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India planning to occupy Gilgit-Baltistan & Azad Kashmir from Pakistan

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Those Indian members claiming that we are not interested in PÖK etc don't have backbone to admit that India will have to create similar situation there what ISI is doing in Kashmir. INDIA IS VERY MUCH interested in PÖK!! Why shouldn't we, it's India's territory.

This R**di Rona of Pak being terrorist state and India being responsible one is old now, stop crying. You have to counter them through similar modus operandi of what CAD does in Kashmir.

The world will have better visa norms with India if India's security apparatus and sphere around the mainland is stronger. This will give boost to market. And this is only achievable through more covert strikes as counter.
You can try but Azad Kashmir has always been pro Pakistan
I will just laugh at this news....India cannot do anything like that. Pakistan will retaliate with full might and we won't stop until we capture new Delhi then....Don't forget that there are a lot subscribers to Ghazwa-e-Hind theory, so do not make it easy for Pakistan to initiate that
I am for some time watching Indian news channels, i have during this time several times heard statements of indian politicians that they will "liberate" pakistani administrated Gilgit-Baltistan & Azad Kashmir.

India is building tunnels, bunkers, shifting tanks, big guns, artillery, filling up weapon depos, recruting extra soldiers for war with Pakistan.

Else India is supporting BRB, BLA, MQM, Azzakzai, Azwand Wali Khan and indian agents in Pakistan. All exposed badly in recent days.

When i watch Pakistani media, i just see politician fighting like dogs. Looks like pakistani side is not prepared at the level indians are.

After listning to indian politicians in last 2-3 months i can forcast that India will launch a sudden attack on Pakistani Kashmir soon and possibly open other fronts like Sialkot, Lahore, Kasur, Thar but objective will be to occupy Pakistani Kashmir.

I hope Pakistan is prepared for an intence war with India as all Indo-Pak wars are intence. Pakistan should fill up their weapon depo, oil,/gasoline stocks and recruit a few hundred thousand extra soldiers. Reinforce the Air Force to do the greatest possible damage to the Indian Air Force. As Indians are planning for decisive battle for Kashmir.

At emergensy basis stop extra projects in side country and borrow funds from friendly countries to buy extra arms to defense capability radically. Everything from aircraft, satellites, submarines, ships, thousands of tanks, anti-tank, anti ship and anti aircraft guns etc.
:woot: :rofl: :omghaha: :cuckoo:

:help: This guy needs urgent medical help!
It's now a real possibility because many in india as well as as in the US have a delusion that China sees Pakistan as a mere customer for her weapons. One of those delusional RSS intellectuals recently argued in a thread that China would not stand up for Pakistan if Pakistan is attacked. These RSS intellectuals have the habit of taking a peg of hard whiskey before analyzing any situation, the booze makes them see what they want to see and hear. Since they are almost totally devoid of logic and humanity, therefore, it' quite possible for them to embark on a misadventure as dangerous as attacking Azad Kashmir. Our Chinese friends should think about it, they must ask themselves, what is it which is making these RSS terrorists think that China won't stand up for Pakistan?

@Chinese-Dragon @Sinopakfriend @SinoSoldier

Dear T-rex,

Firstly, thank you for tagging.

RSS is a Fascist organisation this is proven beyond doubt...also by indians themselves. RSS and all its affiliates have formed themselves on the Fascist idealogy.

If you can recall the RSS 'volunteers' went to Mossilini and Hitler to fight along side them in WW2. If not mistaken they also joined the Japans fascist forces in Asia as well.

Even today there are so many admirers of Hitler in india where you can buy his book openly.

When the indina pm modi goes to report progress on his schemes of greater indian to RSS headups while being the PM of india speaks volumes about this nexus. Young modi left his wife and joined RSS as 'volunteer'...on all his election bids he stated his marrital status with a dash...he is a devout RSS.

In this background everything is possible. The expansionist hind idealogy is not containable by reason anymore. The hind empire has passified all state in SA except Pak.

Now they have unleashed their proxies for last ten years...this has devasted Pak economy. By now publically declaring his inentions...this modi has essentially declared war on CPEC and Pak.

Pak brothers, must be wise and not underestimate this idealogically driven expansion of this illegal state which occupies lands from China, Pak and your BD. It has turned practically all SA states into its colonies..except for Pak...

Sadly, there are many in Pak who will either like to appease the hindu empire or are acting as its proxies.

Will / can indian empire attack Pak? Pak is already under attack...so the modi will only escalate things from now on...might be foolish enough to attack PK with its armed forces just like '71.

China wishes to see peace all around its borders for the development of economy and society.

If Pak is destroyed by the indians then the indian empire will be reaching from Afg to Thailand physically...with your BD incorporated into the federation/union all in the name of democracy...same for SL.

Also liberation of South Tibet and other north eastern territories will become extremely difficult. Then indian empire will start creating far more trouble in the Free Chinese Tibet and Xinjiang.

So yes...this scenario will have broader implication for many countries, inculding China.

But China doesnt have to be involved physcially...Pak brother are strong enough...only concern is the indian proxies in Pak and those who want to appease the hindu empire in their misguided innocence for peaceful coexistence.

I would not discard any threat from RSS...it has be planning the greater india all the time since its formation. The only reason it exists.
Dear T-rex,

Firstly, thank you for tagging.

RSS is a Fascist organisation this is proven beyond doubt...also by indians themselves. RSS and all its affiliates have formed themselves on the Fascist idealogy.

If you can recall the RSS 'volunteers' went to Mossilini and Hitler to fight along side them in WW2. If not mistaken they also joined the Japans fascist forces in Asia as well.

Even today there are so many admirers of Hitler in india where you can buy his book openly.

When the indina pm modi goes to report progress on his schemes of greater indian to RSS headups while being the PM of india speaks volumes about this nexus. Young modi left his wife and joined RSS as 'volunteer'...on all his election bids he stated his marrital status with a dash...he is a devout RSS.

In this background everything is possible. The expansionist hind idealogy is not containable by reason anymore. The hind empire has passified all state in SA except Pak.

Now they have unleashed their proxies for last ten years...this has devasted Pak economy. By now publically declaring his inentions...this modi has essentially declared war on CPEC and Pak.

Pak brothers, must be wise and not underestimate this idealogically driven expansion of this illegal state which occupies lands from China, Pak and your BD. It has turned practically all SA states into its colonies..except for Pak...

Sadly, there are many in Pak who will either like to appease the hindu empire or are acting as its proxies.

Will / can indian empire attack Pak? Pak is already under attack...so the modi will only escalate things from now on...might be foolish enough to attack PK with its armed forces just like '71.

China wishes to see peace all around its borders for the development of economy and society.

If Pak is destroyed by the indians then the indian empire will be reaching from Afg to Thailand physically...with your BD incorporated into the federation/union all in the name of democracy...same for SL.

Also liberation of South Tibet and other north eastern territories will become extremely difficult. Then indian empire will start creating far more trouble in the Free Chinese Tibet and Xinjiang.

So yes...this scenario will have broader implication for many countries, inculding China.

But China doesnt have to be involved physcially...Pak brother are strong enough...only concern is the indian proxies in Pak and those who want to appease the hindu empire in their misguided innocence for peaceful coexistence.

I would not discard any threat from RSS...it has be planning the greater india all the time since its formation. The only reason it exists.

I have no doubt that the Chinese leadership understands all too well what must be done if Pakistan is attacked by the indo-US nexus. Yes, if india decides to attack Pakistan she won't be alone in this misadventure, this time she has the full backing of the US and this is why india has recently become so recklessly aggressive.
India, recently took the top spot in "World's most wet-dreaming nation" ranking.
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