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India not a threat: Zardari



New Recruit

Feb 23, 2009
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Washington: President Asif Ali Zardari has said India is not a threat to Pakistan and it is facing danger from the terrorists inside the country.

"Well, I am already on record. I have never considered India a threat," Zardari said in an interview on the PBS news channel's popular show "Newshour With Jim Lehrer" yesterday.

This is the first time a top Pakistani leader has publicly said that India is not a threat to his country; a fact which Obama Administration has been trying to convince Zardari and the Pakistan Army for quite some time now.

"I have always considered India a neighbour, which we want to improve our relationship with. We have had some cold times and we have had some hard times with them. We have gone to war thrice, but democracies are always trying to improve relationships," Zardari said while responding to a question about "which being the greatest threat to Pakistan? India, or the militants." Last month, at a White House press conference held on the occassion of his 100 days in office, Obama had said such a believe against India by the Pakistani establishment was "misguided".

It is believed that both Obama and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in their meetings with Zardari this week impressed upon him that Pakistan should no longer consider India as a primary threat and rather concentrate its energies on fighting terrorism inside the country. However, there has been no official word from the Obama Administration in this regard so far after the meetings.

While responding the question about moving troops from Indian border to the tribal areas of Pakistan to fight the war against terrorism, Zardari said: "Pakistan has already done so." In an interview to a news channel on Friday Zardari had said Pakistan has already move troops from the Indian border and would do more based on the requirement.

"The fact is that we have moved more troops today and yesterday and the day before. We moved them according to the requirement.

"We already have 125,000 personnel there. So when we need to replace them, we need to improve upon their strength, we do that," Zardari said in response to a question.:pop:
What else would we expect, when he is in US with a begging bowl? He has to sing to US's tone.
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zardari Imo is a good leader and a good diplomat...it's just that these are troubled times for pak...and a lot was expected from him...if Zardari survives this...iam sure he would be sincere in leading pakistan to peaceful times..
Doesn't surprise me at all him after all one can expect him to come up with such cheap statements to please his american masters none the less, the principal focus should be and will be India.
zardari Imo is a good leader and a good diplomat...it's just that these are troubled times for pak...and a lot was expected from him...if Zardari survives this...iam sure he would be sincere in leading pakistan to peaceful times..

Ohh give me a break will you. Just because he is issuing statements that are very pleasant to both the US and Indian ear does not make him a good leader( even India knows that). He is not more then a thug who has been given a chance to rule Pakistan thanks to the uneducated masses who were fooled once again for the roti kapra makan crap. ZADARI has neither the capability nor the determination or will to steer Pakistan out of trouble times.
Man, I don't automatically want to drag American involvement into this.
But it's so obvious, either Zardari has very bad timing with his words, or he's really serving U.S. interests and agenda.
I'm assuming the latter.
We don't really have to worry about his statements.He just have about 2-3 years after that i highly doubt PPP will win elections again anytime soon considering their performance..
zardari Imo is a good leader and a good diplomat...it's just that these are troubled times for pak...and a lot was expected from him...if Zardari survives this...iam sure he would be sincere in leading pakistan to peaceful times..

Lol now i know who is supporting zardari...the INDIANS and the US....because he himself has no power base whatsoever!!! so if he says india is not the enemy more or less his opinon is the US and INDIAN opinon and the whole of pakistan disagrees with him!!
i think for money zardari can say and do anything....saying india is not the enemy is a small ask...!!
well you appointed him...he did not deliver...it wasn't the best of times to be the pm of pakistan...
no we appointed PPP not him...he appointed himself...!!! please go do some research before making comments SIR!!
India is a threat to Pakistan - it will remain so - one just has to look at the locations of Indian Army formation HQs and it will answer your questions - majority of their air force bases are also located along the eastern border - there is 60 years history of confontration and mistrust between the two nations - troops of both nations stand eye-ball-to-eye-ball along the LOC - there may be a "uneasy" peace at present but things can change rapidly.
didnt surprised me, wat else can u expect from ZARDARI

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