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india requests Pak Army to stop artillery firing along LoC

We want to shut down your terror network, as an Indian i love Pakistan and terrorism is coming in between us...:smitten:
There is no terrorism from paksitan. You leave our homeland kashmir, we won't kill your children. You send ur children in our kashmir with guns and weapons we will keep blowing them up
This is not terrrorism. This is a freedom fight for us kashmiriz. Down with india.
We will see how long you can take it, 70 odd years and you are dragging yourself down the road, we have 926 years...

Sir, Kashmir is a source of water and hence vital for our existence, how can we just leave it, it will kill our people, a lot more than what a war could, can never give up Kashmir, its vital for the crops we grow, the food we have, the water we drink, and this cannot be assured if we give them a separate country or give it to you, we dont want to be at anybody's mercy, and we wont ever be...
Kashmiris can not drink all the water .they can not block it.there is no agricultural land there to use water.water issue can be documented .
Kashmiris can not drink all the water .they can not block it.there is no agricultural land there to use water.water issue can be documented .

Who told you that there is no agricultural land in Kashmir, in fact the whole Kashmir valley around Srinagar is agricultural fertile land, it is also nearly flat like punjab plains, Jehlum river irrigates all those lands before entering into Azad Kashmir and then to Punjab.
Who told you that there is no agricultural land in Kashmir, in fact the whole Kashmir valley around Srinagar is agricultural fertile land, it is also nearly flat like punjab plains, Jehlum river irrigates all those lands before entering into Azad Kashmir and then to Punjab.
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Ohh bhai that velly is using water even now.the amount of water we are talking is huge
It's funny how the Pakistani posters...keep quoting the border skirmish as some kind of a large scale war victory.....both sides military actions did not amount to anything but.just. optics....considering the amount of desperate care to ensure there is no escalation.

you are missing the big picture here....india now has the perfect excuse to its people to buy more new expensive planes...and a free reelection....a win win for the Indian govt.....

What did Pakistan gain?

increasing an arms race where Pakistan is hopelessly mismatched.....the economic war (which is more important) that india is waging seems largely ignored by the Pakistani posters here....ever clinging to puny military optics to satiate.....

remember ...No money...no war...
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you are missing the big picture here....india now has the perfect excuse to its people to buy more new expensive planes...
India has the excuse NOW? Are you serious? When was the MMRCA contract first tendered? Or the nuclear submarines? Or the Scorpenes? Or the Apaches? Or the M-777 ULA?

Please feed this BS attempt to find some 'success' out of the failed Balakot strikes and IAF getting outsmarted by the PAF to people who aren't aware that India's massive military buildup has been going on for decades now.
India has the excuse NOW? Are you serious? When was the MMRCA contract first tendered? Or the nuclear submarines? Or the Scorpenes? Or the Apaches? Or the M-777 ULA?

Please feed this BS attempt to find some 'success' out of the failed Balakot strikes and IAF getting outsmarted by the PAF to people who aren't aware that India's massive military buildup has been going on for decades now.

Lol...the rafael will be bought with the indian industrialists making lot of money....it will justify an increase in defence budget (which Pakistan cannot match)....a free re election for modi....who will further out pressure on pakistan...

Now tell me...what has Pakistan gained?

Maybe a face saving move that the paf is capable...but still ...Pakistan coudnt escalate....could it?
It kinda showed Pakistani air space can be penetrated..not border areas ...but deep....this is the second time after us raids

It's basically it's like if someone punches you...and everyone comes in to stop the fight by holding both of you.....who wins?
Lol...the rafael will be bought with Indian industrialist making lot of money..
That was going to happen regardless. The failed Balakot strikes and failure against the PAF plays no role in that.
Now tell me...what has Pakistan gained?
Restoration of deterrence. India has been clearly warned, with a bloody nose, that any attempt at similar actions will come at a heavy price and will be retaliated against.
Maybe a face saving move...but still ...Pakistan coudnt escalate....could it?
Pakistan did escalate - we pinged your military installations, not just some rocks and trees, and we shot down and IAF fighter when we could have also warned him and forced him to return, as is done typically.

Beyond that, we didn't need to escalate since we were retaliating. The next move up the escalation ladder belonged to India, and India and Modi chickened out and did nothing.
And? you have failed to destroy us since our birth? and now you are walking half dead with Chinese spare parts...:rofl:
there is still time there always time

half dead Pakistani withe Chinese spare parts was enough to humiliate you on 27 feb my profile pic has the details :lol::lol:

you have not manage to destroy us either with all your tough talk it seems :sarcastic::sarcastic:
Lol...the rafael will be bought with the indian industrialists making lot of money....it will justify an increase in defence budget (which Pakistan cannot match)....a free re election for modi....who will further out pressure on pakistan...

Now tell me...what has Pakistan gained?

Maybe a face saving move that the page is capable...but still ...Pakistan coudnt escalate....could it?

It's basically it's like if someone punches you...and everyone comes in to stop the fight by holding both of you.....who wins?
you're wrong, French denying TOT for India so India buys RAFALE off the shelf, now tell me if you attacked by some one you don't want to defend yourself
and as far trolling against Pakistan Terrorism in Pakistan is almost eliminated, wait 5 to 10 year we will again rise and shine thanks to CEPC
and last show real flag and don't hide US flag with mr, false flagger @Cmdr Keen :p:;):enjoy:
you're wrong, French denying TOT for India so India buys RAFALE off the shelf, now tell me if you attacked by some one you don't want to defend yourself
and as far trolling against Pakistan Terrorism in Pakistan is almost eliminated, wait 5 to 10 year we will again rise and shine thanks to CEPC
and last show real flag and don't hide US flag with mr, false flagger @Cmdr Keen :p:;):enjoy:

Lol...so anything spoken in regards to reality is considered false flagger....

this is Pakdefence afterall....if you don't want others to discuss things pakistan..kinda doesn't make sense.

No different from the Chinese posters.

Ps: so yer a Pakistani living in the us? Not a us citizen?
Lol...so anything spoken in regards to reality is considered false flagger....

this is Pakdefence afterall....if you don't want others to discuss things pakistan..kinda doesn't make sense.

No different from the Chinese posters.
why don't you criticize India for their warmongering on 26 FEB @Cmdr Keen :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
there is still time there always time

half dead Pakistani withe Chinese spare parts was enough to humiliate you on 27 feb my profile pic has the details :lol::lol:

you have not manage to destroy us either with all your tough talk it seems :sarcastic::sarcastic:
Lol Your economic welfare is our responsibility, you dont know anything about your bikaou awaam, we paid them double so you pay 4 times for everything, soon you will realize the true motives of your present govt...:)
why don't you criticize India for their warmongering on 26 FEB @Cmdr Keen :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

india... u did a baaaaaad thing...bad india...bad .

there.....better ? :)

but it wont change the ground reality....which is what a defence forum is for...to discuss it.

not diplomacy or yer feelings :)
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