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India removed only a small tin shed in Ladakh

Bro what ever time it may take but we will not be doing the things which Chinese are doing right now, and will be a responsible power.

well we have trust issue between us you have to admit that.if you say you will be responsible power, right now hard to believe for us and india need to solve this problem, greater power comes with greater responsibility.
well we have trust issue between us you have to admit that.if you say you will be responsible power, right now hard to believe for us and india need to solve this problem, greater power comes with greater responsibility.

Hard to believe for Some Pakistanis and some brain washed by propaganda in BD. Except the whole world believes it, Unlike Chinese.
Hard to believe for Some Pakistanis and some brain washed by propaganda in BD. Except the whole world believes it, Unlike Chinese.

we have border and water issue which are extremes , you can not deny that
Exactly. The word "bunkers" is specifically used, and used multiple times too.

India agrees to some Chinese demands to end Himalaya standoff | Reuters

The same news is being reported by different Indian sources too .

Reports today suggested that though the government has asserted that no concessions were offered to the Chinese to end the face-off in east Ladakh, the Army seemed to have agreed to removal of bunkers built by it in Chumar close to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) to facilitate an agreement.The reports said the 21-day eyeball-to-eyeball situation in Ladakh's Depsang valley ended only after the Army agreed to demolish bunkers it had built in the region.

During the flag meetings on the issue during the stand-off between the two sides, the Chinese side had been demanding that India dismantle its bunkers in Chumar before talking about withdrawal of its troops from the Depsang valley. - India Today

"The bunkers in Chumar were dismantled after we acceded to Chinese demand in the last flag meeting. These bunkers were live-in bunkers," the Army officer told Reuters on Tuesday. - Times of India

Bunkers are aren't small tin shed , anyway .

Has the Chinese media reported anything on it ?
the hindu:

There was never a quid pro quo for China’s withdrawal of troops after three weeks of camping on a disputed plateau in eastern Ladakh. Such reports were disseminated in India by people who were “not in the loop,’’ because the overall relationship between the two countries was now moving on to a different trajectory, said informed sources.

All that the Chinese wanted after getting convinced to pull back their soldiers was the dismantling of a tin sheet put over a temporary arrangement mid-way between the Indian Tibetan Border Police tents (opposite the Chinese encampments) on the plateau and their regular positions further back, the sources insisted.

Even this tin sheet was put up three days after the Chinese incursion.
The motive was to shelter soldiers in the inhospitable terrain as they marched to and fro from the tents put up 300 metres away from the ones erected by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). “It is extra cold out there. In fact, it is snowing there right now. The cover has now been taken off from the temporary structure,’’ they said.

The sources also refuted impressions about India having discovered the PLA tents after some delay. It was on April 15 – the day the Chinese set up tents – that an Indian patrol reported movement by PLA troops and an aerial reconnaissance the next day confirmed that they were here to stay.

On April 16, there was not much movement. A meeting of the joint mechanism on border issues was called but from the Indian perspective, there was no credible Chinese response. It was the same story during a couple of exchanges between the two armies.

Two days later, the government forsook the gradual approach of first arranging meetings between middle-level officers. Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai was asked to call in the Chinese Ambassador who was told that “whatever else can be discussed but we want status quo.’’ There was a false dawn a week later on April 25, with India getting the impression that the Chinese position had softened after several rounds of talks here, in Beijing and on the Depsang plateau. But flag meetings on April 26 and 27 showed there were still some gaps in the perception of both sides. The Indians also told the Chinese not to get into minutiae.

No trade-off for Chinese pullout - The Hindu
actually you guys are day dreamer who thinks you are equal to china, anyway that picture is cute :angel:

we may not be equal to china but we have our own cards to play be it the differences china had with its neighbors or the presence of u.s in the region or the superiority in the IOR..the fact that india attended the joint meeting btwn us,japan indicates a warning to chinese that dont mess with us u already have ample troubles at home u dnt want to add another adversory..china can not deal with india just like it treats vietnam or phillippins.we may not have the ability to attack them but we have the strength to defend ourselves...80% of chinese energy passes through malacca..if china is in bad terms with india they know that its not in their interest another is trade which is expected to reach $100 billion in next few years which is hugely in favour of china..

chinese leadership estimated all these things which lead to the decision they've taken..today wars are not just fought with weapons.anybody who just depends on them is just a fool.and they know it well..ans as i said..we have our cards

Chinese troops withdraw.

Sources said the Army’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles operating in Eastern Ladakh have confirmed that the Chinese platoon camping in Depsang valley has gone back to its side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

Denying that any deal was struck to reach the agreement to restore status quo as it existed prior to April 15 when the Chinese troops intruded 19 km into the Indian territory, sources said India has only “taken-off” a “tin-shed” construction done in Chumar on April 18

No trade-off for Chinese pullout - The Hindu

Assalam o Alaikum,
Reuters source is a colonel,The Hindu/PTI's source is a Major General.:cheers:
Even the tin shed which was taken off was constructed after Chinese incursion.

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