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India just hanged Kasab

Actually i am a little amzaed, I thought only if BJP comes in power then only he will be executed. But our new president really did good job.:tup:
But what about AFZAL GURU when he be executed??

The fear of elections is a strange thing..

Kasab is a safe man to hang without repercussions at home regarding his religion.
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nhai bhaya sirf aik aur Bhagat Singh latka diya gaya ha

Ma'am, don't say that, Bhaghat Singh ney India (current India+Pakistan+Bangladesh) ki azaadi key liye jaan di thi, how he compares to Kasab??
A wonderful Diwali gift to all my Indian brothers. Hope pakistanis take this in account next time they wanna start something
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Ma'am, don't say that, Bhaghat Singh ney India (current India+Pakistan+Bangladesh) ki azaadi key liye jaan di thi, how he compares to Kasab??

:) Azaadi Azzadi Azzadi we all are for the same cause.
He's supposed to be a Muslim and only Hindus are buried in Ganges/water/sea. ???
Wrong.......Its the ashes that is poured into Ganges. He got proper burial which many people don't get.
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What has been the reaction of Pakistan's answer to Santa claus (aka Hafiz Saheb) to death of his prodigy. Heard he threaned more 26\11 types of attack on India.
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