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India May Be First To Tell The World About ET Contact


Aug 2, 2012
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India May Be First To Tell The World About ET Contact

New Delhi is in the middle of a big secret internal debate. On one side the largest democracy of the world is eager to explain to its citizens and to the world about the ongoing contacts with the UFOs and extra-terrestrials. On the other hand there are invisible untold international protocols that prohibit doing anything that may cause worldwide fear and panic.

It is well accepted between the UFO and extra-terrestrial experts that all the five nuclear powers are in contact with the beings from other stars for quite some time. Recently India has seen enormous news on UFO contacts and secret UFO bases in Himalayas near the Chinese bases. In Ladak, for example the locals clearly point out the everyday phenomenon of large triangular spacecrafts coming out below the ground and Indian security forces protecting them.

Military officials and politicians have confessed the fact that India has been contacted. India has been told the rules of the Universe.

The current debate is on whether to keep it secret like other countries are doing or in tradition of a total transparent society come out and tell the truth. India is so open and democratic; it is very difficult to keep a secret for long. The biggest concern of the Government today is that unlike in other countries, it will be very difficult to keep it secret for long. If the information comes out through unofficial channels first and then the authorities are pressed against the wall to confess, two bad things can happen. First, it can really cause a panic in the country as well as the world. Second, the way the Indian politics is run, the ruling party will be thrown out of power in no time i it is ever found that the Government withheld such information from the public.

The recent rush of world leaders to India is remarkable. Starting from Russian President Putin to major Senators from America have visited or are planning to visit India. European Union is in deep discussion with India on cooperation. All sanctions against India's nuclear programs and Indian Space Research Organization are in the process of being lifted. India is cooperating with Europeans and the Americans in space explorations and technology research program. India is also part of World Trade Organization. India is receiving major outsourcing contracts in IT and call-center service work from America and Europe. India's Forex reserve is at a level never imagined before because of international direct investments from Western nations, Japan, Korea and others. Interestingly, China the arc rival of India changed its posture in the last few years to make India's friendship and trade a priority. India is slowly getting to the point when it is accepted as a permanent member of the Security Council. All the five Security Council members China, America, Russia, France and UK support India's inclusion.

When all these factors are added together and analyzed, it seems like India is being told by the world to abide by the hidden protocols and in exchange be recognized as a major emerging superpower.

The debate the country is facing internally is whether to abide by the laws of the world and the Universe to be recognized as a superpower or be truthful to its citizens and the world.

According to sources close to the Government, the UFO contacts is known by quite a few politicians in the opposition and of course by those who are in power.

The military has legitimate concern of not letting the secrets out either.

Recently, India's foreign affairs minister Mr. Natwar Singh came out and said that for India it was not necessary to become a nuclear power. He is a strong supporter of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, India's former Prime Minister who initiated the nuclear program in the mid sixties. India first exploded a nuclear device in Pokhran in early seventies. The whole country including people from his own party questioned Mr. Singh for such an irresponsible statement. But on analyzing his statements, it is evident, that based on what he knows now, being a nuclear power really does not matter much because the technologies controlled by the extra-terrestrials are so advanced that all our technologies mean really nothing. But importantly he may be irritated with this controversial ongoing secret debate and what he really meant was that if India was not a nuclear power, the debate on UFO and extra-terrestrials will never be there in India.

India May Be First To Tell The World About ET Contact

@isro2222 dude enjoy this thread :D
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I thought indians are ETs ;) .. .Anyway jokes apart ... though Indian space ability is well advance to be contacted by E.Ts if there would be any but most of this stuff around the world is primarily a hoax. If there would be any credibility to it then there certainly would have been tangible proofs for it no matter what governments of the world do to hide it.
Yes india might be first one to tell world about Aliens as india always been looked at soft power and not aggressive.... i already gave the dates when india will tell world about Aliens.... Its 2015 to 2030.... Exact date what even israel gave as Elohim (annunaki race humanoids) will land on earth.... Lord Shiva was one of 12 Annunaki Lords.... He been gave command to rule planet Earth with Enki the chief engineer.... However Elohim declared Lord shiva a Left behind God. It means God of Earth while the other Gods who left earth and went sirius known as God of heaven.... Lord shiva than joined hands with lord vishnu and cut off links with Elohim.... Both Lord shiva and Elohim are my Lord. i already met Arcturians and Lord shiva in my dream.... Now the situation is such a way that none of Humanoids, greys and reptilians wants Elohim on planet Earth.... But am sure Lord shiva will forgive them as Lord shiva forgive easily.... World Gods been created By elohim. Humans divided Gods.... Elohim wants to help humans only if humans turn peaceful. America working with tall greys to stop them. Am sure Lord shiva will welcome Elohim aka annunaki race as he most easily forgiving lord.... Annunaki race most beautiful race. They are 7 to 8 feet tall humanoids. Womens are equaly powerful in annunaki race and are very beautiful.... In 12 Elohim Gods 3 are womens....
here is pic of my Lord Shiva
And here pic of my lord Elohim....
India May Be First To Tell The World About ET Contact

New Delhi is in the middle of a big secret internal debate. On one side the largest democracy of the world is eager to explain to its citizens and to the world about the ongoing contacts with the UFOs and extra-terrestrials. On the other hand there are invisible untold international protocols that prohibit doing anything that may cause worldwide fear and panic.

It is well accepted between the UFO and extra-terrestrial experts that all the five nuclear powers are in contact with the beings from other stars for quite some time. Recently India has seen enormous news on UFO contacts and secret UFO bases in Himalayas near the Chinese bases. In Ladak, for example the locals clearly point out the everyday phenomenon of large triangular spacecrafts coming out below the ground and Indian security forces protecting them.

Military officials and politicians have confessed the fact that India has been contacted. India has been told the rules of the Universe.

The current debate is on whether to keep it secret like other countries are doing or in tradition of a total transparent society come out and tell the truth. India is so open and democratic; it is very difficult to keep a secret for long. The biggest concern of the Government today is that unlike in other countries, it will be very difficult to keep it secret for long. If the information comes out through unofficial channels first and then the authorities are pressed against the wall to confess, two bad things can happen. First, it can really cause a panic in the country as well as the world. Second, the way the Indian politics is run, the ruling party will be thrown out of power in no time i it is ever found that the Government withheld such information from the public.

The recent rush of world leaders to India is remarkable. Starting from Russian President Putin to major Senators from America have visited or are planning to visit India. European Union is in deep discussion with India on cooperation. All sanctions against India's nuclear programs and Indian Space Research Organization are in the process of being lifted. India is cooperating with Europeans and the Americans in space explorations and technology research program. India is also part of World Trade Organization. India is receiving major outsourcing contracts in IT and call-center service work from America and Europe. India's Forex reserve is at a level never imagined before because of international direct investments from Western nations, Japan, Korea and others. Interestingly, China the arc rival of India changed its posture in the last few years to make India's friendship and trade a priority. India is slowly getting to the point when it is accepted as a permanent member of the Security Council. All the five Security Council members China, America, Russia, France and UK support India's inclusion.

When all these factors are added together and analyzed, it seems like India is being told by the world to abide by the hidden protocols and in exchange be recognized as a major emerging superpower.

The debate the country is facing internally is whether to abide by the laws of the world and the Universe to be recognized as a superpower or be truthful to its citizens and the world.

According to sources close to the Government, the UFO contacts is known by quite a few politicians in the opposition and of course by those who are in power.

The military has legitimate concern of not letting the secrets out either.

Recently, India's foreign affairs minister Mr. Natwar Singh came out and said that for India it was not necessary to become a nuclear power. He is a strong supporter of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, India's former Prime Minister who initiated the nuclear program in the mid sixties. India first exploded a nuclear device in Pokhran in early seventies. The whole country including people from his own party questioned Mr. Singh for such an irresponsible statement. But on analyzing his statements, it is evident, that based on what he knows now, being a nuclear power really does not matter much because the technologies controlled by the extra-terrestrials are so advanced that all our technologies mean really nothing. But importantly he may be irritated with this controversial ongoing secret debate and what he really meant was that if India was not a nuclear power, the debate on UFO and extra-terrestrials will never be there in India.

India May Be First To Tell The World About ET Contact

Old news ....Natwar singh held foreign ministry portfolio till dec-2005 ,so this news is at-least 7 year old
Yes india might be first one to tell world about Aliens as india always been looked at soft power and not aggressive.... i already gave the dates when india will tell world about Aliens.... Its 2015 to 2030.... Exact date what even israel gave as Elohim (annunaki race humanoids) will land on earth.... Lord Shiva was one of 12 Annunaki Lords.... He been gave command to rule planet Earth with Enki the chief engineer.... However Elohim declared Lord shiva a Left behind God. It means God of Earth while the other Gods who left earth and went sirius known as God of heaven.... Lord shiva than joined hands with lord vishnu and cut off links with Elohim.... Both Lord shiva and Elohim are my Lord. i already met Arcturians and Lord shiva in my dream.... Now the situation is such a way that none of Humanoids, greys and reptilians wants Elohim on planet Earth.... But am sure Lord shiva will forgive them as Lord shiva forgive easily.... World Gods been created By elohim. Humans divided Gods.... Elohim wants to help humans only if humans turn peaceful. America working with tall greys to stop them. Am sure Lord shiva will welcome Elohim aka annunaki race as he most easily forgiving lord.... Annunaki race most beautiful race. They are 7 to 8 feet tall humanoids. Womens are equaly powerful in annunaki race and are very beautiful.... In 12 Elohim Gods 3 are womens....
here is pic of my Lord Shiva
And here pic of my lord Elohim....

Why does "Elohim" look like white Europeans? :cheesy: Do any of them look like dark ugly hindooos ? Do any of them look chinese or Afro :mamba: ?

Why is alien lord Shiva blue in color?
Aliens in galaxy must have formed a UN kinda of organization to behave their members. Of course there is good one and bad guys. If aliens really wanna attack earth, we already become dead meat. The only possible of alien intrusion is the galaxy union force is defeated by aliens coming from another remote galaxy with much stronger power. I think the only reason USA stopped it's moon visiting program was they received some certain infraction from aliens. The problem is why those aliens oppose human universe exploration activities?
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