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India responsible for the floods in Pakistan?

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Mar 31, 2007
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Is India responsible for the floods in Pakistan?

A terrible disaster has happened that has gone largely ignored in the Western world. Pakistan is suffering from massive floods, with over 20 million people suffering from the effects according to the United Nations. UN Secretary-general Ban Ki Moon says that it is the worst disaster he has ever seen. Worse, today, 16 August, Pakistan warned of fresh flood that are yet to come. The death toll is likely to be vastly underestimated, as many will be infected with disease from the dirty water as the temperature reaches 31 degrees on average during this time of the year in Pakistan.

Unfortunately, evidence indicates that this natural disaster could very well not be so natural at all. And contrary to most natural disasters, to induce this flood would not require the use of exotic weaponry at all. A story from August 05 of this year indicates that Pakistani officials have held India responsible for flooding in the River Chenab. They claim that India has released a big amount of water at Jammun Tavi place in River Chenab. An editorial by a Pakistani newspaper, the Nawa-i-Waqt urges the Pakistani government to refuse any aid from India. It mentions that:
"India on one hand is carrying out an indiscriminate massacre in occupied Kashmir and had the other day killed nine defenceless Kashmiris. It released water in the Satluj and Beas to exacerbate the flood havoc in Pakistan and the other hand, threw salt on our wounds by offering us assistance of $ 50 lakh," It goes on to say that: "It (India) has built dams to secure itself, and is releasing water into Pakistan's rivers as part of its design to devastate Pakistan, using water as a weapon. Sometimes, it uses the water to flood Pakistan and sometimes, it restricts the flow to transform Pakistan into a parched desert as part of its conspiracy."

Make no mistake, this isn't just any random newspaper, the Nawa-i-Waqt is in fact, the second-largest newspaper in Pakistan, and dates back to colonial times. From editorials like these, and allegations by Pakistani officials, it seems to be mainstream opinion amongst Pakistan's elite that India is at least partly to blame for these floods, by building dams that allow them to control the flow of water, and flood Pakistan. The thing is, this isn't something that Pakistan spontaneously came up with today. Pakistan has been warning for a disastrous flood caused intentionally by India for years now.

An article from the Pakistani media from February 2009 mentions: "The three dams being built by India on River Indus could play havoc in Northern Areas of Pakistan if the said reservoirs collapse for any reason intentionally or unintentionally releasing huge quantum of water causing flash floods that could devastate large swathes of land in Pakistan." From the article it appears that these dams are capable of storing gigantic amounts of water:
“India is constructing large dams on River Indus, which include Nimoo Bazgo with height 57-metre, Dumkhar of 42 meters height and “Chutak” dam 59 meters height to basically generate hydropower. Three dams can store water up to 120,000,000 cubic meters. India’s dam-failure record has been worst, as nine of its dams have so far collapsed,” he said.
In February of this year it was reported that: "many members of Pakistan National Assembly expressed great concern over the alleged violation of the Indus Water treaty by India in building dams across rivers meant for Pakistan and warned of a possible war between the two countries over this issue." The article mentions that India was building multiple storage dams, of questionable legality due to a treaty that determines which country has control over the rivers in question. According to the rules of the treaty, India got control over the three eastern rivers, the Ravi, Sutlej and Beas; while Pakistan got the western ones, the Indus, Jehlum and Chenab. Satellite imagery illustrates the overflowing of the rivers in Pakistan.

Even mainstream Western news has reported on the issue of India beginning to take control over Pakistan's water supply. In March of this year it mentioned that India was "hogging water" which was causing droughts in Pakistan. Was India busy gathering water to release into Pakistan all at once? The article features a map which shows how all of the Indus' contributing streams begin in India, and how India is building dams just outside to border, in Kashmir.

What is exacerbating the crisis is the reluctance of Western nations to donate aid to Pakistan, mainly because of recent allegations in documents released by Wikileaks, that Pakistans' ISI is funding the Taliban. It's interesting to mention that the US state department warned India in advance that the documents would be released. Wikileaks may have informed us about civilian deaths in Afghanistan that the US tried to cover up, but this "perfect storm" of events may end with the people of Pakistan, with Western civilians and governments reluctant to help the people of Pakistan because of allegations made public through Wikileaks.

However, make no mistake, if the ISI is indeed funding the Taliban, it is the US government that is to blame. The CIA is responsible for the birth and rise to power of the Taliban, and it used the ISI to accomplish the installment in Afghanistan of an Islamic fundamentalist regime, in a region where this ideology was completely foreign and new. Afghanistan's monarchs tried to introduce reforms into the nation that had proved successful in the West. As early as the 1920's they introduced mandatory primary school education for both girls and boys, and they discouraged the wearing of veils. Had it not been for Western intervention, the country would have been much like Turkey today is thanks to Attaturk's reforms.

Unfortunately, the West had a different future for Afghanistan in mind, with pseudointellectuals like Brzezinski seeing the people of Afghanistan as worthy of little more than to be treated as cannonfodder to bring about the destruction of the Soviet Union, the beginning of a betrayal from which Afghanistan has never recovered.

Like Afghanistan, the Western world seems to have such a future in mind for Pakistan as well. As I mentioned over a year ago, the CIA wrote a report on the future of our planet, and Pakistan would be completely Talibanized according to their predictions. The exact wording of the document is:
Pakistan in 2015. Pakistan, our conferees concluded, will not recover easily from decades of political and economic mismanagement, divisive politics, lawlessness, corruption and ethnic friction. Nascent democratic reforms will produce little change in the face of opposition from an entrenched political elite and radical Islamic parties. Further domestic decline would benefit Islamic political activists, who may significantly increase their role in national politics and alter the makeup and cohesion of the military—once Pakistan's most capable institution. In a climate of continuing domestic turmoil, the central government's control probably will be reduced to the Punjabi heartland and the economic hub of Karachi.
As the Western media has mentioned, this disaster will only aid the spread of the Taliban, as the Taliban will build political capital amongst the civilians of Pakistan who are betrayed by the international community. The Taliban has already begun helping the civilians who are left to starve by the rest of the world. Of course this contrasts with the view we are commonly given of evil bearded men who spend their time cutting off noses of girls and throwing acid in their eyes when they go to school, but it is nonetheless the situation on the ground.

Update 1: I've made an Ad-Sense account, any money made will be donated to charity, to help the people of Pakistan suffering from the flood. I'm planning on donating the money to Oxfam. Oxfam appears to be a legitimate and ethical charity. It supports the Palestinian people, and it is skeptical of the overpopulation hysteria from groups such as the Optimum Population Trust. It doesn't just throw food at people (which is actually one of the causes of famines because it destroys domestic food production), but also helps people become self-sufficient thus attacking the root causes of famine. The CEO of Oxfam is paid a very modest salary. You can donate here.

If I'm horribly wrong and Oxfam is involved in all sorts of evil Illuminaughty stuff, be sure to let me know. Any suggestions of other charities are welcome as well.

Update 2: Let's look at some historical precedents. India has used the flow of water as a weapon against Pakistan before, in 1948. It stopped the flow of water into Pakistan for a month, until Pakistan would pay India for the water supply. South Korea has been flooded without warning once by North Korea, through the release of water from a dam (note from the article that it is not clear which particular dam the water was released from). South Korea feared the North could use the dam as a weapon in case of war. India is also building a dam in Afghanistan, and Iran is held responsible for attempts to sabotage it. Countries in Indochina hold the Chinese government responsible for causing deadly floods in their territory.

Very important to note is that regions in India suffered from floods as well. Is this evidence that these floods aren't caused by the dams at all? The answer to this question is that if anything, it is instead evidence of the allegation that dams in India are responsible. The floods happened in the Ladakh region of Kashmir. This region happens to be where India was building 3 dams as of February 2009.

Also important to note is that the floods in Ladakh are blamed on heavy rainfall. This brings up the next question: If these floods were caused by heavy rainfall, what happened to the rest of India? Ladakh is known for its limited rainfall. Tourist guides recommend Ladakh to visitors, because the region has a low amount of rain during August and July, compared to the rest of India: "There is very little rain in Ladakh, so it is a good place to visit in July and August, during the rainy season in the rest of India." A book about Ladakh mentions that: "The climate of Ladakh is characterized by great extremes of heat and cold, and by excessive dryness." The rainfall in Ladakh in August is on average only 1.65 centimeter. This can be compared to an average of 11.16 cm in New York for example.

Assuming the rain did indeed cause the disaster, this raises two questions: What has happened to the climate of Ladakh? Furthermore, why is the rest of India not affected by these mysterious floods? It makes little sense to me.

Update 3:

The rainfal in Leh is unlike any ever seen before in Leh: The maximum ever recorded rainfall in Leh was 96.2 mm in a 24 hour period measured in 1933. This cloudburst yielded 250mm rainfall within an hour.

Speculation is rife as to the cause of the cloudburst. Climate change, weather experimentation, or did someone use the rain as an excuse to open some dams? Ladakh is a dry area when compared to the rest of the Himalaya.

"A cloudburst in Ladakh is unnatural because it is a rain shadow area. But officials of the India Meteorological Department in Delhi said it is not the first time Leh experienced a cloudburst. "

"There was everything unnatural about the natural disaster that struck Leh last Friday. As scientists have pointed out, a cloudburst of such intensity over a cold desert is a rare and perplexing phenomenon."
few days back delhi was flooded,how india can store large amt of water.they will have to release.

Is India responsible for the floods in Pakistan? Part Two

It is now becoming clear that India is at least partly to blame for the disaster that is unfolding in Pakistan. People have asked me if I can prove that India is releasing water into Pakistan, and now I can. On August 21st, Pakistani media reported that India released 18000 cusec water into the river Ravi. A flood warning was issued because of this. The full article is as following:
Flood warning has been issued here to five drainages of of River Ravi catchment areas in wake of possible flood due to release of water in river Ravi by India here on Saturday. As per details, India has release 18000-cusec water in river Ravi that could cause flood in five drainages of Narowal and Shaker Garh. Metrological department had predicted water level in river Ravi would remain low during next 24 hours but after release of water by India low-level flood has hit drainage Bhutsen and Basantar of River Ravi catchment area.
At least 168 villages along river Ravi have been evacuated in wake of possible flood while district administration has been red alerted in Narowal and Sialkot. The flood center in Lahore has given prior high flood warning in drainage located in Shakar Garh. More four drainages Basantar, Jhajri, Oojh and Khattar could be affected by the possible flood. Water inflow of 70,000 cusec at Shahdara could cause massive destruction.

The Ravi is a tributary river of the Indus. However, this is not all. At another tributary river to the Indus, ,the Sutlej, India has decided to release water as well. The article mentions:
The Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) on Saturday opened the floodgates of Bhakra dam, releasing extra water into the Sutlej River compounding flood fears in Delhi, if water gets into the Yamuna, and other parts of Punjab.
The level of the water was at 1671 feet. Interestingly enough, according to the article, in cases of emergency, the water can be allowed to raise to a level of between 1680 and 1690 feet: "He said that even after crossing the level of 1680 feet, the design level of dam, BBMB can handle the water, though for short time, for flood absorption. The level of 1,680 feet is the stipulated level to which the reservoir can be filled and the capacity between 1,680 and 1690 feet is kept reserved for flood absorption."

Is the flooding of massive areas of Pakistan near the Indus river which has swollen up like a balloon not an emergency to the Indian government? Apparently not.
Another article mentions that three rivers in India have had water released at once, all of which has to move through Pakistan: "Dulat said the water being released in all three rivers was flowing into neighbouring Pakistan, which has been devastated by floods in recent weeks."

And you wonder why Pakistan doesn't want any aid from India.

(On a side note, Google is taking very long to accept my Ad-sense account. I doubt it'll ever be approved. I'm thinking of taking ads from another place instead.)

Update 1: Pakistan had been noticing just months before the disaster that India had begun storing water. It was causing droughts in Pakistan. An article from April of this year:
The current water shortage in Pakistan has become a burning issue in recent days. The water in rivers has come to its lowest levels and fear of femine is growing.
India’s water stealing policy and of-late change in the rain cycle has made water shortage a worst problem for Pakistan in the past few months. Just a few decades ago, Pakistan was considered to have a profusion of quality water, but last year a report by World Bank declared that Pakistan is among the 17 countries that were currently facing a water shortage.

Water has become the latest issue to stoke tensions between India and Pakistan, with farmers in Pakistan’s breadbasket accusing India of reducing one of the subcontinent’s most important rivers – Chenab – to little more than a trickle.

The analysis shows that India is stealing nearly twenty percent water from Pakistani rivers and Chenab is the worst victim. This huge loss in water supply is causing more then ten billion US dollars loss to Pakistan’s agriculture based economy.

This article also claims that India is helping Afghanistan to build a dam in the Kabul river. There is a dam in the Kabul river in Sarobi District which is just on the border with Pakistan, and interestingly enough there seems to be no problem of the Kabul river flooding in Afghanistan, while Pakistan is heavily affected by flooding on the Kabul river. Another story from January of this year also mentions:
ISLAMABAD: Water flows in Chenab declined by 40 per cent to about 6,000 cusecs on Wednesday from a 10-year average of about 10,000 cusecs, mainly because of construction by India of over a dozen hydropower projects upstream, reduction in rainfall and diversion of river waters.
Remember, Pakistan claims that the floods are caused by water being released into the river Chenab by India.

Update 2: Pakistan appears to be responding by diverting water to the Indian border. From an article:
Several thousand acres of land have been submerged and flood waters have entered six-seven villages in Ferozepur district till Saturday morning."It seems that Pakistan has diverted the flood water towards the Indian territory, leading to an alarming rise in the water level of Satluj," Punjab's chief engineer (irrigation) Amarjit Singh Dullat told IANS.
"It can affect scores of low-lying villages of Ferozepur and other border districts of India," he added.
What is clear from this is that the two nations do not appear to work together at all when it comes to water management. It seems that water is a weapon that both nations are willing to use.
couple of months back ,there was a huge cry about India stealing water.

Now the writer wants India to double or may be triple its stealing capacity.

the writer lacks the knowledge aboiut floods in India.,
Delhi was set on high alert after floods in Yammuna.

Punjab and haryana got devastating floods...............but thanks to better disaster management authorities and facities in these areas............loss was set to minimum.
and writer says no other part than leh got floods.

BS article

Is India responsible for the floods in Pakistan? Part Two

It is now becoming clear that India is at least partly to blame for the disaster that is unfolding in Pakistan. People have asked me if I can prove that India is releasing water into Pakistan, and now I can. On August 21st, Pakistani media reported that India released 18000 cusec water into the river Ravi. A flood warning was issued because of this. The full article is as following:
Flood warning has been issued here to five drainages of of River Ravi catchment areas in wake of possible flood due to release of water in river Ravi by India here on Saturday. As per details, India has release 18000-cusec water in river Ravi that could cause flood in five drainages of Narowal and Shaker Garh. Metrological department had predicted water level in river Ravi would remain low during next 24 hours but after release of water by India low-level flood has hit drainage Bhutsen and Basantar of River Ravi catchment area.
At least 168 villages along river Ravi have been evacuated in wake of possible flood while district administration has been red alerted in Narowal and Sialkot. The flood center in Lahore has given prior high flood warning in drainage located in Shakar Garh. More four drainages Basantar, Jhajri, Oojh and Khattar could be affected by the possible flood. Water inflow of 70,000 cusec at Shahdara could cause massive destruction.

The Ravi is a tributary river of the Indus. However, this is not all. At another tributary river to the Indus, ,the Sutlej, India has decided to release water as well. The article mentions:
The Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) on Saturday opened the floodgates of Bhakra dam, releasing extra water into the Sutlej River compounding flood fears in Delhi, if water gets into the Yamuna, and other parts of Punjab.
The level of the water was at 1671 feet. Interestingly enough, according to the article, in cases of emergency, the water can be allowed to raise to a level of between 1680 and 1690 feet: "He said that even after crossing the level of 1680 feet, the design level of dam, BBMB can handle the water, though for short time, for flood absorption. The level of 1,680 feet is the stipulated level to which the reservoir can be filled and the capacity between 1,680 and 1690 feet is kept reserved for flood absorption."

Is the flooding of massive areas of Pakistan near the Indus river which has swollen up like a balloon not an emergency to the Indian government? Apparently not.
Another article mentions that three rivers in India have had water released at once, all of which has to move through Pakistan: "Dulat said the water being released in all three rivers was flowing into neighbouring Pakistan, which has been devastated by floods in recent weeks."

And you wonder why Pakistan doesn't want any aid from India.

(On a side note, Google is taking very long to accept my Ad-sense account. I doubt it'll ever be approved. I'm thinking of taking ads from another place instead.)

Update 1: Pakistan had been noticing just months before the disaster that India had begun storing water. It was causing droughts in Pakistan. An article from April of this year:
The current water shortage in Pakistan has become a burning issue in recent days. The water in rivers has come to its lowest levels and fear of femine is growing.
India’s water stealing policy and of-late change in the rain cycle has made water shortage a worst problem for Pakistan in the past few months. Just a few decades ago, Pakistan was considered to have a profusion of quality water, but last year a report by World Bank declared that Pakistan is among the 17 countries that were currently facing a water shortage.

Water has become the latest issue to stoke tensions between India and Pakistan, with farmers in Pakistan’s breadbasket accusing India of reducing one of the subcontinent’s most important rivers – Chenab – to little more than a trickle.

The analysis shows that India is stealing nearly twenty percent water from Pakistani rivers and Chenab is the worst victim. This huge loss in water supply is causing more then ten billion US dollars loss to Pakistan’s agriculture based economy.

This article also claims that India is helping Afghanistan to build a dam in the Kabul river. There is a dam in the Kabul river in Sarobi District which is just on the border with Pakistan, and interestingly enough there seems to be no problem of the Kabul river flooding in Afghanistan, while Pakistan is heavily affected by flooding on the Kabul river. Another story from January of this year also mentions:
ISLAMABAD: Water flows in Chenab declined by 40 per cent to about 6,000 cusecs on Wednesday from a 10-year average of about 10,000 cusecs, mainly because of construction by India of over a dozen hydropower projects upstream, reduction in rainfall and diversion of river waters.
Remember, Pakistan claims that the floods are caused by water being released into the river Chenab by India.

Update 2: Pakistan appears to be responding by diverting water to the Indian border. From an article:
Several thousand acres of land have been submerged and flood waters have entered six-seven villages in Ferozepur district till Saturday morning."It seems that Pakistan has diverted the flood water towards the Indian territory, leading to an alarming rise in the water level of Satluj," Punjab's chief engineer (irrigation) Amarjit Singh Dullat told IANS.
"It can affect scores of low-lying villages of Ferozepur and other border districts of India," he added.
What is clear from this is that the two nations do not appear to work together at all when it comes to water management. It seems that water is a weapon that both nations are willing to use.
you should be happy mate............India has stoped stealing water.
An area the size of england has come under water in pakistan.No indian dam can hold even 1% of such a huge amount of water and release it to flood pakistan.
Which pakistani officials have accused india for floods?can you explain?
How do you explain 15 inches of rain in one night. Unless someone has the technology to control the clouds from moving over the targeted location.

Who possesses such technology these days.? Pakistan should investigate this matter with it's best friends first.
Writer linked one reference to defence PK website. :)
An area the size of england has come under water in pakistan.No indian dam can hold even 1% of such a huge amount of water and release it to flood pakistan.
Which pakistani officials have accused india for floods?can you explain?

Why should i explain? It is reported in news! perhaps you are looking for names?
My basement in U.S gets flooded if we have more than 2 inches of rain in 5 hours. Just imagine 15 inches of constant rain for 8-11 hours. :lazy:

It's adventurous to believe in conspiracies, but blindly believing them is just plain stupidity.

Some people are blaming it on India. They claims India released huge water in Bias, Ravi , Chenab and Sutlej to flood Pakistan. See the picture carefully. The plains between Chenab and Sutlej is almost unaffected which is unnatural in case of heavy flow from India. And these persons do not explain how water went up to Northern areas denying natural laws.

And there is no report of any Pakistani Official blaming it on India. Just some hate-mongers like the Thread starter are spreading such things....
wow.. that's bad of india. there is so much drought in india every year due to lack of rain and they don't do anything about that. instead they only go & flood the neighbours!!;);)
Common..Batman....confess you 're searching with the key..." India causes flood in Pakistan" to fulfill your daily Qouta of India bashing.... Else you could not have found this piece of ****.
A few more such nonsensical posts, and it will be an established truth on this forum. Some people are so brain-dead, they will quote this "fact" and accusations of India "stealing water" in the same laundry list of "Evil India".

Writer linked one reference to defence PK website. :)

Yup, got the seal of authenticity now.
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