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India releases details of nine dead Mumbai gunmen

As pointed out earlier, these pics are fake.

They have the wrong bacground, why aren't all of them in color? Why have they cut up the pictures and squeezed them?
December 10, 2008 13:24 IST
Last Updated: December 10, 2008 14:06 IST


On Tuesday, the Mumbai police gave terror a face by releasing the photographs of nine terrorists involved in the horrific Mumbai attacks. Their photographs, names and other details show not only the extent of the terror network, but also puts the spotlight back on India's Silicon Valley, Bengaluru [Images].

All the terrorists who carried out the Mumbai attack tried to pass off as students, and carried fake identity cards of a college near Bengaluru. The ID cards were recovered after the terrorists were eliminated on November 29. An Intelligence Bureau official who is part of the investigations told rediff.com that the terrorists used the ID cards on entering Mumbai. The IB says since the terrorists planned to kill as many people as possible and die in the attacks, the ID cards were cleverly designed to throw the security forces on the wrong track.

What ruined this plan was the capture of Ajmal Kasab by the Mumbai police. Kasab in his interrogation has given out all the details about his accomplices, and even identified them.

The ID cards were in the name of a college located in Kengeri, a small town around 40 km from Bengaluru. But the terrorists erred by mentioning that they were post-graduate students. When the Bengaluru police verified the ID cards with the college the management pointed out that one, they did not run a PG course and, two, the address was wrongly printed on the ID cards.

Once the ID cards were shown to Ajmal Kasab, he in turn matched the names with faces. Kasab was also aware of where the terrorists came from and gave the investigators their background and other details as well.

However, not all the photographs released by the Mumbai police were obtained from the ID cards. The ID cards of Abu Ali and Abu Sohaib (terrorists at the Taj Mahal hotel [Images]) and Fahadullah (the terrorist at Oberoi-Trident [Images] hotel) were soaked in blood and unrecognisable. Instead, their dead body was photographed and shown to Kasab for identification. Even this was not possible in the case of Nazeer alias Abu Ummer, one of the terrorists who was killed at the Taj Mahal hotel, since his face was destroyed in the bloody battle. His name, however, was given out by Kasab during interrogation.

I hope this answers all ur questions about photos being not real.
So they are ID cards showing them as Indian students?

So they are ID cards showing them as Indian students?


Indeed they are fake student ID cards. Because the college on whose name they made these fake ID cards doesn't have a PG college, but the ID cards on these terrorists show that they belong to PG college. Moreover, they have also arrested the guy who made these fake ID cards.

The picture were from those ID cards.
well i dont know where were they from..but what i know is that these people should be hanged rite away...for what they did.....and as far as kashmir is concerned....i think the referendum should be organised by the indo-pak govts.... and let the kashmiris decide what they want... if they want to go with india..pak shouldnt have any problem and vice versa...

or if they want to be a separate independent state....let them be one....

but then you need some serioussness from both sides....and i have some doubts about it...maybe they want to keep this issue alive as long as they can.....
If india giv up pakistan and let it have its own government then what will happen to the hidnus and other non muslims in kashmir ?

they will be considered as 2nd class.

In the meantime pakistan will not leave this chance to attack kashmir and occupy it and say kashmir belongs to pakistan.Surely kashmirirs dont want any pakistani interference, its only and only paskistan which spreads the hatred.

I dont see any conclusion for this kashmiri issue and i believe after 62 per cent polling was reported in the five constituencies which went to polls on Sunday in the third phase of assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir.
people who think they are fighting for kashmir shud givup and let kashmiris live peacefully

well in that case wht do u think UN,USA and other institutions would be doing????

its out of question....and btw same can be said about india....

anyways....i personally think that they should let kashmir to become an independent state....
In wartime both sides are unhumane otherwise iw would have not been an act of war. The opposite has probably not able to defend against it in a normal way...

So terrorism is not an action force but a reaction force. Wrong but still logical to explain and probably good enough for sides to make unlimited offers.

I'm yet to hear a more absurd logic justifying a terrorist action performed in cold blood.... Just wait n watch .. Pak will soon realize the Frankenstein monster it has created in the forms of these terrorist organizations... Though its not my wish that pak or rather the people of pakistan suffer... I assume narrow minded people like you are a minority there as well..
if i am not wrong then your government is still tring to find cent percent correct proves but ......

Ok so you want to say the fire on samjuhta express in non-violent...aaaa without guns or bombs. Then you may also called killing of innocent kashmiris as non violent, without guns....:cheesy:

You are indeed wrong....

what our independence struggle has to do with samjhuta blast????hope your point of reference was more clear..
I'm yet to hear a more absurd logic justifying a terrorist action performed in cold blood.... Just wait n watch .. Pak will soon realize the Frankenstein monster it has created in the forms of these terrorist organizations... Though its not my wish that pak or rather the people of pakistan suffer... I assume narrow minded people like you are a minority there as well..

Whoa....hold your horses, soldier...take a deep breath and follow the below steps:
1> First introduce yourself in the newbie section.
2> Spend sometime reading not just the WoT section but other sections also.
3> Choose your debates wisely, and substantiate your posts with links, references, etc. so it contributes something to the discussion.
4> Enjoy and learn from other's knowledge - there are serving and retired officers on this forum who are more than willing to share their rich knowledge
5> Avoid personal flaming...this is one of the best moderated forums I've been a member of...these guys have a low threshold for flamers and trolls...just thought I'd mention it...

Just a few friendly tips that I've learnt from my limited experience here..;)
Take it easy, mate.
I'm yet to hear a more absurd logic justifying a terrorist action performed in cold blood.... Just wait n watch .. Pak will soon realize the Frankenstein monster it has created in the forms of these terrorist organizations... Though its not my wish that pak or rather the people of pakistan suffer... I assume narrow minded people like you are a minority there as well..

Hahah... You have only posted twice and you are already lecturing a full member of the forum? Classic... Jumma, Jumma Do Din... :lol:

I can assure you no body is a Taliban Lover here my friend.

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