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India reiterates Arunachal is ours.

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I have just finished a quick research. The maximum ceiling for a H-6K "God of War" bomber is 42,000ft. These can be used in a Sino-Indian border war to bomb Indian positions.

H-6K "God of War" Bomber


H-6K bomber


H-6M Bombs Away!


Chinese Rolling Thunder!

[Note: Thank you to A.Man for the first picture and Deino for the second caption.]
Your posts are great buddy. :cheers:

The Indians here don't like them, not because of their content, but because they contain facts that make them uncomfortable.

The Indian Armed forces know these things, which is why they already admitted defeat.

Yes keep believing that... Let me see the facts that makes us uncomfortable.....hmmm couple of photos of copied machines. You made me real uncomfortable.:lol:
I gave up. You are hopeless and I can't win agianst you because I am a human being.


Let him earn his livelihood.

Though, PDF administrators may not be happy because it fills up their memory space with junk.
PLA attacked with a strength of 80000 when they realized the strength of Indian forces was only 10000-12000 and ran at the first moment they learnt reinforcements are on the way. This is typical Chini character nothing strange. If power balance is in your favor come and take what you claim as yours otherwise stop acting like cry babies..

that too when the 'original' superpowers were looking the other side.
@Martian2, you deserve to lead PLA man!!

Show them all your posts on PDF, I am sure they will choose you head of the PLA.
Martian2, you deserve to lead PLA man!!

Thank you. Here is my plan to de-nuclearize India. I hope you approve of my military strategy and implementation.

A small window to neutralize India

The Indian Threat

At some point in the future, India will successfully detonate a crude hydrogen bomb. Once India crosses that red line, China must take immediate action to stop India from deploying hundreds of thermonuclear warheads and holding Chinese cities hostage.

The past cannot be used as a guide to estimate the length of time required for India to miniaturize its future hydrogen bombs. Though it required 25 years between China's first 3.3 megaton blast in 1967 and the development of a W-88 class warhead, this timeline cannot be applied to India. India has access to incredibly powerful modern supercomputers, which can greatly shorten the time to test a new design.

China and India are on a collision course. At some point in the future, China will free the Chinese Tibetan mongoloids living in Sikkim and South Tibet (see below). However, Indians are aggressive and nasty imperialists. They will desire to reclaim their colonies in Sikkim and South Tibet.

China must not permit imperialist India the opportunity to develop a thermonuclear arsenal to threaten Chinese civilization and to enslave our fellow Chinese brothers and sisters in Sikkim and South Tibet.

There are two necessary components for an ICBM with a thermonuclear warhead. There is the rocket/missile delivery vehicle and the fusion warhead. China cannot stop India from building missiles. However, China can stop India from building thermonuclear warheads.

Order of Battle

India has a million-man army. It'll take all day to kill or capture all of them. Therefore, China's opening move should be a neutron bomb detonation (see below) above all major Indian military bases. The fireball and destruction from a neutron bomb are relatively small, but it is powerful enough to eliminate the Indian Army.

Just like the United States takeover of Panama, Chinese paratroopers will land and assume control of all major Indian military bases. Now, China has effective control of India. Like the United States in Afghanistan, Chinese military convoys can drive out on patrols.

The search and removal of all uranium, plutonium, and thorium from India

Without uranium, plutonium, or thorium, it is impossible to build a thermonuclear warhead. China should send in multiple teams of expert geologists to survey every square mile of India. Every deposit of uranium must be mined and transferred to China.

Thorium can be transmuted in a nuclear reactor into uranium. Thus, all thorium deposits must also be mined and removed. China must also search and remove all existing Indian stockpiles of plutonium.

China will compensate the Indians and pay market prices for the removed uranium, thorium, and plutonium.

To reduce Indian resentment, China should build roads, hospitals, and dams while the Chinese geologists are surveying and mining fissile material in India under the protection of military convoys.


The application of neutron bombs to Indian military targets is not a violation of China's NFU (no first use) pledge. China's NFU pledge does not apply to nuclear weapon states like India. Also, China only attacked legitimate military targets. No civilians were harmed.

China can invoke George Bush and recite the American policy of pre-emptive strikes against grave threats to China. Specifically, there are three justifications.

1. For decades, India has harbored the terrorist leader Dalai Lama. India and the Dalai Lama are responsible for the terrorist deaths of innocent Chinese men, women, and children during the Tibetan riots of 2008. Paraphrasing George Bush again, "any country that harbors a terrorist is a legitimate target of Chinese military power."

2. For decades, India has colonized and imposed its imperialist rule over Chinese people in Sikkim and South Tibet. Such action is intolerable. Today's military action is necessary to liberate Chinese citizens from the yoke of alien Indian repression.

3. It is in the interest of all countries of the world that a rogue state is not permitted to develop weapons of mass destruction. India has repeatedly refused to sign the NPT, which virtually all nations in the world has done. Therefore, to safeguard all countries in the world, China is in the process of neutralizing India's ability to threaten everyone with thermonuclear weapons.


When India detonates a thermonuclear bomb and crosses the Chinese red line, there is very limited time to permanently defang India. China cannot afford to take the risk of another Nehru. It is unacceptable for India to develop a full-fledged thermonuclear arsenal and possess the capability to annihilate all Chinese cities with the push of a button. If another Nehru were in charge, he would probably push the button to spite China.

Once China has removed all uranium, plutonium and thorium from India, the Indians will never pose a mortal threat to all Chinese. The PLA can withdraw to China and the liberated territories of Sikkim and South Tibet.

Everyone will live in peace.



Sikkim is populated by Chinese people. Take a close look at the picture. Do they look like Chinese or Indians to you? China will eventually free the Chinese people in Sikkim from Indian tyranny. (Source: TRAVEL 2 SIKKIM: Sikkimese people and its culture and tradition.)

South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh is also populated by Chinese people. Once again, I ask you to take a close look at the photograph. Do they look Indian at all to you? China must liberate our fellow brothers and sisters from alien Indian despotic rule. (Source: Chinese Media Call for integration of Northeastern States of India with China | NagaJournal - Breaking News | NE India News | Naga News | Photos | Articles | Folktales)


Freedom Network - williambova.net

"China Test-detonates Kiloton Neutron Bomb
U.S. likely knew about surface explosion
By David M. Bresnahan

China has detonated at least one neutron bomb above ground with the knowledge and perhaps even the co-operation of the U.S.

Photographs of the secret test in late 1995 or 1996 have been provided to WorldNetDaily through a U.S. intelligence source who cannot be identified. The photographs have been tested and evaluated by several sources who have concluded they are genuine.

The pictures show what is alleged to be the detonation of a neutron bomb above what appears to be an orchard, somewhere in China. The photos were most likely taken from an airplane, although some sources believe they could have been taken by satellite. The possibility that they were taken by a U.S. spy satellite was not ruled out.

The disclosure of the secret test, made possible through U.S. technology, comes at a sensitive time because China Premier Zhu Rongji is currently visiting the U.S. in efforts to ease concerns about the U.S. relationship with communist China.

"Attached are two deliberately degraded, but still very good imagery of a possible/probable atmospheric or open air, above ground, test of an Enhanced Radiation Device (neutron bomb) (EHRD) in the PRC (People's Republic of China), supposedly in the late 1995 or 1996 time frame," detailed the description that came with the photos. The source has access to satellite high resolution, multi-spectral imagery and other intelligence photos.

The source who provided the pictures is known to WorldNetDaily and has proven to be reliable. His background has been checked independently and has been verified. He is who he claims to be. To protect him and his viability as a continual source for information, his name and location cannot be revealed.

The first photograph was taken less than a microsecond after the detonation, and the second was taken within a millisecond or two of the first.

"These images are very rich in the IR (infrared) spectrum, both reflected and absorbed, so some things appear very dark and some seem very light -- both unnaturally so in the normal visible spectra. Please note also that to have taken these images one must have had considerable foreknowledge, or intelligence, of the planned event well beforehand," commented the source.

He believes there is a likelihood that the pictures were taken by a U.S. spy satellite of the KH type. This would mean that the U.S. knew in advance that the test would take place and the location of that test.

WorldNetDaily sent copies of the pictures to the man who originated the idea of the neutron bomb, retired nuclear physicist Sam Cohen. He confirmed that he believes the photographs to be genuine.

Cohen said the photographs appear just as they should, and that it would take someone with very sophisticated knowledge of nuclear physics to fake such a photograph. Other military experts were also consulted and they too confirmed that there is no reason to suspect that the photos are not real.

Additional copies were also sent to high-ranking members of the intelligence community with requests for comments. Absolutely no comment has been received. The request was made by the intelligence source who provided the pictures.

Cohen said it is likely that the device was a low yield neutron bomb of approximately one-kiloton in size. It would have been dropped from a plane at an altitude of approximately 10,000 feet. The explosion should have taken place in the area of 3,000 feet above the ground to have the optimum effect of destroying life without damaging property.

"There would have been zero effect on the pilot or crew," Cohen told WorldNetDaily. "I don't even think the airplane would have felt a shudder at that low yield and at that especially low yield regarding blast that comes out of a neutron bomb."

Cohen, and a different military source familiar with such tests both agreed that one test above ground is not enough. It is expected that this was one of at least two tests. A previous underground test by China was dismissed by U.S. officials as improperly conducted.

Cohen and others agreed that U.S. technology has enabled China to develop their nuclear capabilities, and that technology was not stolen from the U.S. It was cooperatively provided they all agreed.

What appears to be a defect in the fireball in the pictures is actually purposely created to tailor the effect of the bomb. Cohen said he first proposed this very technology 35 years ago.

Cohen put together a study group of other nuclear physicists working with him for the government and determined that a neutron bomb could be tailored to produce a pattern. His group found that advanced, discriminate, tailored effects of battlefield nuclear warheads with a very low yield could be designed.

Because of lingering requirements related to top secret information, Cohen was unable to provide the details of how such bombs can be tailor-made, but he said it is possible. He said the photographs show just such a possibility.

"What you're seeing in this picture [Photo 1] is a fireball. It's pretty hot," Cohen told WorldNetDaily. "Initially when the fireball is formed it is white hot. It is not in the infrared region. It's at the far end of the visible region approaching ultraviolet. I say this having witnessed many a test, and, boy, are things bright.

"If you were to look at it with the naked eye from the very beginning, you would be flash blinded, but good. You'd be out of commission for a long time, and you would suffer a little bit of eye damage, but not enough to blind you.

"The area around a nuclear shock turns extremely white. It's like a thousand suns were beaming down. The whole landscape become eerie (as seen in the second photo It lasts a number of seconds and fades in intensity as time goes on. That fireball just glows and glows. At the beginning it's the hottest, then it gradually begins to cool down. Then it starts rising and we get the mushroom cloud and all that sort of stuff," explained Cohen.


This photo was taken within a few hundredths of a microsecond of the detonation of the device. It was most likely taken from an airplane, but it could have been shot from a satellite. The fireball can be seen at its brightest, and a uniquely designed pattern is also very easily seen.


This second photograph was taken approximately a millisecond after the first. The dome of the fireball can be seen, along with the specially created pattern of neutrons impacting the ground.

Above ground tests of neutron bombs are not only useful but necessary. Without such tests, military leaders will not know exactly what to expect from such a weapon until it is used. The size of the bomb and the ideal height for detonation can only be determined from a test.

Cohen said he estimates the size of the fireball in the pictures to be about 200 to 300 feet across. He believes it is a good example of what to expect from a one-kiloton, low yield neutron bomb. The photos came without technical information, so Cohen and others who evaluated the pictures were unable to provide conclusive details.

"We have the fireball and off to one side we have this haze," Cohen continued to describe. "There's very little doubt in my mind that this haze was caused by radiation escaping from the bomb. Neutron bombs emphasize radiation, prompt radiation." He said it would take a specially designed bomb to direct radiation more to one side than to another.

"You've got to think multi-spectral across the entire spectrum, so you're looking at everything from UV, visible, to infrared as you look at these pictures," explained one military source who declined to be named.

"What we're seeing here (in the second photo) as the fireball is rapidly cooling down, we're seeing secondary atmospheric effects that just haven't been observed before," the source suggested.

"The first photograph is probably in the hundreds of microseconds region of the event. Therefore you're seeing it before the actual effects have hit the ground. That may be a stretch, I don't know," he added to explain the dark shadow area in the first photograph, which then becomes extremely white in the second picture.

"We understand how they work, but we've never had a good understanding of their effect," commented Cohen about the frustration of the U.S. scientific community. "We were never allowed to test these things in the atmosphere. All the neutron bomb tests that we did were underground. The military was dying to know just exactly what these effects might be. I think that's exactly what happened over in France, that the military wanted to know what these effects were, so they snuck off to the south Indian Ocean and detonated this thing.

The military source believes the U.S. has full knowledge of the above ground test conducted by France in 1979, and that the U.S. cooperated in that test. Cohen was in France at the time and suggested that French scientists find a way to conduct an open air test.

The U.S. government has known about the Chinese test and most likely has the data from that test. All sources agreed that is why no mention has been made."


Tech-Ex: Neutron bomb inventor Samuel Cohen dead at 89

"Neutron bomb inventor Samuel Cohen dead at 89
Friday, December 03, 2010


Samuel Cohen, the inventor of the neutron bomb, which he called "the only nuclear weapon in history that makes sense in waging war," has died. He died on Nov. 28, two weeks after a cancerous tumor was removed from his stomach, at the age of 89.

Before inventing the neutron bomb, Samuel Cohen was also involved in the development of one of the two atomic bombs the U.S. dropped on Japan during WWII, "Fat Man," the more complex plutonium weapon dropped on Nagasaki. While those atomic bombs and later nuclear bombs did substantial damage over a wide area, as well as irradiating people and structures, while dropping considerable radiative fallout in its wake, the neutron bomb was different.

The neutron bomb was designed to produce neutrons pass through objects, leaving them pretty much undamaged. People and animals were not so lucky. The neutrons would cause lethal damage to the nuclei of cells, killing combatants. However, the range of the device was limited, so that neighboring civilians could escape unscathed. There would also be little or no residual radiation.

Cohen recently told the New York Times that "It's the most sane and moral weapon ever devised. It's the only nuclear weapon in history that makes sense in waging war. When the war is over, the world is still intact."

As true as that was, concern over the neutron bomb perhaps validating nuclear weapons was widespread. President Ronald Reagan eventually ordered 700 such devices, as a way of deterring any Soviet attack across Western Europe, but those were eventually dismantled when the Soviet Union disintegrated. Other countries were thought to have built neutron bombs, as well, but it is unclear if they have any operational ones left.

In his memoir, Cohen said the inspiration for the neutron bomb came from a visit to Seoul, South Korea, in 1951. The city had been devastated during the Korean War. He later said, in his memoir, "If we are going to go on fighting these damned fool wars in the future, shelling and bombing cities to smithereens and wrecking the lives of their inhabitants, might there be some kind of nuclear weapon that could avoid all this?"

Samuel Cohen is survived by his wife Margaret; three children, sons Paul and Thomas and daughter Carla Nagler; as well as three grandchildren."
Your posts are great buddy. :cheers:

The Indians here don't like them, not because of their content, but because they contain facts that make them uncomfortable.

The Indian Armed forces know these things, which is why they already admitted defeat.

While enjoying the natural beauty in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. :)
You know Martian2 is from Taiwan right?

That said, I think he would make an excellent leader. :)

He waves two american flags at the moment. Sure, he is a proud Taiwanese.

Anyways doesn't matter, Martian2 you are wasting your time here. PLA badly needs you. Take the printout of all your PDF posts and send it along with your resume, you will surely be the boss..
i think you are the one who is busted at sukhoi pak fa thread:lol:
thks for your information and your links:rofl:

Dont remind him man...busted by both Americans and russians, he is trying his luck with Indians.
that too when the 'original' superpowers were looking the other side.

They are in total state of delusion ... perhaps the CCP now says that "Nanking" was not a rape but a consensual sex.

And the chinese are meekly eating up the remnants of the consensual sex.

Sun Tzu said - There is no rape if you don't accept it. Call it pleasure. Enjoy it.
(And perhaps, later on they can say that the chinese forced this sex upon Japanese). :laugh:
LOl Chinese dragon aur Martian2, ye dono bhai aapas me ek dusre se he bat karte rehte hain aur ek dusre ki he posts thank karte rehte hain.... dusro ko pata b nahi chalta ki ye dono item kar kya rahe hain..
You ve got to understand the Chinese members situation , month end is approaching . Cash is finishing and a lot of things remain that need to be paid for .

This is crucial dhanda time .
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