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India launches its 1st indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant

Don't want to spoil some members' party here about India being the 5th nation to build (indigenous) carriers.
Before the world war 2, Japan was (and is) a nation that is to be counted as a carrier building nation.

The list

India comes after these with our Vikrant.

Cheers anyways
2018 LOL ............. :sleep:
Even Its 2020 its WOW ! Just imagine Now India will have 2 Powerful Carrier battle group by 2020 - 2040 . Not to mention INS VISHAL will enter before 2022 , More over think India will not stop with VISHAL . atleaast 2 more A/C will be added by 2028 -
5 Carrier by 2030 . From there on We will maintain atleast 5 A/C for ever . NOW TAKE THAT ! Pakistan must understand A/C r not aimed at them . Its for bigger prey . We dont need A/C to Pin down PN
Congrats. Almost done with ours.


15K/40K or 3/8 complete! It is near completion
So if it is 50% complete, it will be very near completion
If it is 60% complete, it will be very very near completion and so on, right?

I guess it is because of the coming election and the independence day that indian politicians want to show off their "indigenous' islandless flat top structure and to beef up the cheers!
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Will people stop calling this 'indigenous'. There is nothing Indian about this carrier apart from the paint job (even the paint is probably imported from China). India simply cannot make ANY components by themselves, therefore it's not an indigenous carrier. In order to be indigenous, you must make the vast majority of the components indigenously. India had to beg Russia to speed up the carrier repairs, why can't India do it themselves? Because you don't have the technical knowledge to make components let alone full carriers.

Making something inside India imported from foreign suppliers DOES NOT make it indigenous.

Stop deluding yourselves please.

Oh dear Well come!!!

Actually we were missing Chinese dragon and hong woo but we know China has a lots of telnet. If not Hon Woo than his brother.

Keep entertaining.

By the way What is the Status of your Chinese (Russian) aircraft career. Is the paint Job over?

is the Russian engine installation work going well? Pl keep us updated. We are very anxious to know about Chinese indigenous (Russian) aircraft career.

And yes Your English is soooooooo goooood!!!!

Who so ever read it will not be able to stop himself praising Chinese Education system.

Many Chinese like you enlightens PDF with their extra ordinary knowledge with great writing skills.

Pl keep doing that. By reading the awesome writing by members like you, we get some insight of Chinese society and their Education System.
Calling a empty hull near completion is a bit of wishful thinking isn't it?

As far as information goes, it doesn't even have propulsion. So it will be relying on tugboats.

Resorting to china vs India, India will always come off 2nd best. Because, the liaoning is an operable carrier with retrofitted by the chinese, vikrant is an empty hull that is already 4 years behind schedule.

Know yourself and know your enemy and in a 100 battles you will never be in peril. Sun Tzu quote,Indian can learn a thing or two.
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