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India rejects TN resolution against Sri Lanka

Public posturing like is being done in TN is not helping one bit. Not only does it make SL resentful of such an attitude, it exposes the issue as being driven by narrow, parochial considerations.

Public pressure is the only thing that gets anything done in India and in some cases, not even that.We would not be in this place if the GoI acted pro-actively in anything. The GoI has not left us with any choice except show our dissent/outrage/anger public. I'll admit this may not make the GoI to change its stand, but we had to show our anger/dissent public.

And why should it be called parochial consideration ? We have every right to express ourself on this issue. it is rest of India that must be ashamed of thinking this in a narrow, parochial mindset of "oh damn them madrasis, this has nothing to do with us", That is the real "narrow, parochial" mindset.


The Sinhalese will not pay for their mistakes because China is with them and hence Pak,Iran,Russia as well and America and Russia wont push for a showdown even if India back the Tamils exclusively.

China card is overplayed by the Indians.

They were not there when **** hit the fan in '71 or in Kargil. And that was their "greater than mountains" friend.

The Chinese are realists. For them Lanka is expendable. They will milk it as long as its smooth but once its seems it is causing confrontation with India, tey will simply close shop and move on.

Thats true that the Chinese obviously have things expendable but do you realize that even if they are going to milk and give up later,that would happen only in the long run.

India would have to live with China's folks and Bangladesh on all three sides.

For quite sometime,China would not confront India but they would wait n hurt.
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