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India-Pakistan: Can We Ever Be Friends?

well then what right had the nawab of baloochistan had when he went with pakistan lolzzz but thats not an issue if you try to play games with a smarter and bigger and thrice as more power full enemy do you realli think we will not pay you back in the same coin ....lolzzz kepp on trying to anexx kashmir from us you are doing it for last 66 years we are prepaired for the worst but make no mistake you already lost half your nation in 1971 but then USA was there to ave you this time around if you try anything stupid we are ready :butcher:come when your ready :azn:

Who's talking about war here? Baluchistan is a separate case, BLA supported by India. No surprise there. I mean why would you not want to de-stabilize Pakistan, Makes sense for India doesn't it? A power that's smarter bigger and thrice as more powerful? Well Pakistan is still here :) and we've still kept you at bay. Losing West Pakistan was inevitable, There was no nation like Pakistan when West and East existed. It was literally impossible to make it work especially when we were such a young nation. Don't worry we'll see what happens in the future but InshAllah well liberate it. :)

Yes those are unfortunate cases, What do u expect us to do when we have Iran Afghanistan and India at our borders along with Saudi elements present in Pakistan who are trying their utmost to de-stabilize Pakistan? Come off your high horse and stop trolling. Thank God if it wasnt for the ISI (which is ranked number 1 among all secret service agency's) is keeping Pakistan alive.
Who's talking about war here? Baluchistan is a separate case, BLA supported by India. No surprise there. I mean why would you not want to de-stabilize Pakistan, Makes sense for India doesn't it? A power that's smarter bigger and thrice as more powerful? Well Pakistan is still here :) and we've still kept you at bay. Losing West Pakistan was inevitable, There was no nation like Pakistan when West and East existed. It was literally impossible to make it work especially when we were such a young nation. Don't worry we'll see what happens in the future but InshAllah well liberate it. :)
he he he hekeep on dreaming to get kashmir ..make n mistake we will never give it to you no matter what and how huge is the price

as for pakistan surviving still .... well there is something in the world called geo-politicks and we are the decendents of followers "chankya"+ we see pakistan also as a buffer zone from lawless afghanistan and keeping pakistan in this way suites owr interest better than anything else all you could do is pinpricking and your force against us is a joke onli concern is china but for that we are prepairing + now have all the strongest freinds who are giving there best to make us even more potent and leathel be it russia , israel , france , UK or USA or japan and make no mistake they are all chinas foes (dushman ka dushman dost hota hai)

so my little friend the point is friendship well Thanks but no thanks we will do it on owr terms not yours
India is a country beset by virulent hatreds of all types: political, historical, religious and social. These hatreds are so potent that they led to the 21st century’s first genocide. More than 2,000 Indians were butchered and burned across Gujarat, a major trading state in western India near the Pakistani border.

The murder of 2,000 Indians spread over just three days was no small matter, taking place as it did in the 21st century, and not in the 20th or 19th centuries. The fact that almost all those who were killed were Indian Muslims; men, women, elderly and children – eliminated on the streets by mobs representing the majority religious group, meant that this was a ghastly incident of ethnic cleansing and religious extermination.

In less than seventy years, since the creation of India in 1947, New Delhi managed to provoke a war and several border clashes with China, four wars with Pakistan, invade Bangladesh, fight a proxy war in Sri Lanka and indirectly interfere in Nepal.

The Indian military invasion in 1971 of what is now Bangladesh is a good example of how the combustible mix of hate motivated by history and religion poisoned India’s foreign policy.

In 1971, there was no armed freedom movement in Kashmir. There were no pro-Kashmir groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). In that year, Pakistanis were busy in messy and chaotic elections. Less than 40,000 Pakistani soldiers were stationed in East Pakistan, mostly in their barracks and posing no threat to India.

(Ahmed Qureshi)
Between the nations- not in my and my grand son's life time,
Between people-- even I have two or three..
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he he he hekeep on dreaming to get kashmir ..make n mistake we will never give it to you no matter what and how huge is the price

as for pakistan surviving still .... well there is something in the world called geo-politicks and we are the decendents of followers "chankya"+ we see pakistan also as a buffer zone from lawless afghanistan and keeping pakistan in this way suites owr interest better than anything else all you could do is pinpricking and your force against us is a joke onli concern is china but for that we are prepairing + now have all the strongest freinds who are giving there best to make us even more potent and leathel be it russia , israel , france , UK or USA or japan and make no mistake they are all chinas foes (dushman ka dushman dost hota hai)

so my little friend the point is friendship well Thanks but no thanks we will do it on owr terms not yours
That's just ur excuse using Pakistan as a buffer zone against afghanistan LOL, when infact you have very very friendly relations with that country, Dont bullshit me. Damn why do Indians have to spew so much bullshit.
The Pot calling the kettle black :lol:

Yes 71 gives India-1 Pakistan-0 and sure its background is India's insecurity in a United Pakistan.......deeep fear of being enveloped between East and West.....didn't it? So you play your part nasty, in-cheat, instigate succession wihtin united Pakistan elements......and then finally succedded in breaking it up.

And now when Pakistan playing the same game with same standards you Indians earlier bench-marked here comes hypocritical indains like CRY BABIES.......!!

Arey.....G may itna goo nahin tu, why don't just plebisite honestly in Kashimir and resolves the matter amicably.
oh my my ! tum pakistani galiyan dene me bhi hamaari naqal karte ho ???
That's just ur excuse using Pakistan as a buffer zone against afghanistan LOL, when infact you have very very friendly relations with that country, Dont bullshit me. Damn why do Indians have to spew so much bullshit.
well you dint get it afghanistanies happen to hate pakistan and pakistanies more than what indians of india hold against pakistan ...now india is a smart nation and we know that world relations work on mutual benfits than emotions and warmongering...so we need freindship and good relationship with afghanistan as we already have good ties with Iran and central asia ...hope you got the point ...if not its your problem and have nice day :toast_sign:
well you dint get it afghanistanies happen to hate pakistan and pakistanies more than what indians of india hold against pakistan ...now india is a smart nation and we know that world relations work on mutual benfits than emotions and warmongering...so we need freindship and good relationship with afghanistan as we already have good ties with Iran and central asia ...hope you got the point ...if not its your problem and have nice day :toast_sign:
No you use Afghanistan against us, Feeding them lies and bullshit its a common trait amongst Indians, I am done arguing with you, its useless. bye.
No you use Afghanistan against us, Feeding them lies and bullshit its a common trait amongst Indians, I am done arguing with you, its useless. bye.
lolzz grow up kiddo whats wrong in that if you could use kasmiries and sikhs against us why should we refrain to pay you back in the same way by your so called beloved "pashtun & afghan martial races" well bahi "apna usool kehta hai sawaal jis zuban me poocha jai uska jawab bhi ussee zuban me dena chaiye"
India is a country beset by virulent hatreds of all types: political, historical, religious and social. These hatreds are so potent that they led to the 21st century’s first genocide. More than 2,000 Indians were butchered and burned across Gujarat, a major trading state in western India near the Pakistani border.

The murder of 2,000 Indians spread over just three days was no small matter, taking place as it did in the 21st century, and not in the 20th or 19th centuries. The fact that almost all those who were killed were Indian Muslims; men, women, elderly and children – eliminated on the streets by mobs representing the majority religious group, meant that this was a ghastly incident of ethnic cleansing and religious extermination.

In less than seventy years, since the creation of India in 1947, New Delhi managed to provoke a war and several border clashes with China, four wars with Pakistan, invade Bangladesh, fight a proxy war in Sri Lanka and indirectly interfere in Nepal.

The Indian military invasion in 1971 of what is now Bangladesh is a good example of how the combustible mix of hate motivated by history and religion poisoned India’s foreign policy.

In 1971, there was no armed freedom movement in Kashmir. There were no pro-Kashmir groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). In that year, Pakistanis were busy in messy and chaotic elections. Less than 40,000 Pakistani soldiers were stationed in East Pakistan, mostly in their barracks and posing no threat to India.

(Ahmed Qureshi)
Care to explain the reasons behind butchering of 2000 people in gujrat?

If this is genocide, what would you call to killings of countless people by east pakistani army in 71, or worst, thr killing of 40000+ people/soldiers by TTP in recent years?

And you need to re-read the history from a neutral source about 71. Too much of madarassa knowledge is harmful.
How come india had 90000+ prisoners if there were only 40000 were stationed?
read the post which i was repling too . I dont mind lossing 10 more wars. It is an honor for us to fight a country 10 time our size, much bigger army, much bigger ecomany for our kashmiri brothers. It is worth every life we scarificed Still we r firm on out stand.

And what you earned? Nothing .....Take a passport of pakistan emblem and go anywhere in the world.Then you know real honour of a pakistani. After all this 66 years existence pakistan gained a label of 'failed state' and epiccentre of terrorism.When a nation like pakistan clashes with a nation like India as you mentioned above,It is like cat challenging a tiger.And one can assume what is the fate of cat like pakistan.Same goes to US-China,US-Iran,India-China etc.
Please man live kashmiris away,If they like you they will support you in 1989 when kashmir insurgency start,But instead they call Indian Army.:-)
Reading the posts on this thread you'd be right in thinking both countries will only be happy when they succeed in killing every single person in each others countries.

Thankfully, IRL, things are a bit different.

Isnt it time to leave all this stupid hatred behind or is the blood lust too exciting to contain?
Kashmiri 'brothers'??? :woot: First learn to treat your Shia's as Muslim brothers! :P Sunnis don't even consider them as Muslims! I shudder to think what you guys will do to the Shia's of Kashmir! No wonder they don't want anything to do with you, seeing the Shia's plight in Pakistan!

Nuff said!
again with the bullshit .. TTP is killing shia's , they have killed more suni's then shia... neither the state nor any did anythng to shia.. btw i am shia and no one ever said me that im not muslim ..but ur propoganda tvchannels come up with this bull shit...hindus have killed muslims, sikhs and christains diod u ever heard me saying that .. and as much as u run from the point that you are inveders and killers of kashmiris ...
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