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India may plan airstrikes in Muridkay

Only 1 aircraft shot down.

You shot down a Mig-21 Bison. The same Mig-21 Bison shot down an F-16.
Man, if you weren't so sad - you'd be pathetic. I truly don't know why i'm humoring you to begin with. The planet you're on hasn't been discovered yet.

That was an earlier tweet.

You have one on your side. But bottom line, we have two of your guys. DO YOU HAVE COUNTER RESPONCE FOR THAT (with one of your smiley emojis)?!!

As for the F-16. IF we lost a F-16, that would mean that we're down 01 F-16 as of today. Don't worry, hommie. We'll do a headcount just for you.
We Just did :pakistan:
No its nothing like wht we really can do, cause pak army wants india to attack pak officlly, and thus have some plans to let them come in to pakistan and then destroy them, capture of tht pilot is jst lucky incident
No its nothing like wht we really can do, cause pak army wants india to attack pak officlly, and thus have some plans to let them come in to pakistan and then destroy them, capture of tht pilot is jst lucky incident

We went in and bombed all around their brigade HQ !! Indians got the message loud and clear!!!
We went in and bombed all around their brigade HQ !! Indians got the message loud and clear!!!
Sorry Thts not enough and it won't stop them attacking again, it's another childish attitude tht wht u think ur enemy will think the same, it's a war in which no one gives a dam about peace, if we not respond hard be prepare for a massive air raid comming in48 hrs from now we hve the intel, 2 sqdrns of SU30 s being made ready to strike deep in Pakistan soon
Who have guts to stand up against us when we are united as a nation ?

Even neo-converts only cried like bitch after we dropped 1 ton bombs in their own country, boleto ghar main ghus ke maar di :lol:
Haan, ab batao - kis kay ghar may ghus kay kis ke maar de?!!

You seem to have vanished from the face of the Earth. Probably sucked into the blackhole. Was your (above post) a one-and-done on this forum?!!

@randomradio and I may go back&forth with our banter and trash talk, but you - you're just trash.
Sorry Thts not enough and it won't stop them attacking again, it's another childish attitude tht wht u think ur enemy will think the same, it's a war in which no one gives a dam about peace, if we not respond hard be prepare for a massive air raid comming in48 hrs from now we hve the intel, 2 sqdrns of SU30 s being made ready to strike deep in Pakistan soon

When did I underestimate the enemy? But the enemy shouldnt underestimate us too.

We didnt bomb the brigade hq just bombed around it to tell them we are not intimated.

Modi is on a war path now. He wont stop until he wins this indian elections but too much blood will be spilled for Modi.We knew our actions wont stop Modi but we have to tell the world we gave them ample chances.
When did I underestimate the enemy? But the enemy shouldnt underestimate us too.

We didnt bomb the brigade hq just bombed around it to tell them we are not intimated.

Modi is on a war path now. He wont stop until he wins this indian elections but too much blood will be spilled for Modi.We knew our actions wont stop Modi but we have to tell the world we gave them ample chances.

Look at my former posts in this thread when there was no attacks happening, we had the info tht IAF has a plan to intrude in Pakistan from 3 differnt sides then go back from 2 sides and when PAF will be after them on the returning IAF 2 sides, just then 3rd formation of IAF will attack from occupied kashmir into Pakistan?
It happened same as wht we gather much before this whole issue begain with?
Now PAF and GOP should adopt, a aggrsive defence strategy rather showing themselves angels of peace if not, be ready for a bigger attack comming from ground in kashmir or sialkot sector and a much bigger air raid in mureedkay, right now IAF wants Israelis help them in navigation or the destruction of kahota pakistans nuclear site and USA been asked to advised
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