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India is trying to delay Pakistan's Bhasha dam thru WB

Sink your eyeballs again in the caption/ title of the topic....
India IS going to delay....
Its about the legality, and not funds....
How would you stop india,s move....
Thats the million dollar question here..

Legality? Have you filed a petition in permanent Court of Arbitration? I might have missed that part!
Legality? Have you filed a petition in permanent Court of Arbitration? I might have missed that part!

Read the caption again.....
Its india that has a objection based on legal complexity involved on a disputed land, whose petition is pending in UNO....
Money wont do anything here...
Final judgement will...
Read the caption again.....
Its india that has a objection based on legal complexity involved on a disputed land, whose petition is pending in UNO....
Money wont do anything here...
Final judgement will...

Are you sure you are not sleepy? Which caption are you talking about?

If we go by your logic then all dams constructed in Indian held Kashmir are illegal too, same would be case with Chinese dams if there are any. What petition in UN are you talking about, do you even know what does the UN resolution on Kashmir say? Follow UN guidelines first and then come and tell us about legality and illegality..
Are you sure you are not sleepy? Which caption are you talking about?

If we go by your logic then all dams constructed in Indian held Kashmir are illegal too, same would be case with Chinese dams if there are any. What petition in UN are you talking about, do you even know what does the UN resolution on Kashmir say? Follow UN guidelines first and then come and tell us about legality and illegality..

No need to argue, the fact is India provide the money to WB,ADB and have to say where it money goes......,
India is trying to delay Pakistan's Bhasha dam thru WB

According to Dawn's report, India is pushing the World Bank to stop funding for the Bhasha dam. This is a new development and one wonders the reason behind this latest bout of animosity by India.

"The World Bank has so far been reluctant to commit funds for the $12 billion Diamer-Bhasha project apparently because of behind-the-scenes opposition from India."
WB wants Bhasha dam delayed | DAWN.COM

ANP is also supporting India and Senator Zahid Khan is trying his best to delay the Bhasha dam.

Pakistan must not delay Bhasha dam because:

  • We don't have water storage capacity.
  • Our existing dams will have capacity issues because our glaciers are melting faster than anticipated.
  • We also need Bhasha dam to generate power.

This is a scheme to destroy Pakistan's economy further and then disintegrate Pakistan.

Dude.. believe if this is fact...it is very sad approach from Indian GOV...but on the other side of the coin i really doubt about the real potential of Indian guys in UN about blocking such big amount loan??? This seems to me like i am giving too much credit corrupt and inefficient Indian politician and administration...

Time has come for both India and Pakistan to stop preventing anything that will help the basic people of both nations...Let the enemity between the nations should get confined to politician and spy agencies.....
No need to argue, the fact is India provide the money to WB,ADB and have to say where it money goes......,

No, actually the fact is whether there's an intrigue or not we must go ahead with Bhasha Dam.. I am not arguing, only answering a part which loomed out of no where..

What India does to delay the dam must not surprise us!
Sink your eyeballs again in the caption/ title of the topic....
India IS going to delay....
Its about the legality, and not funds....
How would you stop india,s move....
Thats the million dollar question here..

Dear Don't Start Talking About Legality Because Then All The Projects Made In IOK Will Come Into Question Then.Pakistan Has Got Authorized Use Of This Under Indus Basin Treaty.

Also India Has Approached WB and The Best WB Can Do Is Withhold Funds.They Have No Legal Authority To Stop Us
Dear Don't Start Talking About Legality Because Then All The Projects Made In IOK Will Come Into Question Then.Pakistan Has Got Authorized Use Of This Under Indus Basin Treaty.

Also India Has Approached WB and The Best WB Can Do Is Withhold Funds.They Have No Legal Authority To Stop Us
Thats why India is working behind the scene and not taking any step legally.
Is it hard to understand?
Its a typical case of using economic upper hand to keep the other country from developing. Don't we use other tactics which even result in bloodshed ?

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