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India must take a ‘free Tibet’ stand

never existed?? than why,your a$$ burn...even dalai lama even do his sh!T in toilet. I see China as part of another Axis of EVIL as long as those communist, power hungry politicians kill peaceful
Tibetans and invade it with armed military forces! It can NOT be ANY clearer, Tibet belongs to Tibetans and NOBODY else! Chinese in power that support invading peaceful Tibet are further destroying an already very shaky.China world image. The world is now seeing China for the Evil, Terroristic Communist that it is. Remember that
You people dont have sympathy for others ...you have mentality of grabbing not negotiations.....hunger for land,resources ......
you have problem with tibet,taiwan,India,Vietnam, philippines,Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei....
So,the conclusion is that these countries are not the problem...problem is itself china...

Tibet belong to Tibetans, and Tibetans are Chinese. End of discussion
Tibet belong to Tibetans, and Tibetans are Chinese. End of discussion

oohhhh....Tibetans are Chinese thats why 111,170 in exile. India 85,000; Nepal 14,000; Bhutan 1,600; Switzerland 1,540; Rest of Europe 640; Scandinavia 110; USA and Canada 7,000; Japan 60; Taiwan 1,000; Australia and New Zealand 220;....
oohhhh....Tibetans are Chinese thats why 111,170 in exile. India 85,000; Nepal 14,000; Bhutan 1,600; Switzerland 1,540; Rest of Europe 640; Scandinavia 110; USA and Canada 7,000; Japan 60; Taiwan 1,000; Australia and New Zealand 220;....

I'm living in Germany, but I'm a Chinese.
Nice to know But most of Tibetans live in Exile.

Who told you most of Tibetans are living in exile.
As the newly finished rail way, the development in Tibet will catch up with the rest of china. The small number of Tibetans who misled by DL will come back to China.
So, umm you're a Tibetan? Curious, All Tibetans i know are fanatically anti-PRC. Obviously they do not appreciate the deaths of one million Tibetans and the destruction of 8000 monasteries during the illegal occupation of Tibet.
So, umm you're a Tibetan? Curious, All Tibetans i know are fanatically anti-PRC. Obviously they do not appreciate the deaths of one million Tibetans and the destruction of 8000 monasteries during the illegal occupation of Tibet.

I think you are talking about the cultrure reveloution, which was disaster for the whole country not only for Tibet. But It's already in histroy and it's over. The fact is tibetans are chinese people, this is China's problem. And we are solving this problem now.
This is not 1962. India will eventually support free Tibet as long as China does not interfere and release Aksai Chin back.

No need to get personal here.

Do not talk without facts again! When will India support free Tibet?

No need to get personal here!
We are not living in imagination world, We Indians do remember 1962, Some rats kep saying Indo-A$$es brothers and all of sudden attacked from back. First before talking about our India remember how your PRC rats scared of Taiwan , Japan and S Korea now, How your women and kids worked for Japanese soldiers. Then you can think of GOI.

Its not India dare to attack China, but its China . Because we never been aggressor until or unless we are forced to do so.

If people of India think we need to take free Tibet Stand, our representatives will also do the same, because its not PRC that our voice not heard by any body and live under slavery.

I heard in another thread that Indian forgotten about 1962! Indian word cannot be trusted!

When will you guys learnt to accept the truth? A lost is a lost. If you are going to find more excuse, i doubt you will be world power, you will forever be in 2nd grade country.:china:
So, umm you're a Tibetan? Curious, All Tibetans i know are fanatically anti-PRC. Obviously they do not appreciate the deaths of one million Tibetans and the destruction of 8000 monasteries during the illegal occupation of Tibet.

How many Tibetian you know?

There are Tibetian Chinese and Hans Chinese died during cultural revolutions.

During cultural revolutions, it is not race specified. Many people suffer in this disastrous movement.

Because his link comes from CNN, and we Chilese peoples velly velly likes the Amelicas peoples. Beats BBC back to the trash where it belongs! Dang Brits. How do you know our Govt. is denying everything? Proof? Evidence? Don't stereotype communist govts. I can also say that, I read on 1 article, it takes a decade to put down the decision of where to construct a miniature bridge in India. Is this true for all decisions which the India Govt. makes? I'd hope not!

I am not gonna hijack the thread any more but you are denying the facts again and again..I gave you evidence of your Governments covering up in another thread when you asked.. I am sure that you will reject every proof i will give you.because you are not ready to accept the truth..Can wake up a man who is sleeping but cant wake up a man who is pretend to be sleeping...

And about decision making of our government..yes some time its takes time because there are lot to consider..The peoples concerns have to be addressed..you know a single person petition in a court can stay any work government is doing..I can say its the beauty of democracy..even a single persons voice count..

You can defame my country by putting more pictures of India..and you and your buddies can talk like experts about India with out knowing anything about India..All I am saying is that every country has its share of problems..you can deny it and have a close your eyes from it but nothing gonna change the reality.
Go ahead. In fact, I dare you.

It's about time China should scrap the NPT and transfer more nuclear accessories to Pakistan.
india is not gonna take an official free Tibet stance, end of debate so long as it has more to gain from having a relationship of some kind with china at least.
Go ahead. In fact, I dare you.

It's about time China should scrap the NPT and transfer more nuclear accessories to Pakistan.

What good will it do to you? When the time comes, we will be as merciless against Pakistan as against China.
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