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India mum on Nobel winner Liu Xiaobo

India can not hand over refugees cum asylum seekers cum people in exile(their own terminology) to China like Nepal has done recently.

who ask for you to hand over anyone?

My theory is supported by China's reluctance to challenge Dalia Lama himself but nations supporting him. DL was not invited and was never groomed against China by India. He is a proclaimed leader of Tibetans (by the Tibetans and for the Tibetans) who fled due to Chinese invasion of Tibet (for good or bad cause). Before accusing India Chinese poster should give mind to the time line of events.

challenge him how? he is a proclaimed leader of Tibet he was actually the representative of Tibet a while ago in beijing but then he turned and went up in armed the revolt failed and he fled. also he might not be trained etc by india but he and his fighter were funded and trained by the CIA(admitted to by the cia) in the past and made their way into Tibet via india. also did i mention that technically the ruler(emperor) in mainland china is a rank above the title of Dalai Lama as the emperor is rank as a living deity Mapping Chengde: the Qing landscape ... - Google Books

Ask any sane Pakistani poster if they are insensitive to push back afghan refugee until unless the situation in Afghanistan become conducive for them to live.

who said push them back i already said they can stay so long as say these people refrain from running a separate(illegal by your own standards) government. or are you saying these people can do whatever they want because they are refugees?

If DL can roam around whole world then any neutral nation can mediate between China and him. But since China is not interested in him as they are now the bonafied landlords of the Tibet, the rest become useless to care, which includes accusing if/will India instigating DL against China.

not interested? have you not notice how they protest every time a government member meets him? that is far from not interested its just that china cant exactly forcefully take him while he is in some else's sovereign land.

India has shown great care to Chinese sensitivity including trusting Chinese officials that there was never a border dispute just after Indian independence. But China has done hundreds of pin pricks to us till today, purely for its grand strategic aspiration only (specially after Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Read Chinese encirclement and then helping Pakistan and pushing compressible India on Dalia Lama excuse). China should thank its luck that India was not a western of western ally nation otherwise Tibet had became Afghanistan of China.

china has never recognized the British claim that India uses even Britain doesn't recognize those claims. and you speak of pin pricks while the only war between us was a direct cause due to india's forward policy and refusal to negotiate ( as determined by the CIA)
and as for your tibet as Afghanistan for china then you too should thank china for not supporting(and housing i might add) various Indian rebels like Maoist and others

DL was/is/will never be an element to attract Chinese threat perceptions (any PLA watcher can tell us) of any kind, but will serve as a bogeyman to bully others for sure. isn't it fantastical? Like we say in urdu, ''miyan ke jutey miyan ke ser'' cleric's (clever person's) shoe; to beat cleric's own head}. China is safe and sound irrespective of what DL says or does.

its a matter of principle, obviously DL is no longer a military threat but just like in the boat captain case with japan, one man being sentenced does not equal japan getting full control of the disputed lands but in international politics if you dont voice your opinions and concerns its as if you gave in.

again i will state that the DL probably did not instigate some of the things (like the protests) but non the less you gave no convincing argument that the CCP needs him as a bogy man rather than wanting him gone, nor have you made a convincing argument that the separate government should be allowed, they are illegal based on your own governments standing
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Good stand by India in favor of China. It is a good political move indeed.

I don't care about Nobel and western blah blah.... but personally think that no one should be imprisoned for something like that.
Good stand by India in favor of China. It is a good political move indeed.

I don't care about Nobel and western blah blah.... but personally think that no one should be imprisoned for something like that.

True! imprisonment gives a lot of attention to the issue.

But its still unbelievable that guy actually supports colonization.
Indian politicians always let India down:

a.) They don't talk about freeing of occupied Kashmir across border. But our enemy don't respond to our goodwill gestures.

b.) India don't allow free tibet movement and recognise Tibet as part of china but china don't care about our integral parts and wanna grab our land and bully us.

c.) India don't recognise taiwan but china don't see our goodwill on the other hand chinese do everythinbg possible to harm India and slows down our growth.

And the politicians and babus have long neglected our defense forces that we have to bear the bullying china.
we are talking about sensitivities to china not the UN or anyone else and there is NO international definition of what a terrorist is.
i am not saying for you to kick out the refugees merely that these people do not run this organization(if they do it in secret out side of government control then that is something different)

Anyway...both countries are doing good from a business standpoint and will hopefully continue to do so in future, regardless of sensitive issues.
so whats hosting the Dalai lama and the Tibetan government in exile all about?

India had legally accepted Tibet as part of China and also support its 1 China policy,i think that is more than enough

if India really had an intention of using Dalai lama against China then India maps still had shown Tibet as a free nation
applesauce: who ask for you to hand over anyone?

If he is a terrorist as you have said then why you are not asking him to be handed over. Your hesitation can be used against you. Clear yourself and come up with a sound argument.
You are now nitpicking lines cause your accusation vis a vis Chinese sensitivity and DL in India has gone into dust. The holistic sense of my assertion is simply to snub the only one claim all Chinese typically make that India is harboring Tibetans against China. You have yourself supported my argument that he is not a factor to be in PLA simulations of war practices and any keen PLA watcher can tell you for sure. Like we say ''tel dekho tel ke dhar dekho'' See whats in oil and how it flows. Follow the money(foreign policy) if you want to follow the threat (military), no where in recent past China has invested military resources to curb would be uprising in Tibet rather they are busy investing in Japan et al.

If he is not a threat to China then why China should accuse India and punish on different issues sensitive to her (India). Bogeyman isn't it?

challenge him how?

Why would you risk your diplomatic relations with any nation including USA if president is meeting with him?

1. No harm since there is no risk of back firing cause any sane nation would simply ignore the protest due to its low face value.

2. Lack of other powers (soft etc.) to project and to create diplomatic pressures/leverages thus DL good enough to inject guilt in other nations and threats of so called repercussions (trade, diplomatic etc).

3. Elephant's tusks for domestic exhibition.

Why would you challenge such high value package (an excuse) who is serving your 'a kind of power projection?

To answer your question i would say, when a MEA spokesperson draft a protest they do write it very carefully. Till today i haven't seen a single statement where DL was condemned but the nation. China can not order others to segregate him.

he is a proclaimed leader of Tibet he was actually the representative of Tibet a while ago in Beijing but then he turned and went up in armed the revolt failed and he fled.
also did i mention that technically the ruler(emperor) in mainland china is a rank above the title of Dalai Lama as the emperor is rank as a living deity Mapping Chengde: the Qing landscape ... - Google Books

You can not establish relation between Tibet and China with this one sided generic imperial nonsense. Tibetan language, culture, religion was exported from some where else not China. How Chinese emperor was greater then rest of the humanity or his title, has nothing to do with if inferior legitimacy or status of DL. Tibet was a separate entity having relationships with Mongols and Indian kings as well, but only after 17th century Chinese started to Claim that Tibet was a under Qing administration which many Tibetans still disagree.

I do not want to go into this cause both parties have made different claims. Why he would revolt when Tibet was always a sovereign feudal monarchy and DLs were its supreme leaders. Treaty signed by DL to his disciple qing emperor was to protect Tibet against military invasions, not an instrument of Accession.

Also he might not be trained etc by india but he and his fighter were funded and trained by the CIA(admitted to by the cia) in the past and made their way into Tibet via india. Mapping Chengde: the Qing landscape ... - Google Books

America offered help to India and India at the start accepted it. But timid India for not becoming west's proxy again, refused that help till today. 1962 war is testimony to that; when stakes were high and offer was more inviting.

who said push them back i already said they can stay so long as say these people refrain from running a separate(illegal by your own standards) government. or are you saying these people can do whatever they want because they are refugees?
not interested? have you not notice how they protest every time a government member meets him? that is far from not interested its just that china cant exactly forcefully take him while he is in some else's sovereign land.

They are not issuing passports or stapled visa's from Dharmshala.
''The govt in exile'' is a technicality not legality against China's claim of Tibet. India is not a signatory of United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. So to survive as a human and travel to other nations they need some de facto provision. Therefore there is nothing to give China sleepless nights about this. However what China is doing to Kashmiri people who own Indian Passport is a sheer hypocrisy and back stabbing. I reckon even Chinese immigration officers work with prejudice against India due to lack of proper information controlled by CCP. They (Tibetans) all are living like ordinary Indians facing poverty, unemployment, everyday struggle etc. Many wants to go back to China/Tibet cause they can not be as comfortable in India as they will be in China. But they love their religion and China has no place for their freedom.

They can do whatever they want withing the limits of their democratic rights, they are not assets like Taliban was once for Pakistan but liability for India. Tibet is yours and that the only thing you should focus on.

China has never recognized the British claim that India uses even Britain doesn't recognize those claims. and you speak of pin pricks while the only war between us was a direct cause due to india's forward policy and refusal to negotiate ( as determined by the CIA)
and as for your tibet as Afghanistan for china then you too should thank china for not supporting(and housing i might add) various Indian rebels like Maoist and others

''Forward policy'' another Chinese propaganda and myth. If Nehru was to be a preemptive strategist then things would have been totally different. Before India army started petrolling, Chinese were encroaching over LAC and our parliament was cursing Nehru day and night (on the record of Parliament proceedings), to do something he was reluctant to, cause Chinese officials were doing double talk and PM was optimistic.

China is already supporting many rebels through its proxy 'one and the same thing'' and India is pretty capable of dealing with them.

China can not afford bad PR from west like Pakistan can, cause west has its interest in Pakistan. However China can try its luck so that west can expedite its propaganda against China on supporting terrorism directly into India. West is the key. India refused it on previous occasion, see the difference. India snubbed CIA's offer (so they can now publish the report to blame it on forward policy?!) and you never had the offer.

its a matter of principle, obviously DL is no longer a military threat but just like in the boat captain case with japan, one man being sentenced does not equal japan getting full control of the disputed lands but in international politics if you dont voice your opinions and concerns its as if you gave in.
Fair enough,
But China's foreign policy is brute and over assertive, its like twisting of nickers without any good reason. They should come up clear that its all about strategic aspiration, it is all about this to me not sure about you!

again i will state that the DL probably did not instigate some of the things (like the protests) but non the less you gave no convincing argument that the CCP needs him as a bogy man rather than wanting him gone, nor have you made a convincing argument that the separate government should be allowed, they are illegal based on your own governments standing.

He is CCP's bogeyman for Chinese nationalist and an asset to bully around without the fear of fire back. its like ''Hathi jinda lakh ka mara sawa lakh ka'' An alive elephant values hundred thousand (100000) and dead hundred twenty five thousand (125000).
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@Card Sharp


^^A fantastical discussion full of reader unfriendly metaphors. Details for devils on operational tactics;a wastage of bandwidth.









I would appreciate if you do try to read both versions.
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So your point is:

we're not wrong, everyone else is wrong! big bad china, we will destroy you and pakistan in 96 hours! stop with the needling!

did i miss anything?
So your point is:

we're not wrong, everyone else is wrong! big bad china, we will destroy you and pakistan in 96 hours! stop with the needling!

did i miss anything?

What is your problem Mr i have kept my cool many many times, at least Card sharp's rebuttals are veiled. You are either speaking too good or too bad, why the extremese?? How many times has it been explained that the statement by the said General was not meant in the way u speak. He was talking about a defensive war , there are also stories that he actually never talked about such a thing.

One more thing u really missed Mr. freezing is that the findings and the report in India on 1962 war are completely blocked, what do u expect such lowly witless beings like us to think like ha!!!
@Card Sharp


^^A fantastical discussion full of reader unfriendly metaphors. Details for devils on operational tactics;a wastage of bandwidth.

I would appreciate if you do try to read both versions.

Just as I tried hard not to post any Chinese material, you should consider the author's impartiality. There is no end to falsehood from both sides but the Indian side is necessarily more prolific in defending their position, (especially a biographer of Nehru's who was the buck-passer in chief) seeing as it was a defining moment and something that still rancors today.
One more thing u really missed Mr. freezing is that the findings and the report in India on 1962 war are completely blocked, what do u expect such lowly witless beings like us to think like ha!!!

If you are referring to the Henderson Brooks–Bhagat Report, a journalist Neville Maxwell had been given access right after the war and if you read his book, it cites directly from the report. His version of events corroborate China's version of events. It was Nehru's fault.

Also have you considered the reason behind the GoI's refusal to release the report despite the overwhelming benefit it would have provided in reforming the IA after the war? The sign of a guilty party.
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