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India Responsible for the Misery of Tamils in Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu


Jan 8, 2011
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Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Posted on April 14th, 2013
Dilrook Kannangara
When the Defence Secretary said India is responsible for the misery of Tamils, he was not mincing his words. However, there is a greater meaning in what he said which attracted a prompt response from an Indian politician. Tamils in India have suffered enormously under the Indian Union and India knows it better than anyone else. Tens of thousands of Tamils from India illegally migrate to Sri Lanka every year. They are running away from Indian misery to Sri Lanka. Thousands of Sri Lankan Tamils leave Sri Lanka alleging persecution. But they avoid India which is just 40 kilometres away and boat to faraway lands! If India was any better for Tamils they would not risk their life to fare the seas for thousands of kilometres; they would simply go to close-by India.

India Caused Close to a Hundred Thousand Tamil Deaths
India armed and trained Tamil militant groups in the 1970s and 1980s. They completely destroyed the social fabric of Tamils in Sri Lanka. If not for the massive rehabilitation works carried out by Sinhala majority governments in Jaffna in 1995-97 and 2009-13, Jaffna would have looked like a scene from the Stone Age.

Sri Lanka was at the brink of wiping out Indian sponsored terrorist groups many times before 2009. But every time India saved its Frankenstein monster. Disgusted of India’s conduct, Sri Lankan Tamils bypassed India to seek asylum in Canada, Europe and Australia.

To compliment this disaster, India sent its own army to plunder and destroy Tamils in 1987 under the guise of the Indian Peace Keeping Force. Those Tamils who were unfortunate enough to live through the IPKF saga reminisce with horror the unspeakable violence and plunder India unleashed on them.

Indian fishermen poach not only the fish but also the livelihood of Tamil fishermen in the Jaffna peninsula today when they try to rebuild their lives after 30 years of war. And India does nothing to make their lives any better.

In 1964 and 1974 Sri Lanka and India signed bilateral agreements for the rightful repatriation of Indians (Indian Tamils) from Sri Lanka. Although Sri Lanka kept its promise, India never kept its promise to Tamils. Hundreds of thousands of Indian Tamils were refused entry by India and they were accepted by Sri Lanka. Close to 50,000 Tamil refugees who reached India during the war live under inhuman conditions. In wide contrast the Indian Tamil community in Sri Lanka lives in relative prosperity and safety.

Tamils’ collective response to Indian hegemony was seen in May 1991 when a Tamil suicide bomber killed Gandhi, the charismatic Indian Prime Minister. It must be noted that Tamil militants had killed only one Sinhala politician by then! What it shows is their correct assessment of Indian hegemony against Tamils and other non-Hindi speaking ethic groups in the region.

It is also argued that Indian secret service plotted the killing of Gandhi in a desperate attempt to win back Tamil support after the IPKF plunder of Tamils which ended in 1990. Indian secret services sacrificed Gandhi for a ‘better’ cause – the protection of the Indian Patchwork Union.

Misery Caused to Tamils in India
However, India has caused worse misery to Tamils in India. India introduced Armed Forces Special Provisions Act (AFSPA) in 1958 to violently put down separatist movements. Its brutal force is seen very vividly in Kashmir. Terrorised into surrender, India totally suppressed Tamils’ peaceful right of self-determination in Tamil Nadu. India continues to use terror tactics and threats of violence against Tamils in Tamil Nadu. If a referendum is held in Tamil Nadu for separation from the Indian union, an overwhelming affirmative vote is certain.

India builds outdated models of nuclear power plants in Tamil Nadu in areas affected by the 2004 tsunami. This is an act of total disregard of Tamil Nadu people’s right to life. Various groups have shown the danger to life and to the environment from the Kudankulam nuclear power plant but Indian authorities are not listening. North Indians will be provided with electricity produced at the expense of lives of Tamils in Tamil Nadu.

Contrary to Tamil sentiments, India is also going ahead with the Sethusamudram project of dredging the Palk Strait destroying a mythical bridge between south India and Sri Lanka. Environmental and economic impact of the project on Tamil Nadu people has been highlighted in a recent report but India pushes ahead with its project that will ruin Tamils but profit north Indians.

India made several attempts to impose Hindi only in Tamil Nadu in 1930s and 1950s causing widespread bloodshed. However, India succeeded in restraining Tamil to a mere national language and never granted it the official language status. A few years ago the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister begged the centre to introduce Tamil language to the Madras High Court. His pleadings were totally disregarded.

Disintegration of the Indian Patchwork Union
Like the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, India is a patchwork of ethnic enclaves. It is only a matter of time since it collapsed. India charges a massive amount of taxes from its states to finance its military machine while hundreds of millions of Indians go hungry. Indian southern states, particularly Tamil Nadu, have got a raw deal in not sharing an equitable amount of central government allocation.

Tamil contribution in the 1962 war with China has not been fully recognized. Tamil interests are increasing divergent to Indian interests and traditional Tamil friendly nations like China has been restricted in Tamil Nadu affairs. Water disputes with neighbouring states were ‘resolved’ in a manner disadvantageous to Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu leaders have realized they enjoy more freedom abroad than in India.

Tamil Nadu support for ‘Tamil Elam’ is actually a depiction of their desire for a free Tamil Nadu nation from India. Dissatisfaction with India was amply seen in recent events against India with the apparent excuse of anti-Lanka protests. Tamil Nadu people are simply seeking excuses to display their disgust of the Indian Patchwork Union.

It is this realization that got Indian leaders agitated by the statement made by the Lankan Defence Secretary. India has plenty to fear from Tamil Nadu people who are beginning to realize the step-motherly treatment they get from India. 2014 Indian elections will be a turning point as Tamils become increasingly aware of their suppressed but not dead Dravidistan demand. India has Tamil blood on its hands more than any other nation!

LankaWeb – India Responsible for the Misery of Tamils in Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu
lol lankans gone mad.....there is a difference between india and congress.....it is congress along with the racist sinhalas who are reponsible for the sufferings of the eelam tamils....

this is the official position of bjp

In a marked shift from its long time stance against an independent Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka, the BJP made it clear on Wednesday that it would not hesitate to support the Tamils in the island nation in their demand for an independent country.

BJP won't hesitate to support Lankan Tamils :cheers:
India is not Soviet Union or Yugoslovia..................India is United by Democracy & Hinduism................But even if it disintegrates then Sri Lanka will be in trouble tackling independent TN............

lol lankans gone mad.....there is a difference between india and congress.....it is congress along with the racist sinhalas who are reponsible for the sufferings of the eelam tamils....

this is the official position of bjp

BJP won't hesitate to support Lankan Tamils :cheers:

What is this may Support...................is the confusion cleared .................or it will remain till general election are over..............
BJP & Congress are doing anything for SL Tamils..............
very true but Indians will live in denial esp the mass killer kudankualm waiting to wipe out entire Tamilnadu and NE Sri Lanka

India builds outdated models of nuclear power plants in Tamil Nadu in areas affected by the 2004 tsunami. This is an act of total disregard of Tamil Nadu people’s right to life. Various groups have shown the danger to life and to the environment from the Kudankulam nuclear power plant but Indian authorities are not listening. North Indians will be provided with electricity produced at the expense of lives of Tamils in Tamil Nadu.
Srilankan Tamils were used by RAW for years long terrorism, and now they are scrapped by same RAW like toilet paper.
Posted on April 14th, 2013
Dilrook Kannangara
When the Defence Secretary said India is responsible for the misery of Tamils,.............
LankaWeb – India Responsible for the Misery of Tamils in Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu

Sure India has had a hand in creating the LTTE; that much is undeniable and regrettable. India paid the price for it many times over.

But our Sri Lankan friends should not forget that it takes two hands to clap. Did India create a Tamil moment out of nowhere? Let's also not forget the ingrained viciousness and racism among some Sinhalese that resulted in Tamil nationalism in the first place.

And if you think I'm exaggerating, well just look at what's starting to happen to the Muslim community Sri Lankan, driven by the so called Bodhu Bala Sena (BBS).

And do we know who opened the Buddhist Leadership Academy of the Bodhu Bala Sena recently? The honourable Lankan defence secretary, Gotabaya Rajapakse, that's who!
Srilankan Tamils were used by RAW for years long terrorism, and now they are scrapped by same RAW like toilet paper.
I am sure you know about that.first used as toilet paper by Ameri.ans and now Chinese.
Also you are perpetual porcelain for Saudi. Best person to understand this you guys
btw new delhi...you should give temporary independence to tamil nadu...within 1 year we will create independent Eelam, make them india friendly and re-enter the union.....win win for all.....

new delhi...are you listening ? :lol:
Posted on April 14th, 2013
Dilrook Kannangara
When the Defence Secretary said India is responsible for the misery of Tamils, he was not mincing his words. However, there is a greater meaning in what he said which attracted a prompt response from an Indian politician. Tamils in India have suffered enormously under the Indian Union and India knows it better than anyone else. Tens of thousands of Tamils from India illegally migrate to Sri Lanka every year. They are running away from Indian misery to Sri Lanka. Thousands of Sri Lankan Tamils leave Sri Lanka alleging persecution. But they avoid India which is just 40 kilometres away and boat to faraway lands! If India was any better for Tamils they would not risk their life to fare the seas for thousands of kilometres; they would simply go to close-by India.

India Caused Close to a Hundred Thousand Tamil Deaths
India armed and trained Tamil militant groups in the 1970s and 1980s. They completely destroyed the social fabric of Tamils in Sri Lanka. If not for the massive rehabilitation works carried out by Sinhala majority governments in Jaffna in 1995-97 and 2009-13, Jaffna would have looked like a scene from the Stone Age.

Sri Lanka was at the brink of wiping out Indian sponsored terrorist groups many times before 2009. But every time India saved its Frankenstein monster. Disgusted of India’s conduct, Sri Lankan Tamils bypassed India to seek asylum in Canada, Europe and Australia.

To compliment this disaster, India sent its own army to plunder and destroy Tamils in 1987 under the guise of the Indian Peace Keeping Force. Those Tamils who were unfortunate enough to live through the IPKF saga reminisce with horror the unspeakable violence and plunder India unleashed on them.

Indian fishermen poach not only the fish but also the livelihood of Tamil fishermen in the Jaffna peninsula today when they try to rebuild their lives after 30 years of war. And India does nothing to make their lives any better.

In 1964 and 1974 Sri Lanka and India signed bilateral agreements for the rightful repatriation of Indians (Indian Tamils) from Sri Lanka. Although Sri Lanka kept its promise, India never kept its promise to Tamils. Hundreds of thousands of Indian Tamils were refused entry by India and they were accepted by Sri Lanka. Close to 50,000 Tamil refugees who reached India during the war live under inhuman conditions. In wide contrast the Indian Tamil community in Sri Lanka lives in relative prosperity and safety.

Tamils’ collective response to Indian hegemony was seen in May 1991 when a Tamil suicide bomber killed Gandhi, the charismatic Indian Prime Minister. It must be noted that Tamil militants had killed only one Sinhala politician by then! What it shows is their correct assessment of Indian hegemony against Tamils and other non-Hindi speaking ethic groups in the region.

It is also argued that Indian secret service plotted the killing of Gandhi in a desperate attempt to win back Tamil support after the IPKF plunder of Tamils which ended in 1990. Indian secret services sacrificed Gandhi for a ‘better’ cause – the protection of the Indian Patchwork Union.

Misery Caused to Tamils in India
However, India has caused worse misery to Tamils in India. India introduced Armed Forces Special Provisions Act (AFSPA) in 1958 to violently put down separatist movements. Its brutal force is seen very vividly in Kashmir. Terrorised into surrender, India totally suppressed Tamils’ peaceful right of self-determination in Tamil Nadu. India continues to use terror tactics and threats of violence against Tamils in Tamil Nadu. If a referendum is held in Tamil Nadu for separation from the Indian union, an overwhelming affirmative vote is certain.

India builds outdated models of nuclear power plants in Tamil Nadu in areas affected by the 2004 tsunami. This is an act of total disregard of Tamil Nadu people’s right to life. Various groups have shown the danger to life and to the environment from the Kudankulam nuclear power plant but Indian authorities are not listening. North Indians will be provided with electricity produced at the expense of lives of Tamils in Tamil Nadu.

Contrary to Tamil sentiments, India is also going ahead with the Sethusamudram project of dredging the Palk Strait destroying a mythical bridge between south India and Sri Lanka. Environmental and economic impact of the project on Tamil Nadu people has been highlighted in a recent report but India pushes ahead with its project that will ruin Tamils but profit north Indians.

India made several attempts to impose Hindi only in Tamil Nadu in 1930s and 1950s causing widespread bloodshed. However, India succeeded in restraining Tamil to a mere national language and never granted it the official language status. A few years ago the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister begged the centre to introduce Tamil language to the Madras High Court. His pleadings were totally disregarded.

Disintegration of the Indian Patchwork Union
Like the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, India is a patchwork of ethnic enclaves. It is only a matter of time since it collapsed. India charges a massive amount of taxes from its states to finance its military machine while hundreds of millions of Indians go hungry. Indian southern states, particularly Tamil Nadu, have got a raw deal in not sharing an equitable amount of central government allocation.

Tamil contribution in the 1962 war with China has not been fully recognized. Tamil interests are increasing divergent to Indian interests and traditional Tamil friendly nations like China has been restricted in Tamil Nadu affairs. Water disputes with neighbouring states were ‘resolved’ in a manner disadvantageous to Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu leaders have realized they enjoy more freedom abroad than in India.

Tamil Nadu support for ‘Tamil Elam’ is actually a depiction of their desire for a free Tamil Nadu nation from India. Dissatisfaction with India was amply seen in recent events against India with the apparent excuse of anti-Lanka protests. Tamil Nadu people are simply seeking excuses to display their disgust of the Indian Patchwork Union.

It is this realization that got Indian leaders agitated by the statement made by the Lankan Defence Secretary. India has plenty to fear from Tamil Nadu people who are beginning to realize the step-motherly treatment they get from India. 2014 Indian elections will be a turning point as Tamils become increasingly aware of their suppressed but not dead Dravidistan demand. India has Tamil blood on its hands more than any other nation!

LankaWeb – India Responsible for the Misery of Tamils in Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu

What a piece of bullshit.
India will take care of Tamil Nadu & its people, but will Sri Lanka take care of Tamils in Sri Lanka. You should take some responsibility for your actions too, don't always blame India.
What a piece of bullshit.

One glance of the articles this guy has written in the same site where this article has been posted from will show he is a morbid chauvanist who has hate for minorities - not just tamilians but also for SL muslims. And not o mention the hate for India and the spin he has given in the OP.
One glance of the articles this guy has written in the same site where this article has been posted from will show he is a morbid chauvanist who has hate for minorities - not just tamilians but also for SL muslims. And not o mention the hate for India and the spin he has given in the OP.

Sri Lankans can't digest the fact people in India is a successful multi-ethnic nation including Indians Tamils while Sinhalese failed to make a multi-ethnic nation because of their Sinhala chauvinism.

First it were Tamils, now the new victims are Moors and create turmoil on issue like Halal certification is like making a moutain out of a molehill.
India will take care of Tamil Nadu & its people, but will Sri Lanka take care of Tamils in Sri Lanka. You should take some responsibility for your actions too, don't always blame India.

dont bluff us here, Indians hate Tamils , you are lying here so as not to lose face with the non Indians esp Pakistanis.

Where was the care for the Tamilnadu fishermen attacked by lankan Navy

Four fishermen from the district were allegedly attacked by Sri Lankan Navy personnel with wooden logs while they were fishing off Kodiakarai coast in a mechanised boat, official sources said Thursday.

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