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India "rejects" Canada allegations about its killing of Sikh Khalistani Leader

They don't pose a threat to india the way I see it. So why the killing?
Pajeets feel the need to act like a supa powa, but they need to be reminded of the days they claimed ISI used to clean the shit infested streets of Delhi and Mumbai with Bharti blood. The only thing stopping ISI from restarting these alleged bloodbaths is the west, and guess what? Pajeets have just given the middle finger to the west...

Baloch and others would also join them soon
Pleaaajjjj Mooft Baloooocheestaaaan saaaaar
I knew Hindu women were obsessed with the shape of Muslims' diks but I did not know Hindu boys had the same obession.
OK better to stay ignorant than come to wrong conclusion. That's what Islam does to you guys.
OK better to stay ignorant than come to wrong conclusion. That's what Islam does to you guys.
The conclusion that Hindus are obsessed with Muslim penises is absolutely correct - perhaps this is what Shiv ling (Penis) worshipping Hindusim does to you guys.
No he is not. We revere him.like you revere others.

Let's talk about Muhammad then
please refrain from bringing religious personalities into this.

It may not be a good idea with the current Pakistani economy. India has enough clout and narrative building muscle power to severely impact the already crippled economy of Paksiatn. India can also light up your western borders. This is just a possibility. RAW doesn’t brief me on their ops, so this is just a guess, based on assessment that any adversary would do in such a situation.

This Canadian - Indian spat appears to be just a little chest thumping by both the sides at this time. It is unlikely to have debilitating impact on trade. They may not improve though. Countries 1000s of miles away can only do this much to each other.

On the contrary, any IndoPak scuffle would have bigger ramifications for both, with Paksiatn to loose more.
Hence focus on your economy right now.
Hy bud remember you shoot Pak shoots back. This isn't Bollywood but reality. Are indian mothers ready to recieve thier dead sons back?
As a doctor I have seen maximum cases of UTI in muslims if you have heard the name . Ladies die of UTI and husbands marry new wives
As a doctor? You should know urine is trapped in the foreskin and can cause problems for males and their spouses.
It may not be a good idea with the current Pakistani economy. India has enough clout and narrative building muscle power to severely impact the already crippled economy of Paksiatn. India can also light up your western borders. This is just a possibility. RAW doesn’t brief me on their ops, so this is just a guess, based on assessment that any adversary would do in such a situation.
India is already working at 100% capacity 24/7 to "Cripple" Pakistan and so far you have only recieved the bodies of dead TTPs back.

ISI, on the other hand, is showing huge amounts of restraint against India. You can ask your now dead Soviet Union daddies about what happens when ISI wages a proxy war.
OK better to stay ignorant than come to wrong conclusion. That's what Islam does to you guys.
What does islam do to us? Instructs us to pray 5 times a day, give charity, abide by Gods law. So what is your hatred towards islam?
The conclusion that Hindus are obsessed with Muslim penises is absolutely correct - perhaps this is what Shiv ling (Penis) worshipping Hindusim does to you guys.
Read my previous until you understand.
India is already working at 100% capacity 24/7 to "Cripple" Pakistan and so far you have only recieved the bodies of dead TTPs back.
We are receiving dead TTPs?? 🤔🤔🤔

TTP is your own ISI’s doing. BLA is also your own production. And the biggest feather in ISI’s cap is backstabbing US to help Taliban gain control of Kabul. ISI chief had a warm cuppa at Kabul airport with a smirk to put the stamp of success.

These three works of planning by ISI are enough to show its capabilities. We already consider it to be the best agency this side of suez. It has ensured total control of establishment over your country.

India is already working at 100% capacity 24/7 to "Cripple"
How did you arrive at this number?
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ISI, on the other hand, is showing huge amounts of restraint against India.
Why is that? What is it waiting for? Be careful because FATF guys might be just round the corner and we know what happens after that.
What does islam do to us? Instructs us to pray 5 times a day, give charity, abide by Gods law. So what is your hatred towards islam?

He is a Hindutva. Haven't you figured that by now?

Why is that? What is it waiting for? Be careful because FATF guys might be just round the corner and we know what happens after that.

First deal with Canada LOL I heard your Armenian friends lost despite Indian weaponry...
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