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India, Pakistan cannot sideline Kashmir: Mirwaiz

The fact that every single Assembly election in J&K since 1951 till date has been rigged(with the possible exceptions of 1977 and 2002 which were relatively free and fair. Even they have been marred by allegations of rigging and coercion) has been meticulously documented by reputed Kashmiri activists like Prem Nath Bazaz.
Kashmir: Terrorism Or Freedom Movement? By Akhila Raman

Anybody can make an allegation especially when so much is at stake. The elections since the mid-1990s have largely been free and fair.

As i said before ,if your so sure that the kashmiris want to be indian then why not hold an election to find out......after all you are the "biggest democracy" are you not......and the kashmiris are going to vote to join india are they not..? considering it has been so generous and loving to kashmiris.

Why should we be the only one to go ahead with a plebiscite? Shouldn’t the elections be held in parts of Jammu & Kashmir under all the three state actors (India, Pakistan, and China)?

As I’ve said before, everybody is passing the buck.

The process is further complicated by the “lease” and the declaration of Northern Areas as part of Pakistan.

Care to explain?

Off course pakistan hopes and wants kashmir to join it.......the same way india would want kashmir to join india.

Why the U-turn?

Have an election and find out..!
Will the pro indian kashmiri parties win....?
Will the pro pakistan parties win ...?
Will the independence parties win...?
We will never know until election are held under the UN.

The UN mandated elections have certain pre-requisites which all the three (India, Pakistan, and China) are not keen to carry out.

Like killing 50/80'000 people and using state terror on the people......sorry thats india in kashmir.

Again, you ignore the pre-insurgency history of the Indian side of Jammu & Kashmir. You also brush off the excesses done by the terrorists and the “Islamization” of this “struggle.”

India does not want to abide by anything on kashmir.
Nehru promised the Kashmiri people in a famous speech at Lal Chowk in Srinagar that their wishes would be consulted in a plebiscite or referendum regarding the future of J&K. Naturally he was confident that the popular leader Sheikh Abdullah would be helpful in convincing his people to choose India in a plebiscite to be held in future and thus his beloved Vale would remain the Jewel in the Indian Crown. He would repeat this promise time and again in various speeches from 1947-1951 and the 1948 Indian White Paper clearly records that the accession of Kashmir to India is provisional until such time as the will of the people(self-determination) of the State could be ascertained by a plebiscite.

As I’ve said before, nobody wants to abide by anything on Jammu & Kashmir. I do agree that your post is factually correct. But I’ve already presented an argument above to the “absence of plebiscite” current that you’re harping on.

The day you govt goes to the UN and says they want to go along with what the UN has said on the kashmir struugle, like pakistan does ,then there might be some truth in what you say.

Pakistan and India and China, all three have not showed any signs of agreeing to the pre-requisites of the “plebiscite.”

The reason people are dying is becauce you have a half million man army there.

The reason why people are dying is the low-level low-IQ “conflict” which by the way, would die out if Pakistan (of which certain elements have not yet done so) stops giving “moral support” to “foreign freedom fighters.”

Are you not the one that is "hate-mongering" by not backing the wishes of the people of kashmir,the UN and going against what Nehru promised.

You call for death and destruction; I do not.

Further, what wishes are you talking about? What moral ground does Pakistan have to dictate India?

I’ll repeat myself, citizens on the Indian side of Jammu & Kashmir do not have an “intent” to ferment an insurgency; you want them to develop one and/or believe that there exists one.

I’m not saying that the citizens on the Indian side of Jammu & Kashmir live in a paradise, but they are much better than what you believe.

I agree lets look at what has not worked so far......half a million man army....state terror.....rape,torture,staged killings ect.

Was this 500000-strong army presence always there? Why was it put there in the first place?

I’m not denying the human rights abuses by the IA; neither does the IA deny those.

But what you’re doing is gross exaggeration and generalization.

Also, why not have a look at the records of the terrorist organizations?

And i want kashmir to be part of pakistan.

What about the citizens of Jammu & Kashmir now?

Trampling of democratic rights planted the seeds of a second wave of Kashmiri Nationalism ? Jammu and Kashmir National Liberation Front (NLF) was founded by Amanulla Khan and Maqbool Butt in the late sixties, which would later become JKLF and would play a major role in the 1989 insurgency.

With the rising discontent against the Indian Rule ? long promised and denied self-determination, erosion of autonomy, consistently rigged elections and lack of employment opportunities ? the 1987 rigged election was a watershed event in the Kashmiri politics. The Muslim United Front(MUF) candidate Mohammad Yousuf Shah was imprisoned though he was on the lead and he would later become Syed Salahuddin, chief of militant outfit Hizb-ul-Mujahedin (Hizb). His election aides (known as the HAJY group) - Abdul Hamid Shaikh, Ashfaq Majid Wani, Javed Ahmed Mir and Mohammed Yasin Malik - became disenchanted with the electoral farce and joined the JKLF.

Thousands of young disaffected Kashmiris in the Valley were recruited by the JKLF and a full-fledged Freedom Movement against the Indian Rule began in 1989. The insurgency was not only militant but also popular - Hundreds of thousands of unarmed people marched on the streets of Srinagar between January and May 1990 demanding a plebiscite. This popular insurgency was brutally handled by the hardline Governor Jagmohan by firing indiscriminately at unarmed demonstrators. An officially estimated 10,000 desperate Kashmiri youth crossed over to Pakistan for training and procurement of arms.

What was Pakistan's Role?

Pakistan has long held the resentment that Kashmir, which rightfully belonged to it as a Muslim majority State, was snatched from right under its nose by a clever India. Hence Pakistan has invaded Kashmir/India and gone to war four times over Kashmir in 1947, 1965(Operation Gibraltar), 1971 and 1999(Kargil). Pakistan had hoped that Kashmiris would rise against the Indian Rule in 1965 following Operation Gibraltar, but that did not happen. Thus, when a full-blown indigenous insurgency erupted in 1989, Pakistan was only too happy to take advantage of the golden opportunity and would fuel the insurgency enormously by supplying arms and training Kashmiri and foreign militants.

The pro-independence JKLF had a secular agenda and this was not to be tolerated. After all, Pakistan has not been too keen on the independence option and would love to have Kashmir to be part of Pakistan and thus backed the Hizb which favoured accession to Pakistan and played a role in decimating the JKLF by cutting off financing and in some instances provided intelligence to India against JKLF(!) . JKLF eventually declared a ceasefire in 1994 and remains a political group. Militant groups with Islamic agenda would proliferate through the nineties and have eventually taken over the secular Kashmiri movement.
Kashmir: Terrorism Or Freedom Movement? By Akhila Raman

Read the article again; it counters most of your arguments very well.

Further, the write-up does appear to be "opinionated."
Those who have no hope to win an election, boycott the same to keep themselves relevant for their nuisance value!
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