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India: It refuses to be part of China’s 'One Belt, One Road' at SCO

Don't waste my time with your nonsense and troll posts. I have seen your banned status. And rocket artillery don't have to have thousands kilometres range. We have 122 to 300 mm rocket artillery fulfilling all our requirements. Now bugger off.
your tiny head can not comprehend anything beside range..wake me up when you made your first export, pinka,lol.
So just out of idle curiosity does anyone here actually happen to know what indias alternative,assuming that it actually has one of course,to the belt and road might be?
I do vaguely remember the americans and indians talking about "many belts and many roads",but really that just sounded more like a slogan than anything else.
With irans chabahar and access to the NSTC now looking increasingly doubtful thanks to hindutva indias increasingly pro us/pro zionist alignment,its looking increasingly likely that india could find itself essentially locked out of central eurasias road and rail transport links to western europe,

ndia has refused to be part of China’s "One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) which is also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit.

India on Monday did not join the other members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in backing China’s "One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) which is also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), President Xi Jinping’s flagship programme on trade and connectivity.

In the joint communique issued on the conclusion of the 19th meeting of the Council of Heads of Governments (Prime Ministers) of the SCO, all member states, barring India, “reaffirmed” their support for OBOR.

“The Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, reaffirming their support for China’s "One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) Initiative (BRI), note the ongoing work on joint implementation of this project, including efforts to bridge construction The Eurasian Economic Union and OBOR,” said the statement.

India has always maintained that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which is a part of BRI, runs through Pakistan-Occupied-Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) and therefore is violative of India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

In fact, in his opening remarks, Vice President Venkaiah Naidu, who chaired the meet as India holds the presidency of the forum, reminded the gathering of the need to safeguard “the sovereignty and territorial integrity of SCO Member States”, albeit in the context of countries raising bilateral issues in such multilateral platform. He was alluding to Pakistan.

On coronavirus outbreak
While addressing the issue of the coronavirus outbreak, the Vice President also highlighted the need for a reformed multilateral structure in a post-Covid world and how there is a need for “transparency” if global trade has to succeed and flourish.

India demands countries to be transparent
The other issue that India has with countries in the region joining the BRI is the lack of transparency in the projects that China is investing in and the terms and conditions of loans being given by Beijing.

Without naming China, VP Naidu said that for trade to be fair, all the members should be transparent.

“For trade to play its part in the recovery process, all the partners must be trustworthy and transparent. It is trust and transparency that determines the sustainability of our global trade and nations must demonstrate their compliance with multilateral rules of trade to remain a part of the system,” he said.

He asserted, “While undertaking individual efforts, we must take note of collective efforts to work on this situation. The ongoing crisis has exposed the world to vulnerabilities, forcing us to find ways to support each other.”

New Delhi’s concerns regarding any Beijing driven economic grouping was precisely the reason why India’ decided against joining the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), world’s largest trade deal recently signed by the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Australia, China, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand.

Please explain why indians would want to be a part of something that greatly benefits it's enemies and has bad consequences for itself?......... :disagree:
China be like: Good riddance to bad rubbish.

No one wants to be associated with something labelled as Rape Highway/Railway in the Media.
Thanks for the compliment. That means we get money from USA without giving them anything in return. Whereas Pakistan served USA through cold War and WOT.


Pakistan just gave a route for the US to go to Afghanistan, one of if not the most powerless country in the world.

India made itself cannon fodder for China, the only power in the world which can challenge the USA.

Pakistan managed to defeat the USSR, a superpower and the largest country to ever exist, and liberate 4,000,000+ km^2 of stan countries.
India has had 4 wars with Pakistan, a country 10 times smaller bogged down in internal issues and is still at a loss of 86,000 km^2 of territory.

Unlike Pakistan, India will come out of this second cold war in more than 2 pieces.
Pakistan just gave a route for the US to go to Afghanistan, one of if not the most powerless country in the world.

India made itself cannon fodder for China, the only power in the world which can challenge the USA.

Pakistan managed to defeat the USSR, a superpower and the largest country to ever exist, and liberate 4,000,000+ km^2 of stan countries.
India has had 4 wars with Pakistan, a country 10 times smaller bogged down in internal issues and is still at a loss of 86,000 km^2 of territory.

Unlike Pakistan, India will come out of this second cold war in more than 2 pieces.
only brainwashed idiots will believe your bullshit
a country which is begging for few billion dollars from america , saudi arabia, UAE ,china , can not defeat even helpless countries chad or liberia ,
forget about defeating america or Russia .
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LMAO, Tibet belong to India? This is why you support and contain Dalai lama 1958.

So India first treat China as enemy not China first.
we will install dalai lama as head of tibbet state.
565 billions actually.

target atomic super power audience has only 12 billion reserves got from loans , they have to give immediately 2 billion to saudi and some bn to UAE .
for them 450 or 565 is very big amount .
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Murica latest latest weapons still a far cry from Chinese weapons.
:rofl: :rofl::rofl:

Chinese tube artillery amd MRLS systems got longer reach and bigger bangs than those of Muricans.

And of even greater importance, China got a lot lot more of those than Muricans

USA is a distant third to Russia and China. Be that in tube artillery or rocket artillery.

**Chinese tube artillery**

Top 10 Self-Propelled Howitzers

Saudi Arabia uses Chinese NORINCO PLZ-45 self propelled howitzer for the clear advantage over that of the best of USA artillery. More accurate and longer reach than the best of USA artillery. And Saudi Arabia is USA captive country and yet refused to use USA artillery as that so inferior to China.

PLZ-52 is capable of firing a full range of Chinese 155 mm munitions. Range of a standard High-Explosive Fragmentation (HE-FRAG) projectile is around 30 km and around 40 km of extended-range projectile. Maximum range of fire is 53 km with rocket-assisted projectile. It has been reported that China developed a GPS-guided 155 mm projectile. It was claimed that this projectile has a whooping maximum range of 100 km and accuracy of 40 m.

Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen (Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen

Rate of fire

Maximum:8–10 rounds/min
Sustained: 2 rounds/min

Look at the M109 below

Rate of fire

Maximum: 4 rpm/3 min.
Sustained: 1 rpm

Effective firing range

Conventional: 18 km (11 mi)
: 30 km (19 mi)

M109 totally outmatched by the PLZ-45.

It is not a wonder why even Saudi Arabia bought PLZ-45 despite they being a captive client country of USA and yet refused and rejected USA arty despite the obvious massive arm twisting of USA on Saudi Arabia.




**Rocket Artillery **

Now China is as good if not better than Russians in rocket artillery.

Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems

The PHL 03 is a Chinese artillery rocket system. It is a copy of the Soviet

Smerch (Smerch Multiple Launch Rocket System

. It reportedly entered service with the Chinese army in 2004-2005. The PHL 03 is also being proposed for the export customers as the AR2. It has been exported to Morocco (one battalion with 36 units).

The PHL 03 has 12 tubes for 300 mm rockets. A standard rocket weights around 800 kg and has a 280 kg warhead. Maximum range of fire is 70-130 km depending on the warhead type. Though some sources report that rockets of this system has a maximum range of 150 km. Rockets are available with High Explosive Fragmentation (HE-FRAG), fuel-air explosive, and cluster warheads with anti-armor and anti-personnel submunitions. Cluster warheads may also carry self-targeting anti-tank munitions. A full salvo of this system could potentially cover an area of up to 67 hectares.

**Even though the PHL 03 is a Chinese version of the Smerch, it appears that Chinese overtook Russians in terms of rockets, as rockets of the PHL 03 have longer range than those of the Smerch. Manufacturers claim, that Chinese 300 mm rockets are not compatible with the Russian Smerch rockets as these use different propellant motors and components.**

China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System (China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System

Various types of the 300 mm caliber rocket shells fired by the PHL03 are equipped with simple automatic correction system which allows more dense impact points. The impact point intensity doubles and the accuracy triples. In this way, a high kill probability with fewer rocket shells is possible.

Comparison with its peers


From the table above, it can be concluded that in terms of overall design, or in particular, the range, intensity, power, survivability and maneuverability, the PHL03 MLRS has a series of major breakthroughs compared with traditional rockets. Some of its aspects meet or even exceed the world's advanced level.

The service of the PHL03 Multiple Launch Rocket System has greatly enhanced the capability of remote fire support of the Chinese military. The operational performance of the system will continue to improve with the development of China's rocket shell technology. And it will become an indispensable remote firepower for the Chinese military.




And read this too

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system casts shadow over Taiwan Strait

  • The ‘mystery’ hardware that appeared without a name at the National Day parade in October is the PLA’s most powerful MLRS ever, experts say
  • System capable of firing eight 370mm rockets 350km or two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

The multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) that made its public debut at China’s
National Day parade
on October 1 has been identified as a state-of-the-art piece of weaponry capable of firing both rockets and ballistic missiles, according to a leading military magazine.
A report in the latest issue of Modern Ships also gave the new hardware a name – the Type PCL191 – saying it was a modular launcher based on the AR3 system developed by China for the export market.
Unlike other weapon systems on display in Beijing, which had their names emblazoned along their sides, the Type PCL191 rumbled through the streets of Beijing on the back of heavy-duty trucks with almost complete anonymity.


Note the DF100s antiship missiles . Revealed only in Oct 2019. Mach 5 and range of 1000 km.
Bro, why are you scaring the Indians? First of all, they're even scared to name China. Now you've castrated them with this post of yours. They won't fight us now. :lol:
tibbet state.
First, learn to spell.
565 billions actually.
You forgot to mention the change. 565.97?
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I disagree. India single-handedly achieved in capturing 93,000 POW and a birth of a new nation "Bangladesh". I repeat not 10, not 100, not 1000 but 93,000 can't even imagine!!
Couldn't even stand and fight till the last man standing:omghaha:

View attachment 692591View attachment 692593View attachment 692592
Those images of half a century old - and what we faced as a Two front War with India and the traitors within. Trust me, you guys didn't achieve d!ck on your own.

But don't worry. This time around you're gonna be the ones on the receiving end of what it means to be in a Two front War.

Images in HD & videos in 4K will be attached for generations to come.

27th Feb, 2019 was just a Trailer. The Trilogy has yet to start.

@The Eagle @waz @LeGenD @BHarwana
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