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India: Meet the 'Internet Hindus'

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Thread has now been filled with internet Hindus.
No point in discussing further, they will just start trolling about other things.

Poor minorities in India have to deal with such people.
My prayers are with them

Thanks for your prayer but the same time prevent Pakistan from becoming 100% Islamic population (If you know what I mean)

Then he will pay 30 rupees/hour for trolling against Indians from a Lyari slum internet cafe.
Thread has now been filled with internet Hindus.
No point in discussing further, they will just start trolling about other things.

Poor minorities in India have to deal with such people.
My prayers are with them

good for you that your ancesters took the train
just my observations:

1. I do not see Indians saying bad things about muslims or Pak Muslims here

but I find numerous instances of threads/posts in hate of Indian hindus !!

2. Hindus did not leave india, Indian Muslims did not leave India in 47. They were happy living together and are still living happily.

Pak Muslims left India coz they wanted to live in Muslim Country only. So they did not want to live with Hindus (so can i say it is the inherent dislike or hate for hindus here) and that hate still continues if you have to objectively see the anti hindu threads/posts on this forum.
just my observations:

1. I do not see Indians saying bad things about muslims or Pak Muslims here

but I find numerous instances of threads/posts in hate of Indian hindus !!

2. Hindus did not leave india, Indian Muslims did not leave India in 47. They were happy living together and are still living happily.

Pak Muslims left India coz they wanted to live in Muslim Country only. So they did not want to live with Hindus (so can i say it is the inherent dislike or hate for hindus here) and that hate still continues if you have to objectively see the anti hindu threads/posts on this forum.
Try to avoid such posts and threads. Find better ones and there are many good posters you should follow if you want to develop alternate frame of perception.. Chillax man:cheers:
Internet hindus still at it-
Thats a proof in itslef-
Deny- Live in denial internet hindus-
Thanks for your prayer but the same time prevent Pakistan from becoming 100% Islamic population (If you know what I mean)

How it can be possible..
They are advocating of making whole world Islamic Republic of Earth and you are asking just opposite..
Well I'm glad internet Hindus are just the scum of their society and don't represent the majority of Indians. For a while I was starting to hate all Indians for the comments of a few.

well every nation has its own share of scums

that's why several Indian members requested to you guys that don't make opinion about us due to views of just some Indian members

These internet Hindus are a bigger trouble for normal , common Hindus on the internet than for anyone else .

I still remember on An israel related thread some Indian members were supporting Israel's right to exist while dissing the Arabs . I just simply pointed out that while even I supported Israel's right to exist , supporting Israel does not mean we have to diss the Arabs , and I was straight away labelled an A$$licker of arabs and Muslims by a couple these internet Hindus( assuming they were hindu) in a vicious sort of way .It's funny because I have been labelled anti-muslim also by a couple of Pakistani members on this forum . I am a more Centre leaning person .

The reason for the emergence of these fanatics on the net is perhaps the fact that they have not been given any voice in the Indian mainstream media , and for the most part they are as the article mentions written off as extremists/fanatics/looneys and not taken seriously .This is why they use the internet to vent out their anger and emotions .Perhaps we need to involve them and their opinions a little more in mainstream media since this is a democracy .

Anyway , i think there is a similar section of Internet muslim , Internet christians as well . You can find them in plenty on the internet as well on this website . I have to agree with King Kobra here.

P.S- Every criticism of muslim's actions should not be taken as being Made by Internet hindus . Even common hindus can have issues with some things that muslims do just like they have with some things that happen in their own religion and in others .

at bolded part> i agree with you

Last I checked Razpak was not browsing Indian Forums and insulting Hindus there so your point does not make any sense.Where as Hindu Trolls are here on a Pakistani Forum often insulting Pakistan or Pakistanis.Heck there are internet hindus who are ashamed of india flag and use other countries flag.I think hindus are just insecure.After having their a$$ ruled by Muslims for over 1000 years they are afraid of Muslims hence always trying to suck up to Israelis (As Israelis for the most part managed to kick a$$ of the arabs who are muslims where as muslims kicked a$$ of hindus and ruled India for over 1000 years).

sir Muslims didn't rule India for 1000 years

they ruled barely 400 years and that not too whole India

Last I checked Razpak was not browsing Indian Forums and insulting Hindus there so your point does not make any sense.

not all Hindus browsing internet insult Muslims :coffee:

BTW remember Ghaznawa e hind thing going on internet? surely its not our invention, right?
The fact is that there are low life trolls on both the sides who go on polluting forums and sites.It would be unfair to judge the community as a whole on the basis of these s c u m b a g s.

that's the thing i said

we cant judge a community or people of religion by view of just some people belonging to it
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