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India protests submarine sale to Pakistan

German parliament backs submarine sale to Pakistan
Submitted by Sahil Nagpal on Thu, 12/18/2008 - 20:38.

Berlin - Germany's parliament rejected Thursday an attempt to stop the sale of three submarines to Pakistan, with pro-government speakers defending the sale.

Last year, the transaction was approved in the first phase of Berlin's review of the sale by the German warship-building consortium.

Germany's opposition Greens party asked parliament Thursday to intervene, but the large government majority rejected the motion. However several speakers in government parties voiced some misgivings at the sale.

Rolf Hempelmann of the Social Democrats, a party in Chancellor Angela Merkel's government, called for a "fresh review of the security situation in the region" before the government gave its final blessing for the sale. (dpa)

German parliament backs submarine sale to Pakistan | Top News
Yup those shity Indians are the ony once who will save you once your soddy coast line goes down under the sea, your inland becomes saline and the begging bowl of South Asia became the largest begging bowl of the world. Let us see how much your Pakistani brothers can help feed your nation.

this forum is not allowed for under-13s...

Are you seeing how these firang f******s are making money at both our countrys' expense? They will continue to play one against the other & stoke the flames across this subcontinent because they know it's in their interests.

That is why I hope and pray that both Pakistan & India become self-reliant in their defence needs as soon as possible. Once we become self-reliant, we become self confident. And then no outsider can sell us stuff by poisoning our minds.

Are you seeing how these firang f******s are making money at both our countrys' expense? They will continue to play one against the other & stoke the flames across this subcontinent because they know it's in their interests.

That is why I hope and pray that both Pakistan & India become self-reliant in their defence needs as soon as possible. Once we become self-reliant, we become self confident. And then no outsider can sell us stuff by poisoning our minds.

That is not the point, even self reliance countries buy weapons, the AIM-120 ARRAAM is used by many countries even in the europe even though they have their own. Americans use the sea harriers originally developed by UK. So this isnt about making money, its about the need.
Pakistan is already way more self reliant than India...

Compared to India we have limited resources and cash flow, this is the reason why Pakistan has a very efficient top class military planning and Think Tank.

The way we've managed the JF-17 project needs no explanation, i.e. 50% cash support plus a team of 150+ engineers working in three shifts using Chinese infrastructure to make something wich is very much their own concept and gaining a lot of experience and technology transfer from our friends. This is the much better and efficient way of working than to reinventing the wheel and starting from scratch. :coffee:

Pakistan is engaging a number of countries to start JV's in designing and producing a large variety of military hardware, China, Turkey, RSA, Brasil, Italy and France are already working with us, in near future there will be more.

German U-214 is our next major achievement, the third one will be built in Karachi with ToT. :cheers:
German parliament backs submarine sale to Pakistan
Submitted by Sahil Nagpal on Thu, 12/18/2008 - 20:38.

Berlin - Germany's parliament rejected Thursday an attempt to stop the sale of three submarines to Pakistan, with pro-government speakers defending the sale.

Last year, the transaction was approved in the first phase of Berlin's review of the sale by the German warship-building consortium.

Germany's opposition Greens party asked parliament Thursday to intervene, but the large government majority rejected the motion. However several speakers in government parties voiced some misgivings at the sale.

Rolf Hempelmann of the Social Democrats, a party in Chancellor Angela Merkel's government, called for a "fresh review of the security situation in the region" before the government gave its final blessing for the sale. (dpa)

German parliament backs submarine sale to Pakistan | Top News

i will be very surprised if this deal is de-railed at this juncture.
German U-214 is our next major achievement, the third one will be built in Karachi with ToT. :cheers:

(Walter Freitag, the chief executive officer of the HDW, the largest conventional submarine maker in the world, told our sources on Tuesday in an exclusive interview at the IDEAS 2008 here that his company had finalised technical specifications with the navy to build three Type 214 submarines in Pakistan.)
(Walter Freitag, the chief executive officer of the HDW, the largest conventional submarine maker in the world, told our sources on Tuesday in an exclusive interview at the IDEAS 2008 here that his company had finalised technical specifications with the navy to build three Type 214 submarines in Pakistan.)

Thats true, they'll all be built in Pakistan but the third one with full ToT whereas the first will be assembled and second will have a lots of imported parts.
IIRC we had the same agreement with France.
Thats true, they'll all be built in Pakistan but the third one with full ToT whereas the first will be assembled and second will have a lots of imported parts.
IIRC we had the same agreement with France.

as far i know, France gave us one ready made A-90b the 2nd one was build with frenchi assestance while the last one fully indegenously.

i think the u-214 deal (3) will be indegenously build under TOT? :undecided:
It is news and for the haterz plzz just shut it!!!!
as far i know, France gave us one ready made A-90b the 2nd one was build with frenchi assestance while the last one fully indegenously.

i think the u-214 deal (3) will be indegenously build under TOT? :undecided:

I'll try to get more info on this, give me some time to consult with my sources.
I'll try to get more info on this, give me some time to consult with my sources.
Neo, could you possibly find out whether Pakistan is getting "comprehensive"
technology transfer, instead of just the namesake. To be more clear, are we just building those on license and manufacturing a few plates here and there out of raw materials? Or are we learning everything down to the last detail-i.e, which materials reduce accoustic and thermal signatures, hydrodynamic design, torpedo tubes, propulsion, AIP, command&control systems?
Neo, could you possibly find out whether Pakistan is getting "comprehensive"
technology transfer, instead of just the namesake. To be more clear, are we just building those on license and manufacturing a few plates here and there out of raw materials? Or are we learning everything down to the last detail-i.e, which materials reduce accoustic and thermal signatures, hydrodynamic design, torpedo tubes, propulsion, AIP, command&control systems?

Dude i doubt any country would give that level of TOT.........

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