible for him. “The triangle will be very helpful in maintaining the regional security,” Primakov said. Sergei Karagonov, the chairman of the presidium of the Russian Council for foreign defense policy, is certain, though, that Primakov's idea is nonviable. The specialist believes that none of the three states want to create a direct opposition to the USA: “China, Russia and India want to be friends with the USA,” Karagonov said.

Mr. Karagonov also pointed out considerable cultural differences between the three countries, as well as intense relations between China and India, RIA Novosti reports.

It was reported on Monday, however, that India and China concluded a strategic partnership agreement. Details of the new document were not exposed, although it is known that the parties came to agreement on the issues of the long-standing border dispute, bilateral trade relations and the economic cooperation. Indian and Chinese prime ministers stated that the document would boost diplomatic and economic links between China and India and help the two states resist “global threats.”

For the time being it is not known if Russia is going to have at least something to do with the “strategic partnership” of India and China. It is not ruled out, though, that Beijing and Delhi decided to do without Moscow's participation.
Really, its getting funny day by day.....

Once Look-east policy. Other hand alliance with Russia, China!!!

India Trolling :lol:
This idea of a tri-lateral strategic partnership has been doing the rounds since 2007. There have been several meetings between the FMs of India, Russia and China in this regard.

However, one is not privy to the behind-the-scenes goings-on. I guess there's more than meets the eye here. This strategic triangle could possibly become a reality by 2025 or so by when the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergs' stranglehold on Western governments especially the US of A, starts to wane. Their dream project of a New World Order is coming a cropper starting from Iraq, the Middle East/West Asia, to the disastrous Afghan campaign. Things just don't seem to be working out for them anymore.

And that's when India-Russia-China will step in to form a new world order of their own.
my post count is 13. sorry.

indian nato-> india,russia but problem -.pakistan,china.

Pakistan and china aint the problem. The problem is that,in our part of the world,countries are big,powerful and different. So,it will be difficult for us to get along,unless there is some kinda serious common enemy,which we lack.
Offtopic: yes bro,opera is great!
It can't be happened, First Thing to make such block, You have to be ready for reaction from uncle SAM.
Second thing India will not sit with china to that.
Third thing you can't ignore, Iran and Pakistan to make such block in this area.
It can't be happened, First Thing to make such block, You have to be ready for reaction from uncle SAM.
Second thing India will not sit with china to that.
Third thing you can't ignore, Iran and Pakistan to make such block in this area.
LoL Ya... & dont ignore Bangladesh , Srilanka , Nepal & Bhutan as well...
yea brother u r rite very rite pakistan and iran can not b ignored in this and also ,uncle sam ko cherna asan kam nae ha ,
Once Look-east policy. Other hand alliance with Russia, China!!!

I'm pretty sure that one big, resolute, and upward slam from China on India's look-east face will turn it into a look-north face, semi-permanently. :rofl:

... oke, it's Ruskies turn now to slam it...

... then, it's again China's turn...


In this way, the alliance is tailor-made to be very touching.:lol:
I'm pretty sure that one big, resolute, and upward slam from China on India's look-east face will turn it into a look-north face, semi-permanently. :rofl:

... oke, it's Ruskies turn now to slam it...

... then, it's again China's turn...


In this way, the alliance is tailor-made to be very touching.:lol:

Complete waste of bandwidth...
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