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Featured India Plans $3Bln Drone Deal With US to Keep Eye on Border With China, Reports Say

Rustom 2 meanwhile is......

Russians were slow to ucav scene but have rolled out some impressive machines lately. India just assembling and disassembling just to keep rustom project alive.
A MALE drone cost more than a F35, yet they are still happy and party about it, why?ofc, anything they are getting is a "game changer".
Poor indigenous project rustom 1/2.

Quite likely with that very high price that huge kickbacks inside for Modi and his cronies making them all happy.

Why care about money to build toilets when the kickbacks and loot can make you and your families so happy?

Only Indian girls and women who got to continue to shit in the fields and bushes and be raped be unhappy. Indian men also happy with their happy hunting in the fields and bushes.

Democracy is rule of majority . And Indian men and Indian politicians reign supreme.
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So you guys paid $20M extra PER drone!? Which comes out to $600M!? :lol:

@jamahir @Ajay Ghatak @charene514 @IsThisNameAvailable This ties back into our conversation about the Indian Mars Orbiter, whose company, Antrix made 20-40M profit per year depending on source.

Like I said in that thread also, you guys are great at wasting hard earned $$$ and I love it.

Indian Mars Orbiter Discussion: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/indi...planet-but-where-is-the-science.685803/page-2 post 16 & 32.
$20M or $2B, whatever the figure is, all this procurement of weapons by India is because of CORRUPTION. Kickbacks. Brokerages. Middlemen. The people high-up (ministers, bureaucrats, brokers) do NOT want India to make these in-house. If foreign deals stop, their share in the pie will stop too.

News about China procuring some weapon from some foreign country is rarely seen, if ever. Lack of corruption in matters of national security is DEFINITELY one thing that China has an edge over India.

If corruption & kickbacks in such matters is done away with, India can develop in-house capabilities to a significant extent. Hopefully, things will change a bit in few decades.

Dont try to mix & match everything with Mangalyann.
All these geniuses .. talking about kickbacks and India paying 100 million for a 20 million drone..can they explain ..why did France pay 1.5 Billion for 16 non weaponized Reapers?
Fear of Pakistan is helping the west make a lot of money from theses idiots, our fear will drive their economy to ground
Drones are so easy to make.

Taiwanese Drones

Indonesian Drones

South Korean

North Korean Drones

Even Iranian can make so many Drones


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They could have made so many Toilets, Roads, Schools and Hospitals with this money. The unit costs may also include Spares, Repairs, Ammo, Logistics, Training ETC

Or elaw we can give it as a bailout package ...
India is like that prison bitch getting tossed around and extorted by the black and white gangs.

India has no choice but to buy weapons from the West or else it gets its arms twisted.
India is like that prison bitch getting tossed around and extorted by the black and white gangs.

India has no choice but to buy weapons from the West or else it gets its arms twisted.

The same western weapons, that Pakistanis beg for...that they should get them free of cost, as you can not afford to pay for them or are not trusted enough to receive them and in the end have to settle for inferior Chinese weapons.

Pray, tell us for how many times , did Pakistan ask for predator drones from US and were refused.
To be fair China should receive a CUT by these armed manufactures, as it is enhancing their business.

Don't worry, Pakistan is there. They will sell to Pakistan and indirectly will get their share. Also, will thank to India for that.
Like I said in that thread also, you guys are great at wasting hard earned $$$ and I love it.

I think India has enough of a defensive military and need not spend more. It has already become the world's second-largest importer of armaments.

I wish for India to spend resources on setting up a welfare state and also to spend on manned space missions.
Do they have access to a similar capability from elsewhere?
But does 100 million dollar worth it ? do you realized Pakistan paid around 100 million dollars for 48 wing long 2. if we invest so much in wing long we could have bought almost 1500 armed drones which were will have much more fire power
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