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'India only gives moral support to Balochistan'

Fair enough, that is a different discussions.
As far as balochistan is concerned i believe in India Parliament and our PM can not lie in Parliament when he said that Pakistan has not given any dossier and we have nothing to hide if Pakistan wanted to include Balochistan agenda during last meet in Sharm al sheikh. We are ready to talk ball is at your court to prove on diplomatic forum not by conspiracy theories.

The common pakistani perception that a "DOSSIER" (which contain all the proofs agianst india)is just a plain white lie.Pak foriegn minister himself admited that no such dossier or proofs was givan to india.In qureishis own words“No, we didn’t. Actually, we flagged the issue on Balochistan. We asked for a positive attitude and asked for non-interference inside Balochistan,” .
No dossier on Balochistan handed to India: Qureshi | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Yet so many pakistanis believe that a lot of proofs of indian intervention was revealed at sherm al sheik."in front of the whole world":hitwall:
Pakistan crying 6 millions in flood, the whole country crying for insurgency, Pakistan crying to International community not giving much support or donations appealing again and again for Donations see who is crying more, you people are digging you are own one graveyard

Kiss my *** you f***ing troll... Indian **** bags - . This way.... Get the F out of our forum if you have nothing worthwhile to contribute. Fing dingbat, remorseless bigots.
Ok pls mate stop this hyper-exaggeration of ISI's capabilities.

No offence but we all saw how they performed wen suicide bombs were going left,right and centre in ur cities.

Every intelligence agency has its own capabilities :agree: and urs is not one that got trained in Jupiter with extra-terrestrial skills.

Leaving the rest of the rant I just want to ask. I am hyper-exaggerating about ISI's capabilities. Isn't you and your countrymen who are seriously suffering with ISI phobia. Right now their are dozens of posts by your countrymen on this forum who just revolve around the "evil" ISI and it's evilness. You just made the wrong conclusion dear. Correct your record.

Relax, take a deep breath.. Time for a break..

Kuch saas bhi lelo biich biich main..:lol:
India will definitely use the balochistan issue to its advantage.Whether it is currently supporting these insurgents or not,there is definitely scope for such support in the future.This is natural for any country which seeks the achilles heel of another.Does it not tickle pakistanis no end that India has its own achilles heel which it has been exploiting ever since the creation of two independent entities of India and Pakistan?The knife always cuts both ways.Pakistan has many such achilles' heels and so does India.Instead of exploiting each other's soft targets,we should co-operate and stop these insurgencies from damaging our respective countries.But this is not going to happen in the real world.So let's live with it and watch the future unfold.
India will definitely use the balochistan issue to its advantage.Whether it is currently supporting these insurgents or not,there is definitely scope for such support in the future.This is natural for any country which seeks the achilles heel of another.Does it not tickle pakistanis no end that India has its own achilles heel which it has been exploiting ever since the creation of two independent entities of India and Pakistan?The knife always cuts both ways.Pakistan has many such achilles' heels and so does India.Instead of exploiting each other's soft targets,we should co-operate and stop these insurgencies from damaging our respective countries.But this is not going to happen in the real world.So let's live with it and watch the future unfold.

Extremely astute. took the words right from my lips..:tup:
India will definitely use the balochistan issue to its advantage.Whether it is currently supporting these insurgents or not,there is definitely scope for such support in the future.This is natural for any country which seeks the achilles heel of another.Does it not tickle pakistanis no end that India has its own achilles heel which it has been exploiting ever since the creation of two independent entities of India and Pakistan?The knife always cuts both ways.Pakistan has many such achilles' heels and so does India.Instead of exploiting each other's soft targets,we should co-operate and stop these insurgencies from damaging our respective countries.But this is not going to happen in the real world.So let's live with it and watch the future unfold.

Realistically, this is exactly what I think of the whole issue. The argument of Kashmir being disputed vs Balochistan not being disputed in this case is pointless because the state the you're funding proxies against (again, however justifiable) is not going to care whether it is disputed or not.

Though I am more concerned about India's funding of TTP, which is unjustifiable (given their bombing campaign) no matter how you spin it.
India will definitely use the balochistan issue to its advantage.Whether it is currently supporting these insurgents or not,there is definitely scope for such support in the future.This is natural for any country which seeks the achilles heel of another.Does it not tickle pakistanis no end that India has its own achilles heel which it has been exploiting ever since the creation of two independent entities of India and Pakistan?The knife always cuts both ways.Pakistan has many such achilles' heels and so does India.Instead of exploiting each other's soft targets,we should co-operate and stop these insurgencies from damaging our respective countries.But this is not going to happen in the real world.So let's live with it and watch the future unfold.

Looks like I should quote what one of our Pakistani member said earlier on this topic.

Balochistan is not such a big problem for us like Kashmir is for India. Militancy is there and they have grievances but much has been done to address these. What has India done to address Kashmir issue? We are actually quite secure with Balochistan despite the Indian support of BLA and can easily wait it out.

I think this is adequate answer for your post.
A very small problem,can blow up and become big suddenly.The same happened with Bangladesh didn't it?Who can predict,what events are about to unfold in the next 15 years?Kashmir is a problem no doubt,the Kashmiris are suffering more than anybody else,which is a tragedy,but one that they have brought upon themselves unfortunately.It is not a competition about who has a bigger problem.Big or small the problem is here to stay.
Looks like I should quote what one of our Pakistani member said earlier on this topic.

I think this is adequate answer for your post.
A very small problem,can blow up and become big suddenly.The same happened with Bangladesh didn't it?Who can predict,what events are about to unfold in the next 15 years?Kashmir is a problem no doubt,the Kashmiris are suffering more than anybody else,which is a tragedy,but one that they have brought upon themselves unfortunately.It is not a competition about who has a bigger problem.Big or small the problem is here to stay.

And if you go through the previous pages we have discussed that condition of Baluchistan is far away from East Pakistan in every manner. Politically, Socially, Geographically, Economically and most importantly strategically. You can make your attempts and we would counter them. This is what we are telling you guys that your conspiracies aren't going to bring you any good atleast in IOK.

There is no doubt what you are saying is true.But the days of sending armies to liberate people are gone.Which is why,the tragedy for these insurgency hit regions is greater.

And if you go through the previous pages condition of Baluchistan is far away from East Pakistan in every manner. Politically, Socially, Geographically, Economically and most importantly strategically. You can make your attempts and we would counter them. This is what we are telling you guys that your conspiracies aren't going to bring you any good atleast in IOK.

I get lost for words when people draw parallels Balochistan and Bangladesh situation. I mean, where do I begin with the differences?
Reported.. inflammatory, derogatory, immature and insensitive post.

You are showing religious intolerance, hatred in its worst form. A person showing his true colors of hatred for all religions,a type of person responsible for all attacks in Pakistan on the minorities.
The very type writing the words "Kafir' on the coffin of a Hindu.

Further you are doing a good damage to the reputation of your country by writing this on an international forum, which is being read the world over.


Oh did I bruise your ego yesterday? Well tough because I won’t say sorry. You blame me for being insensitive yet you & other Indian members (with their multiple IDs) continue to mock me on the terrorist activities of BLA & Indian support as a pretext for our Kashmiri support.

You are the one who keeps bringing faith by first accusing me of having Taliban beliefs and then bring up the death of young boy who was left with a “kaffir” tag on his corpse. Note that I didn’t mention his faith or religion because what is more important to me is that he was a human being with equal rights of a citizen of our country. Whether he was Patel, sigh, Sheikh or Anthony is not important. What is important is that he didn’t deserve to die the way he was killed.

How convenient for you and other Indian members to blame Pakistan for all the ills while ignoring the fact that it is your Democratic government where the political parties arrange mass mobs to attack & destroy Churches And Mosques. Your serving Army colonel was found to be involved in the torching of Samjhota express. Your government & its agencies betrayed the trust of the passengers of that unfortunate train. And also killing of thousands of Muslims after the train Incident in Gujrat also pointed towards the fanatic Hindu organisations that have an insatiable obsession with violence towards religious minorities.

You blame me for being insensitive while mocking at the law and order situation in Balochistan? Isn’t that self contradictory? You keep blaming us for religiously intolerant yet its own state who has a record to attack & desecrate the Sikh Holy Site which resulted in thousands of deaths

If anyone thinks that I am religiously insensitive or derogatory then go and check out my post related to train incident in India related to Maoist fighting with Indian state

For all INDIAN arm chair “ANALists” who have become self appointed experts on Balochistan I would like to educate few things

Our province is blessed with a diversity of ethnicities constituting of Baloch, Pashton, and Sindhis & Punjabis. & Hazara. Baloch are not just in Balochistan but are in Sindh & Punjab as well. Some speak Seraki (a Punjabi variation) while some speak Balochi but are ethnically Baloch.

Indians who mourn about Balochistan being ruled by Punjabis are talking from their backside without any due knowledge following is the list of prominent past & present personalities who had been Army chief, Governors, prime ministers, and chief ministers who were ethnically Baloch
Gen Musa (COAS) Farooq Laghari, Balkh Sher Mazari, Zafar Ullah Jamali, Asif Zardari, Zufiqar Ali Magsi, Akbar Bughti

The last guy had been governor & chief Minster of Balochistan & member of nation assembly too. He lost sons, cousins, and grand sons in the tribal infighting which had nothing to do with the state. He was one of the tribal lords who extorted money, vehicles for the right of passage or work from the public & private companies operating in Balochistan. Then he decided to assume the title of freedom fighter when the state refused to bow down to his blackmailing.

Therefore I will say again. Indian “moral” support is nothing but a proxy war its intent is malicious and India has no interest or care for the people of Pakistan. Improve your track record with the minorities so that no more trains are burnt no more Mosques, Temples & churches are destroyed, , desecrated and burnt. If you cant do that then stop claiming to be the biggest democracy and the beacon of goodwill & outright innocence. We Pakistanis have never claimed to be perfect we have our own demons to deal with but we don’t brag about a false pride like you do.

Oh by the way you also brought in Shia Sunni issue. I have family and friends who are from both faith and also I have worked & grew up with Ahmedis. Well you might be pleased to know that the Idea of Pakistan was dreamt & proposed by Sunni Poet Allama Iqbal and then together with a Shia Qaid Jinnah we got our Pakistan.
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