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India offers Pakistan joint naval exercises

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We will not leave you till Hell, until you give us back what is ours

Talk for your own self, dont drag us to hell with you. The way we do things here in India we dont have to blow ourselves to bits to find a place in heaven. Usually only doing good deeds in life does the trick!

People, the thread is 2 years old.

Anyways, I'm glad that most of the Indians in this thread were fine with the joint venture however few Pakistanis only were against. But, I would felt happier if the same kind of (positive) response were out from our Pakistani members.

Did such a exercise happen? Now thats a Big question!!
I agree with Jana, how would Naval exercises improve relations in any way whatsoever for Pakistan. India has its own agenda and Pakistan needs to have its own.

If India really wants to improve relations then trade and diplomatic relations can be a good starter, not Military, this is our defence, why should it be compromised. India may as well ask for a tour of our Missile silos instead, maybe that will improve relations for them, or tell them our nuclear secrets, that shold definately improve relations, way to go India.....
I agree with Jana, how would Naval exercises improve relations in any way whatsoever for Pakistan. India has its own agenda and Pakistan needs to have its own.

If India really wants to improve relations then trade and diplomatic relations can be a good starter, not Military, this is our defence, why should it be compromised. India may as well ask for a tour of our Missile silos instead, maybe that will improve relations for them, or tell them our nuclear secrets, that shold definately improve relations, way to go India.....

Yup true indeed. Perhaps we could even store your nukes for you. That would definately enhance our relations :rofl::rofl:
Joint naval exercises between PN and IN ?????????? :blink::blink:

I hope that that day never arrives. Heaven help us if it does. Imagine having a PN Naval ship commander who thinks like Batman or Omar1984 and an IN Naval ship commander who thinks like Ashokathegreat. India and Pakistan will go to real war 20 minutes after the joint exercises begin :rofl::rofl:

you are over stepping..............it will in 2 minutes:partay:
What does this mean?? i diden't Understand a word, perhapes you can eleborate.

O my GOD, i am going to have an heart Arrack.

Son .
Who Attacked on Pakistan's Front borders in 1965-INDIA
Who interfared in our Internat matters in 1971-INDIA
Who Attack & tries to Capture Sichin in 1985 -INDIA
Who Broke Sind Water Treaty ??-INDIA
Who dont want to solve Kashmir issue ? -INDIA
Who is Funding Terrorists in FATA -INDIA
Who is Running RAW bases from Afg ? - INDIA
Who said That Pakistan will not survive for even six monts after its creatinon-INDIA
Whome does BD hate even after you helped them ?- INDIA
Whome does Srilanka dont Like ?- INDIA
Whome does China dont like ? - Yes INDIA

& more & more & more.

open your eyes mate & see the reality, India acctually never wanted peace & stability in Pakistan.


When you read history books distorted by the Zia regime you are bound to get heart attacks.

Interestingly only members out here think India has always been the agggressor, thats because thats what is written in their history books.

But the people who fought wars says the other way round and I guess those guys knows much more than the present generation.

This is what Air Marshal Asghar Khan says.

The fact is that in the last 60 years of our existence, India has not started hostilities against Pakistan unless provoked to do so, or until we created conditions, as we did in 1971 in East Pakistan, for India to interfere militarily

General K. M. Arif in Khaki Shadows writes that in the immediate aftermath of the 1965 War

Pakistan suffered a loss of a different kind…Soon after the War the GHQ ordered all the formations and units of the Pakistan Army to destroy their respective war diaries and submit completed reports to this effect by a given date. This was done…Their [the war diaries’] destruction, a self-inflicted injury and an irreparable national loss, was intellectual suicide.

Lastly this is what AM Nur Khan says


Under his searching questions Gen Musa wilted and with a sheepish smile admitted that something was afoot. Nur Khan’s immediate reaction was that this would mean war. But, Gen Musa said you need not to worry as according to him Indians would not retaliate. Then he directed a still highly skeptical Nur Khan to Lt-Gen Akhtar Hasan Malik, GOC Kashmir, the man in-charge of “Operation Gibraltar” for further details.
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hope this exercises to be held annually, just like the indo-china army exercises :mps:

bcoz, a better india-pakistan relationship could improve the india-china relationship, vice versa.
Yup true indeed. Perhaps we could even store your nukes for you. That would definately enhance our relations :rofl::rofl:

Lol i just hope u can secure ur fissile material tht has been stolen lots of times from ur nuke facilities.
Lol i just hope u can secure ur fissile material tht has been stolen lots of times from ur nuke facilities.

Okay. Point taken. You store our fissile material and we store your nukes. First we agree on joint administration of whole of Kashmir while we talk. Will have the Americans, Europeans , Russians and other arm suppliers rushing to our capitals to check whether our leaders have gone insane :rofl::rofl:
Ok this may sound insane but i think its a great idea. Both Pak and Indian militaries should work out their differences. Infact i am not only in favour of joint exercises but also some sort of dialogue between the two militaries.:pakistan:
You know you can be a real hero at BR if not already. Try this stuff there, it will sell like a hot cake.

@ Icecold
Its quite funny with the same cut, copy, paste retorts from my fellow Pakistani friends. When the tumbler is empty, you cant help make stupid noise. Nonetheless, the article I quoted is by Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) with their headquarters in Hongkong, China. You guys blindly accept anything that comes out of China....so whats the problem in accepting this...

How about you post a link to your article in the 1st place so i wouldnt have bothered to reply to the nonsense in the 1st place neither do i take part in one in the 1st place. Also the colour you used clearly indicated the tone that you were using.
The last line is just more BS from you, tells alot about where you are coming from.
How about you post a link to your article in the 1st place so i wouldnt have bothered to reply to the nonsense in the 1st place neither do i take part in one in the 1st place. Also the colour you used clearly indicated the tone that you were using.
The last line is just more BS from you, tells alot about where you are coming from.

I come from India mate....and the question abt me BSing you....if you wanted to find the truth, you could have just googled the headlines....I hope you are that much tech savy.....


You have already googled it...found the article to be true.....so rather than accepting it...you are BSing rest of the forum members....
I come from India mate....and the question abt me BSing you....if you wanted to find the truth, you could have just googled the headlines....I hope you are that much tech savy.....


You have already googled it...found the article to be true.....so rather than accepting it...you are BSing rest of the forum members....

Dont try to be over smart because in that process you are making a fool out of yourself. You found enough time to post some nonsense yet could not post the link and instead you asking me to google. Why should i google, learn some rules, you dont just run your mouth out of your *** as maybe the case in BR, here you back your claims with appropriate links.

And yes people like you can only come from India. No surprise here.
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