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India makes Huge defense spending cuts

I am not seeing the news from other sources, but if it is true then this would seriously hamper the Indian defense preparedness. But I think BJP would certainly object this and may not pass the parliament
Atleast 197 utility helis are under development. I am against halting FICV program. This was a chance for private industry to prove itself but not it seems gone. The artillery guns have now been developed by India of 39 and 45 calliber. I guess this is good decision over all. Cut these foreign deals and spend at home.
Atleast 197 utility helis are under development. I am against halting FICV program. This was a chance for private industry to prove itself but not it seems gone. The artillery guns have now been developed by India of 39 and 45 calliber. I guess this is good decision over all. Cut these fireign deals and spend at home.

It is not the foreign deals, but the capital expenditure. If the news is true, than it would set India defense modernization by at least a decade.

But I think this is hoax, if it is true than it will suicidal for congress and BJP would exploit this to the end
Austerity hits everywhere. Insecurity is born out of limited awareness its natural, but we should not translate this news into something bad.
Last fiscal we had a massive pileup of unspent budgetary funds.

Being honest , reading the title put me at ease. It just indicates tht our procurement is on track ,but any unnecessary ad hoc procurement will be curbed.
Sadly This will most likely translate into another year of our armed forces operating Aks on iron sights ,but im sure most major International deals will go through.

On the other hand this news could also have been seeded for a follow through of another announcement most probably a defense deal cancellation.
Or could also be related to the recent probe into unregulated army spending.

Many possibilities.
The guy said it is a 20,000 crore cut, plus a possible additional 11,000 crore in cuts.

How much is that? A "crore" is 10 million right?
Wise move on part of Indian Government as the money can be used for social welfare projects.

BTW, when would Indians come out of Dark Ages and stop talking about CRORES of Rupees.

I have no clue what 20,000 CRORE means. Does that mean 20 Billion rupees or is it 200 Billion ?
That's why you should focus on economy first. If the economy isn't strong then you have less money to spend.
This proves another thing that indian economy is in the dumps.There is more to come.Hope india not become greece of asia or its on its way to become one..............:D
It may also have to do with threat assessment,
India may have found that its actually overbloating the threat from Pakistan's Military and that it already has the assets it needs to defend against external aggression from the immediate threat(terrorist camps etc).

Its also realizing that it still needs a lot of work to compete with China and that it needs redundancy in its economy.
The threat from the Chinese military isnt something it has to deal with tomorrow, but in the next 10 to 20 years.
The military can fall behind two to three years, but it cannot afford for its economy to fall behind.

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