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India pitches for SCO's membership, Afghan role

U r right .. India is not so serious about SCo..It can be gauged from the fact that when all the observer countries are sending their head of their states, India is sending its foreign minsiter. The only reason India says once in a while that It is interested in joining SCO is because China cannot get Pakistan as a member unless India gets in too and Russia wont accept if India does not get in...

Rite now Pakistan is in dire need of friends as it is the one of the loneliest countries..'Higher than mountains and deeper than sea can only work so long'
India already STOLE huge part of Kashmir from Pakistan and she still wants the rest of Kashmir.

Dnt worry you will never get it

It is not me but all members of SCO are worried about what will happen if India is allowed to join the club.

Care to provide source for your funny claim :lol:
They why you ???? They also need Afghanistan and Pakistani land for sea route but in case of IRAN they can directly access to sea route (much more safe they Pakistani route )

Iran does not share a border with China, the most powerful and wealthiest country of Asia and the country who founded SCO. And Iran also has good relations with China. Pakistan shares borders with both Iran and China and can connect these two countries. We are not competing with Iran, we want Iran to be included into SCO because of the strategic interests it shares with China, Russia, and Pakistan, we want all these countries to work with each other and benefit...but india shares all its interests with U.S. and Israel and can not be included into this organization.

And as for Central Asia, Tajikistan has expressed interest in access to Pakistan's ports. As I said before, we don't have problems with any country except india.
U r right .. India is not so serious about SCo..It can gauged from the fact that when all the observer countries are sending heads of the countries, India will be sending our foreign minsiter. The only reason India is saying once in a while that India is interested in joining SCO because China cannot get Pakistan as a member unless India gets in too and Russia wont accept if India does not get in...

Rite now Pakistan is in dire need of friends as it is the most loneliest of countries..'Higher than mountains and deeper than sea can only work so long'

LOL. Of course India is serious because USA has given order to India to cause trouble in the SCO but India's has to get membership in the SCO first then she will have the chance to spy and stir trouble.
Iran does not share a border with China, the most powerful and wealthiest country of Asia and the country who founded SCO. And Iran also has good relations with China. Pakistan shares borders with both Iran and China and can connect these two countries. We are not competing with Iran, we want Iran to be included into SCO because of the strategic interests it shares with China, Russia, and Pakistan, we want all these countries to work with each other and benefit...but india shares all its interests with U.S. and Israel and can not be included into this organization.

That what I am saying other then China no one need you

Still buddy you are to decide about India ??? :lol:
How can you be serious about an organization that has Pakistan, China, Russia, and Iran when your interests lies with Israel and United States?

Indian interests lie within the subcontinent, which Pakistan is part of.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3020041 said:
it proves indian is a slut, it likes to sleep with every body and anybody available

This post and those preceeding it show immaturity and has been reported.

It seems strange coming from a Pakistani. Mush dropped the Taliban on one phone call .Supporting the Talibs was the cornerstone of Pak Policy Zia onwards.

India on the other hand has shown two fingers to whosoever it felt when it so felt.

Indian policy is' India ' first, no Ummah or any other false notions of comradeship which are thrown out of the window when the heat is turned on.

... and whats wrong in seeking membership in SCO ? Is it an either / Or option ? If so then they too can tals a walk.

The world needs India more than than India needing it. All it has to do is look inwards and set its messy house in order, the rest will follow.

P.S. Uncle sam pays pak and bombs it too with monotonous regularity..if India is felt to be a slut by the same logic what would you call Pak?
Good! :)

now mail this evidence to this address:

Come on hafiz, whole Pakistan, China is relying on you to prevent Indian inclusion into SCO , :laugh:

Hurry , time is short

Agar dhum hai toh, karke dikha :rofl:


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