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India raises concern over Russian attack copter sale to Pakistan

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1-2 trillion$ deals with China vs 100 billion$ with india. Plus China can help Russia topple the Dollar currency petrodollar nexus. Obviously,Russia is having Chinese pressure to offer weapons to Pakistan.
I was particular talking in terms of defense procurement only. Russia will not leave dollar, russia earns dollar and invests it in London, LSE is full of Russian petro dollars
For US its goal is to contain china, keep it busy in Asia so that it doesn't roam around pacific ocean, for china it is to get US out of east asian countries

ya lets stick to topic bruv

Problem is, Indian military establishment is tired of russia ways of things working, Spare-parts are a problem, over costs, niggles and russian attitude of not fixing it in time

Indian military establishment can go to west.But the west uses embargoes,india will have to come back to Russia or go independent.
PAF needs a plane which can give them enough range to hunt enemy in deep seas and provide sea and air assets proper air protection, and Sino Flankers fit in well.
they would, but if PAF plans a twin engine now, it will go for 5th gen and not the flanker
As for now, they have Ra'ad to strike deep
International Relations are all about securing interest and not about liking, disliking, countries have strategic goals and if any one become hurdle in achieving them then its the enemy and in long run US, Russia, China and even India's interest collide with each other, its only matter of time who will be who's friend or foe.

Sorry for being off topic.
as a russian i would say show me the money? Has any budgetary provisions been made?
This objection from India was a bit immature imo. Good choice for Pakistan. Will prove effective against Talibans.

I don't see Mi-35 being used as primary anti tank helo against IA, T-129 or Z-10 or may be Super Cobras will take that role.
Indian military establishment can go to west.But the west uses embargoes,india will have to come back to Russia or go independent.
All equipment India have bought come without avionics which india self manufactures or buys from Israel, the C-130j also has Indian avionic and communication equipment
they would, but if PAF plans a twin engine now, it will go for 5th gen and not the flanker
As for now, they have Ra'ad to strike deep

Ra'ad can not be used for deep sea ops as it is for land based target, also P-3s and other assets at sea will be needing air cover. In future PAF may have 2 twin engine planes one stealth and one none stealth but all depends on evolution of threat we face and our economic situation.
I was particular talking in terms of defense procurement only. Russia will not leave dollar, russia earns dollar and invests it in London, LSE is full of Russian petro dollars

I think your info is outdated.Have you been checking the currency swap agreements that Russia is signing with others. Russia wishes to launch the Petrorouble.

Russia has just dropped another bombshell, announcing not only the de-coupling of its trade from the dollar, but also that its hydrocarbon trade will in the future be carried out in rubles and local currencies of its trading partners – no longer in dollars – see Voice of Russia

Russia’s trade in hydrocarbons amounts to about a trillion dollars per year. Other countries, especially the BRICS and BRCIS-associates (BRICSA) may soon follow suit and join forces with Russia, abandoning the ‘petro-dollar’ as trading unit for oil and gas. This could amount to tens of trillions in loss for demand of petro-dollars per year (US GDP about 17 trillion dollars – December 2013) – leaving an important dent in the US economy would be an understatement.

Russia’s Petro-Ruble Challenges US Dollar Hegemony. China Seeks Development of Eurasian Trade | Global Research

The western media is pretty mum.But the US sponsored coup in Ukraine is pushing Russia into drastic action mode.That is why Russia and china have been bonded into a alliance ,russia would not have wanted.And it will remain till the US is toppled or World war 3 happens.

All equipment India have bought come without avionics which india self manufactures or buys from Israel, the C-130j also has Indian avionic and communication equipment

In event of western embargo do you think Israel will help india. Think again. Plus there are structural maintainance and corrosion,wear and tear issues also. Avionics is not just the main component. It is one component.
as a russian i would say show me the money? Has any budgetary provisions been made?

If Pakistan is willing to purchase military systems from Russia then they must have created some way to generate money. "Bohat Jugaru Qoum hain Pakistani" :D
I don't see Mi-35 being used as primary anti tank helo against IA, T-129 or Z-10 or may be Super Cobras will take that role.

No attack Heli will be used by either IA or, PA to attack each other. That will be plain suicide. Some might be utilized against armored attack, but I dont see that happening.
I think your info is outdated.Have you been checking the currency swap agreements that Russia is signing with others. Russia wishes to launch the Petrorouble.

Russia has just dropped another bombshell, announcing not only the de-coupling of its trade from the dollar, but also that its hydrocarbon trade will in the future be carried out in rubles and local currencies of its trading partners – no longer in dollars – see Voice of Russia

Russia’s trade in hydrocarbons amounts to about a trillion dollars per year. Other countries, especially the BRICS and BRCIS-associates (BRICSA) may soon follow suit and join forces with Russia, abandoning the ‘petro-dollar’ as trading unit for oil and gas. This could amount to tens of trillions in loss for demand of petro-dollars per year (US GDP about 17 trillion dollars – December 2013) – leaving an important dent in the US economy would be an understatement.

Russia’s Petro-Ruble Challenges US Dollar Hegemony. China Seeks Development of Eurasian Trade | Global Research

The western media is pretty mum.But the US sponsored coup in Ukraine is pushing Russia into drastic action mode.That is why Russia and china have been bonded into a alliance ,russia would not have wanted.And it will remain till the US is toppled or World war 3 happens.

In event of western embargo do you think Israel will help india. Think again. Plus there are structural maintainance and corrosion,wear and tear issues also. Avionics is not just the main component. It is one component.
Israel has helped us when west had embargo on India, Indo-israel friendship was behind the curtains since early 80's

Sir i am not mistaken, No country will want its currency to trade in global market freely certainly not russia, there are problems, economics once ... these are just threat russia gives

The amount of russian petro dollars goes into 100's of billions held by private russian investors in EU
Be assured, russia will not move away from dollars period. Neither china nor russia are in a position to completely move away from dollars, they can trade among themselves in any currency but they need dollars/euro's to trade with the world
No attack Heli will be used by either IA or, PA to attack each other. That will be plain suicide. Some might be utilized against armored attack, but I dont see that happening.

Both countries will use attack helos but mostly with strike formations to soften defense, but it will be not easy for both side to use them as both have good air defense now against helicopters.
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Israel has helped us when west had embargo on India, Indo-israel friendship was behind the curtains since early 80's

Sir i am not mistaken, No country will want its currency to trade in global market freely certainly not russia, there are problems, economics once ... these are just threat russia gives

The amount of russian petro dollars goes into 100's of billions held by private russian investors in EU
Be assured, russia will not move away from dollars period. Neither china nor russia are in a position to completely move away from dollars, they can trade among themselves in any currency but they need dollars/euro's to trade with the world

hmm......These are not threats but full fledged actions,US sponsored militias are murdering east ukrainians and russian minority and hence these actions.

Russia, China Enter Bank Deal Leaving the Dollar Behind

The amount of russian petro dollars goes into 100's of billions held by private russian investors in EU

Putin did not save billionaires who hid their money in Cyprus ,do you think he will save those who are in EU. Think again .

Dollar is a collapsing currency under derivatives.

ir i am not mistaken, No country will want its currency to trade in global market freely certainly not russia, there are problems, economics once ... these are just threat russia gives

Actions speak louder than words. Russia are decoupling from dollar fast . Your info is outdated. 400 billion $ gas deal with china is in form of roubles and yuan . Go read the gas deal agreement .

Russia dumped 118 billion $ of US T-bills. Think again Mr.Singh.Ukraine is like Canada to Russia. Ukraine and russia same blood and what US sponsored neo-nazi militias are doing has made Russia very angry.

Is Russia Dumping Nearly $118 Billion in U.S. Gov’t Bonds? | TheBlaze.com

Israel has helped us when west had embargo on India, Indo-israel friendship was behind the curtains since early 80's

If tomorrow USA told israel chose b/w USA and india who will it choose? USA obviously.Nugh said.
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