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India protests submarine sale to Pakistan

India has always protested over countries selling arms to Pakistan, all they ever do is whinge constanty and quite frankly it's getting boring and repetitive. It makes India look unproffessional in how they always give the same bullshit story how Pakistan will use it against them.

ASalaam alikum wr wb Admal,

Welcome to this forum, LET INDIANS WHINGE that what they are good at, there will be many CRYING DAYS for hindus ahead. Their misery is eternal and very soon pakistan will conquer india to liberate muslims and other ethnic minorities INSHALLAH.:pakistan:
uh nothing too much to read in to it. It is just a formality. Germany is not stupid enough to loose more then 1 billion dollars of business.

Did USA, France, Russia, Italy and many other coutries lose billions for selling military hardware to Pakistan?

Do you know that Siemens is involved in the development of JF-17? The export version will most likely offer German weapons? :smokin:
It's just part of diplomatic compulsion (and also for domestic consumption) to show that they are doing something, nothing else.

And possible duping taxpayers by going on a crazy shopping spree of military arsenal than feeding the poor and taking care of the domestic problems.

I see how these mighty western nations take benefit of our emotional public and corrupt politicians by, first, engaging us in conflict and then selling us the military hardware.

Reminds me of Stalin's golden words, "When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use. "
That's why I said not to read too much in to this. What max can happen is the deal gets delayed for some time. As Indis might pressure the Germany to look in to the issue. They will again sit and clear it. That's it. Again India will issue a statement that they are not happy with it. And business will run as usual. Only glitch in this is if India is serious and says something through back channel something like we will not consider typhoons (in which Germany is stakeholder). Then the things might change. Or might put some pressure through other countries like US. But that is a remote possibility. Even if that happens you have option of going with Chinese subs. I am sure Chinese will be more then happy to beg the order.

I'm amazed to see Indian arrogance in this matter, you couldn't halt the RD-93 engine delivery from your own time tested and greatest ally, couldn't even delay this by a single day...what makes you think you have any leverage regarding this deal?

Pakistan today is a democracy, The front line ally in WoT and still enjoys MNNA status from USA. Furthermore mutual relations with EU haven't been better in decades. Italy and Germany are pressing Euro Parliament to enhance trade with Pakistan to help her overcome financial crisis.

Chancellor Angela Merkel is considered a friend of Pakistan in the political cirkles, she's formally approved the deal with following arguments:

"Navy material ``generally cannot be misused for internal repression or human rights infringements and the regional conflict with India doesn't have a naval component,'' the government said. Though a decision on the sale is still pending, such a step would help secure jobs at Kiel-based HDW ``for several years,'' it said.

Merkel's government has indicated to Pakistan that it will approve the sale and will provide a Hermes export guarantee worth 1.3 billion euros ($1.9 billion) for HDW, the Greens said in a preamble to the government statement. Merkel's export council, comprising Cabinet ministers, convenes in secret."
India protests submarine sale to Pak
12/29/2008 10:01:16 PM

In what comes as clearly a fallout of the Mumbai terror attacks, India has protested to Germany about its plans to sell submarines to Pakistan.

India has told Germany to call off the sale of 214 submarines manufactured by HDW to Pakistan over the next few years. The deal which is worth over one billion dollars is likely to be signed in the next few days.

India maintains that the sale would be a problem for India as it would definitely be used for conducting strikes against India.
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lagta hai kisi ko dar lag raha hai
And possible duping taxpayers by going on a crazy shopping spree of military arsenal than feeding the poor and taking care of the domestic problems.

I see how these mighty western nations take benefit of our emotional public and corrupt politicians by, first, engaging us in conflict and then selling us the military hardware.

Reminds me of Stalin's golden words, "When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use. "

Ha ha ha this is coming from a person whose nation has become an International beggar.
But this does not do any good to India's rep, this makes India looks like a whiny and a bitchy nation. You never seen Pakistan protesting against all the weapons that India buys from foriegn nations.

Is it? You need to correct your perception about diplomacy.

Same about being seen as whiny and a bitchy nation about Pakistan
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Did USA, France, Russia, Italy and many other coutries lose billions for selling military hardware to Pakistan?

Do you know that Siemens is involved in the development of JF-17? The export version will most likely offer German weapons? :smokin:

Neo boss, isn't the same thing I am saying. It's just a diplomatic compulsion. Even I don't think they are serious about this.
I'm amazed to see Indian arrogance in this matter, you couldn't halt the RD-93 engine delivery from your own time tested and greatest ally, couldn't even delay this by a single day...what makes you think you have any leverage regarding this deal?

Pakistan today is a democracy, The front line ally in WoT and still enjoys MNNA status from USA. Furthermore mutual relations with EU haven't been better in decades. Italy and Germany are pressing Euro Parliament to enhance trade with Pakistan to help her overcome financial crisis.

Chancellor Angela Merkel is considered a friend of Pakistan in the political cirkles, she's formally approved the deal with following arguments:

"Navy material ``generally cannot be misused for internal repression or human rights infringements and the regional conflict with India doesn't have a naval component,'' the government said. Though a decision on the sale is still pending, such a step would help secure jobs at Kiel-based HDW ``for several years,'' it said.

Merkel's government has indicated to Pakistan that it will approve the sale and will provide a Hermes export guarantee worth 1.3 billion euros ($1.9 billion) for HDW, the Greens said in a preamble to the government statement. Merkel's export council, comprising Cabinet ministers, convenes in secret."
Neo, reply is same as above.
Indians consider it their divine right to protest any arms purchases by Pakistan. Their script is now so common that many predict it before Indians even issue an official statement.
This is as silly (not to mention childish) as calling Russia to stop selling S300s to Iran..

Why the dont have the right to erect fences around their own home?
We are not a nation of whiners :D, that is why we dont need to protest to the outside world. While the Indians have been bitching for a long time, they really havent been able to change anything. Your biggest ally Russia didnt even listen to your protests :D, bunch of whiners.

Wrong, it is common for both the country to protest such deals which could tilt statigic balance on other side...

...India hopes to get the safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) clinched early next month, despite the objections raised by Pakistan.....
Deccan Herald - India hopes to get NSG waiver despite Pakistan protest
...Pakistan on Wednesday warned that any US move to sell Patriot anti-missile system to India would plunge the region into crisis and trigger a new arms race between the South Asian nuclear states....
Pakistan Times | Top Story: Arms race if India gets Patriots, warns Pakistan FO
Indians consider it their divine right to protest any arms purchases by Pakistan. Their script is now so common that many predict it before Indians even issue an official statement.

Anand has already replied any way. Can't the same be said about Pakistan
Our indian friends are so excited here hahahaa lol !!
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