One man's ignorant views don't represent an ENTIRE country neither do you (nice symmetry to this). Just who THE HELL ARE YOU to "speak on behalf" of all Pakistan and the families of the affected in particular? One ignorant, immature and hate-filled fool. It is clear you know little of what you claim to speak about. I myself have not served but I have very close family and friends who do/have (I am aware you said you've got some sort of connection to service but this experience was clearly lost on you) and have experienced the loss of a close,close family member whilst serving his nation (was in IA and was killed by Pakistani terrorists, but i don't particuarly hold a grudge to all of Pakistan like you do, for whatever reason, to India). From this experience I feel I can somwhat properly comment on behalf of these families waiting for news and I know 100% that these families would not give a **** what nation/army rescues their son/father/husband/brother. You really, truly would cut off your nose to spite your face.
Of course though either way this descions goes it is not you that will be directly affected at all. We know what decsion youd make if you were in charge. And I bet you will later go on to talk about "supporting the PA" and "remembering the brave martyrs" and "honouring their sacrifice" but when something could've been done you chose pride over humility. Truly, truly pathetic. Words can not describe what I am feeling towards you right now, you have really touched a raw nerve with me and you genuinely do humanity shame.