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India-Pakistan Talks

And attacks that occur in Pakistan, the suicide bombings are not at all supported by India?

This why I hate India so much..for all their cunning deceptive deeds they try to manipulate the world by saying stupid things like "We are ready to trust Pakistan." And dumb people believe India is innocent in all this. I hope Qureshi slaps Krishna in the face. :angry:

YouTube - Musharraf exposing RAW activities infront of Indian

another conspirator theorist...............
like I have said many times.................prove it.

India proved and even Pakistan accepted that mumbai attacks were launched from Pakistan.

has Pakistan proved???????

trust trust

Just answer............how many benefits India is going to get from Talks????..............and how much pakistan is going to gain????

consider and answer:cheers:
Welcome words

Relations between Pakistan and India have been strained and at times even volatile since the November 2008 Mumbai attacks which brought an immediate halt to the composite dialogue process. India’s initial outrage was understandable given that non-state actors from Pakistan were involved in the assault. Still, it was felt in this country that India’s attitude ought to have changed with the passage of time.

Discussions at Sharm el-Sheikh in July last year promised much but Mr Manmohan Singh, perhaps not wanting to go against the mood at home, was subsequently unable to tone down his government’s anti-Pakistan rhetoric. Pakistan consistently advocated dialogue, arguing that the battle against terrorism could best be fought through cooperation, particularly intelligence-sharing. In due course it was recognised by the US that Pakistan’s concerns over India’s growing influence in Afghanistan as well as the threat of conventional warfare on the eastern front were genuine and understandable. Mediation may not be the right word but it is clear that America played a role in bringing the two sides closer.

Now signs of a thaw are becoming more visible by the day. On Thursday, Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna publicly stated his country’s desire to reduce and possibly eliminate the trust deficit between the two neighbours. This, he felt, could only be achieved by going back to the negotiating table. A day later, Mr Krishna said his government no longer had reservations about Pakistan’s commitment to fighting terrorism. These are encouraging signs and it is hoped the July 15 meeting in Islamabad between Mr Krishna and his Pakistani counterpart, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, will take the two countries further down the road to reconciliation. Both sides should enter that discussion with an open mind and, to avoid an impasse, try not to make the agenda issue-specific. There is much to be discussed, such as India’s stand that there is enough evidence to take Hafiz Mohammad Saeed to court again and Pakistan’s contention that it is being denied its due share of Indus waters. The talks may not produce tangible solutions but at least a start can be made.DAWN.COM | Editorial | Welcome words
MOD EDIT: OFF topic the original troll post deleted

On the topic, there will never be a forward movement in the talks unless there is a bigger issue turns up on the forefront. An issue bigger than Kashmir. Only when the countries realize that the development and prosperity of their people is more important than Kashmir will things move forward. Till then, anything that comes up with any chance of success on resolving issues between these countries will probably be 1 step forward and 2 steps back.

People on both sides need to realize that none can take anything from each other by insurgency and terrorism and it is only a one way road to abyss of self destruction. Understand status quo and find issues to cooperate which are bigger than the desire for Kashmir.

There is a long way to go on that and India while extending the hand should be mindful of the huge thinking change that it is expecting....
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No certainty talks will succeed, says Singh

NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Monday he would make every effort to improve ties with Pakistan but he also cautioned that there was no certainty his bid would be successful.
Dr Singh, who was addressing a press conference to mark the beginning of his seventh year in power, was asked why he believed he would succeed in bridging a yawning trust deficit with Pakistan.

He replied: “Well, I can’t say that I know the answer. It is our obligation to make every effort to normalise relations with India’s neighbours. That is essential, I have always believed, to realise development potential of our country. We will make every effort; whether we succeed or not, that only the future can tell.”

The way the prime minister used the “trust deficit” to explain his Pakistan policy left it open to interpretation. “The trust deficit is the biggest problem and unless we tackle the trust deficit, we cannot move to substantive negotiations,” he told a questioner at the start of the press conference.

To that end, he said, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani had “agreed that trust deficit is a major problem blocking progress in the direction of moving forward and that it should be our common endeavour to bridge or to reduce this trust deficit. That is why we have agreed that the foreign ministers and the foreign secretaries would meet”.

Ties with Pakistan were not part of Dr Singh’s written statement. However, it became a dominant theme with the media. “We are going to make a beginning,” he said.

“The composite dialogue had been suspended soon after the attack on Mumbai. Subsequently, the process has not moved forward and this will be the first major effort to deal with the underlined cause, that is, lack of adequate amount of trust between our two countries. I am hopeful that this process can move forward. That was, at least, the message I got from talking to the Prime Minister of Pakistan.”
What benefits is Pakistan going to gain?

1. Ease pressure on the eastern border of Pakistan to focus on the internal threat and Taliban.

2. Trade. Indian markets can be used as an economic activity multiplier for Pakistan Industries.

3. India, Pakistan & Iran gas pipeline

4. Focus back on country modernization instead of defense modernization alone.

5. Normalize Baluchistan and get help from India in this regard for concrete actionable intelligence

6. Renewed sense of stability is South Asia can be used to foster economic growth. Nuclear stability in south-Asia

1. Ease pressure on the eastern border of Pakistan to focus on the internal threat and Taliban.
Don't see any signs of that, given that Indian pre-conditions to dialog itself have been absurd.
2. Trade. Indian markets can be used as an economic activity multiplier for Pakistan Industries.
Non-tarrif barriers hindering Pakistani exports to India remain in place, and the balance of trade on existing trade in India's favor as well.

Trade would be a mutual benefit, not solely one for Pakistan.
3. India, Pakistan & Iran gas pipeline
Again, no indicators India is interested.
4. Focus back on country modernization instead of defense modernization alone.
For India? Because it is a focus in Pakistan. There is currently a thread on the defence budget discussing this issue.

Also a mutual benefit, not one solely for Pakistan.

5. Normalize Baluchistan and get help from India in this regard for concrete actionable intelligence
So you admit India is involved in destabilizing Baluchistan? How else could India help given it shares no border with Baluchistan?

6. Renewed sense of stability is South Asia can be used to foster economic growth. Nuclear stability in south-Asia
That would also be a mutual benefit, not solely one for Pakistan.
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What benefits is Pakistan going to gain?

1. Saichen issue= What will be the outcome of talks?..........Indian forces getting down from height.............pakistan gainer

2. Sir creek= India controls that area...........possible outcome........pakistan gets share in oil exploration.

3. Water issue= India building dams...............possible outcome..........inndia stops or reduces storage capacity.

4. Kashmir== India shows whole kashmir as its area..........talks........India loser

5. Modernation process of Indian Forces==== Pakistan cannot match us bullet by bullet...............and will like us to slow down.

6. Growing Influence Of India in Afghanistan===== Pakistan wants India out and keep afghanistan as its province

Waiting reply.......What will India gain????????:cheers:
1. Saichen issue= What will be the outcome of talks?..........Indian forces getting down from height.............pakistan gainer
India spends more than Pakistan on maintaining its troops there, and loses plenty of men to the weather alone for a demilitarization of the glacier to also be a gain for India.

2. Sir creek= India controls that area...........possible outcome........pakistan gets share in oil exploration.
Actually Indian commentators were disappointed over the breakdown of talks over Sir Creek (after Mumbai attacks) since the issue was being resolved largely along the Indian position.

3. Water issue= India building dams...............possible outcome..........inndia stops or reduces storage capacity.
But India maintains it is not violating the IWT and no storing or diverting Pakistan's share of water in any case, so are you suggesting India is lying currently?

4. Kashmir== India shows whole kashmir as its area..........talks........India loser
Doesn't matter what India shows Kashmir as, most of the world still views it as disputed territory.
5. Modernation process of Indian Forces==== Pakistan cannot match us bullet by bullet...............and will like us to slow down.
This is purer dissemblance - India is not going to halt its military modernization because of talks with Pakistan.

6. Growing Influence Of India in Afghanistan===== Pakistan wants India out and keep afghanistan as its province
Strawman - Pakistan does not want a repeat of the past where Afghan governments refused to recognize Pakistan's existence even, and later refused to recognize its territorial integrity and sponsored rebel movements in Pakistan. None of that has anything to do with 'making Afghanistan a province of Pakistan' - that is typical Indian propaganda.

And are you suggesting that India will pack up its bags and leave Afghanistan because of 'talks' with Pakistan? More nonsense.

Waiting reply.......What will India gain????????:cheers:
I pointed out a few things where there were mutual benefits and others where India would benefit more. I fail to see what great unilateral benefit Pakistan will gain.
Dr. Manmohan singh is a soft person and I dont think he can achieve anything tangible from Indian perspective.

He thinks being magnanimous will help solve the issues with pakistan.
India spends more than Pakistan on maintaining its troops there, and loses plenty of men to the weather alone for a demilitarization of the glacier to also be a gain for India.
so what If spends more money on saichen............Pakistan wants us to get down from heights and give saichen to her control as it was before 1987( i guess year is rite)...........India dont want to talk on it...................But Pakistan wants............bigger gainer Pakistan not India

Actually Indian commentators were disappointed over the breakdown of talks over Sir Creek (after Mumbai attacks) since the issue was being resolved largely along the Indian position.
and what was talks all about????...............I am sure Indian will not want their land to be shared with anybody else.................Why will be put sir chreek in talks when we already controls it????

But India maintains it is not violating the IWT and no storing or diverting Pakistan's share of water in any case, so are you suggesting India is lying currently?
You and me will never know what our govt. do............we might be building capacity to block water or had planning to divert to needy places..................why India will stop building dams????...........Only because a hostile nation said so???..............naaahhhh........not gonna happen...............India will be loser again.

Doesn't matter what India shows Kashmir as, most of the world still views it as disputed territory.
i hope that world has Russia and Britain too

This is purer dissemblance - India is not going to halt its military modernization because of talks with Pakistan.
But pakistan objects to India's modernation process and wants to talk to slow us down...................

Strawman - Pakistan does not want a repeat of the past where Afghan governments refused to recognize Pakistan's existence even, and later refused to recognize its territorial integrity and sponsored rebel movements in Pakistan. None of that has anything to do with 'making Afghanistan a province of Pakistan' - that is typical Indian propaganda.

And are you suggesting that India will pack up its bags and leave Afghanistan because of 'talks' with Pakistan? More nonsense.
Not because of talks but outcome of talks will make India losen its stand and bear lose and gain of pakistan in almost every aspect.
Well your comment gave hint that Pakistan dont want a stable , self relaint state??
I pointed out a few things where there were mutual benefits and others where India would benefit more. I fail to see what great unilateral benefit Pakistan will gain

now tell me hows the gainer and whoes the loser..................????

I stand at my point................If talks ever gave result..........benefit goes to pakistan not India................India will be the only country who will lose ground:hitwall::hitwall:

pakistan needs to hurry up..............they got time till 2014 only........exploit Dr.Singh as much as they can.................Rahul gandhi will not be having a soft coner for Pakistan:cheers:
Dr. Manmohan singh is a soft person and I dont think he can achieve anything tangible from Indian perspective.

He thinks being magnanimous will help solve the issues with pakistan.

you know almost all partition era sikhs who migrated from Pakistan or lived near border have a very soft corner for Pakistanis............My grandpaa is one of them..............so as Dr.Singh.

They thing those are same people that were their friends...........but sadly pretty much has changed.

You might had seen that survey conducted by various news channels on one year in office of Dr.Singh.............and result was almmost same in all ...............Foreign policy failed..............people didnt liked talking to Pakistan .................when Pakistan didnt earned it????
Only because a wise man loves peace:bunny:.........BTW I voted for that wise man:devil:
Talking to each other is good. US and Russia talked for 60 years but never let there guards down.

Keep engaging india in talks, talking is good to keep throat clear.

But my dear country man, the day u trust india blindly and turn ur back to it, only GOD will help u that day.

Keep talking. :coffee:
let the talks be inconclusive.....let it drag for ever....occassionally send them few mango crates and be a gud hosts of Pakdiplomats when they come here for talks..let Indian military modernisation continue...and the economic growth...Pakistan won't be able to disrupt this because whole world knows that for every explosion in India, Pakistan is being blamed, let the baluchistan and Pakz war with TTP continue..let them be engaged militarily and war fatigued..let US to give them aid..pretend to cry, . when they give obsolete 30 yr old hardware. make sure u..buy latest harware from US/ Israel,occasionally move large columns of military hardware to scare them, but don't fire a single bullet...release few empty doctrines like cold start, dead start..Gen kapoor will do well..launch weather / DTH satellites and tell they r military spy satellites, build high power lasers and tell the world that its for military use.....deactivate all nuclear war heads and save money...test launch missiles and transmit live broadscast to make believe the missiles are upto mark and ready for war in case...just test nuclear subs and don't arm them with nukes..these r the few ideas to fool poor Pakistanis..and wear them down pscologically...and make them agree to our terms & conditions.....the dev gap will be soo wide that they will be start to think..submissively...
WHAT DO U GAIN FROM THIS DOCTRINE>>>>? NOT A SINGLE BULLET TO FIRE AND NO WASTE OF MONEY TO MAINTAIN WHITE ELEPHANTS (NUKES)...AND MONEY TO DIVERT TO OTHER USES..eq Build a million toilets !!!:lol::lol::lol: and preempt any Pak china move to embarass India...
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Is it only me or someone else noticed that People who are against any talks are the same people who claim that they want 'peaceful' solution of Kashmir.

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