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India just hanged Kasab

Made up lines! a muslim would never say so, at best Allah forgive me!! If true, then most probably he didn't know that he was going to die

Possible that there is media exaggeration but also plausible that it is exactly what was said. How would you know what "Muslims" say in such situations? How many "Muslims" have you seen talking with their hands & feet bound and awaiting a black hood followed by a noose which would be the last thing he would ever see. Executions don't always make for coherent thoughts. For all you know, that was what he asking, hoping for one more chance. Looking for logic in the thoughts of a condemned man only make you look silly. He could be excused given the circumstances, what's your excuse?
These words beautifully sum up what all terrorists like Kasab should hear.

Death Sentence – 1881

“Jose Manuel Miguel Xaviar Gonzales, in a few short weeks, it
will be spring, the snows of winter will flee away, the ice will
vanish, and the air will become soft and balmy, in short, Jose
Miguel Xaviar Gonzales, the annual miracle of the years will
awaken and come to pass, but you won’t be there.”

“The rivulet will run its soaring course to the sea, the timid
desert flowers will put forth their tender shoots, the glorious
valleys of this imperial domain will blossom as the rose, still
you won’t be here to see.”

“From every-tree top some wild woods songster will carol his
mating song, butterflies will sport in the sunshine, the busy
bee will hum happy as it pursues its accustomed vocation. The
gentle breeze will tease the tassels of the wild grasses, and
all nature, Jose Manuel Miguel Xaviar Gonzales, will be glad,
but you, you won’t be here to enjoy it because I command the
sheriff or some other officers of the country to lead you out to
some remote spot, wing you by the neck from a knotting bough of
some sturdy oak; and let you hang until you are dead.”

“And then, Jose Manuel Miguel Xaviar Gonzales, I further command
that such officer or officers retire quickly from your dangling
corpse, that vultures may descend from the heavens upon your
****** body until nothing shall remain but bare, bleached bones
of a cold-blooded, copper-colored, blood-thirsty, throatcutting,
chili-eating, sheep-herding, murdering son-of-a-*****.”

United States of America v. Gonzales (1881) United States
District Court, New Mexico Territory Sessions Taos New Mexico.
Honorable Judge Roy Bean
United States Judge
Without letting Pakistan ID him. Brilliant.

Tell that to his aunt.

"This news is hell for us," Shahnaz Sughra, Kasab's aunt, told Reuters by phone. "...Even if he did something wrong, we just want his body. Even if he did something wrong, I am proud that he taught the enemy a lesson in their own country."
Whats the issue with the non-Muslim choice of words.

Are you guys saying that terrorist wasn't Islamic enough?
Why the **** are people here supporting that guys acts, are you all terrorists too.

And screw his aunt, what kinda sick weirdo is that b.itch.
MUMBAI: To keep him safe, the state has already spent more than Rs 50 crore. In his execution, the budget permitted by an archaic law is only Rs 50.

Not just this, the confirmation of death sentence for Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab, for his role in the 26/11 attacks in the city that left 166 dead, has turned the spotlight on other quirks of a set of rules framed well over a century ago.The course to be taken and interpretation of the rules is further mired in a fog as their use is rare. The last execution in Maharashtra was in Pune’s Yerawada jail when Sudhakar Joshi was sent to the gallows in August 1995 in a murder case.

Now 17 years later, the hanging ropes are likely to measured and tested again whenever the execution date is set for the terrorist after a few more legal procedures are completed. The jail superintendent has to inform Kasab that he has seven days to make a written mercy plea. Then the ball will be in the Maharashtra governor’s and, further on, the President’s court.

If the pleas are turned down, the execution goes ahead. Meeran Borwankar, inspector general (prisons), told TOI that there is no execution fee or payment to be made to the hangman. (More in box)

Executions in India, one of the 96 countries that still allow death penalty, are governed by laws that date back to 1894. The Prisons Act in India, though amended from time to time, is the principle Act which empowers states to make rules for execution.

Four decades ago, the state adopted the Maharashtra Prisons (prisoners sentenced to death) Rule, 1971, that heavily borrows from its parent.

A defining book on the rights of prisoners written by a Bombay high court lawyer, A B Puranik, in 1992 notes how prison laws in Maharashtra lay down that, except as provided in sub-rules, “the body of an executed convict shall be taken out of the prison with all solemnity”. Where possible, the body must be taken in a municipal hearse or ambulance hired to transport the body to the jail cremation or burial ground. The jail “superintendent may incur a reasonable expenditure up to Rs 50 for the transport and disposal of the body”.

Once a convict is sentenced to death, the prison staff has to first measure the neck and weight of the convict. It all boils down to height, weight and neck measurement with the height measured very accurately to the angle of the jaw immediately below his left ear. The height and weight are scientifically used to drop the rope to a certain height during the execution which is open to a dozen male relatives of the convict and other ‘spectators’ allowed by the jail superintendent. Kasab has no relatives in India. And while a bullet wound, like the many Kasab delivered on 26/11, would perhaps kill instantly, the prison rules say even after hanging the condemned convict must be left suspended for half an hour and till a medical officer certifies him dead.
LeT declares Kasab a 'hero'.

ISLAMABAD: The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) expressed shock over the execution of Ajmal Kasab on Wednesday, the lone surviving gunman of the Mumbai attacks, and the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) said he was a hero and would “inspire” more attacks.
“He was a hero and will inspire other fighters to follow his path,” the commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location.
The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan expressed shock over India’s execution of the lone survivor of an attack that killed 166 people in a rampage through the financial capital Mumbai in 2008.
“There is no doubt that it’s very shocking news and a big loss that a Muslim has been hanged on Indian soil,” Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan told Reuters.
The sole surviving gunman from the 2008 Mumbai attacks was executed on Wednesday, nearly four years after 166 people were killed in a three-day rampage through India’s financial capital.
Pakistan-born Mohammed Kasab was hanged at Yerwada jail in Pune in the western state of Maharashtra after President Pranab Mukherjee rejected his pleas for mercy earlier this month.
He was sentenced to death in May 2010 after he was found guilty of a string of charges, including waging war against India, murder and terrorist acts.

Kasab execution: TTP
exactly the point ! majority will burn their home in hope that neighbour's home may catch the fire by chance ! those pakistanis who are rational and wise are in minority !

cmon that is totally untrue and exaggerated. anyway good for you guys.

somebody tell zardari to hang that singh guy too apparently he wants a hang free tenure. piece of **** leader.
May God have mercy on his soul. I wouldn't judge him since any human being can go astray. If those were indeed his words then it is a pity that he was used as a pawn.

Whoever this guy was if he had a beef against the Indian govt/military because of Kashmir then the battleground should have been Kashmir.
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