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India is trying to delay Pakistan's Bhasha dam thru WB

The only disputed territory is Maqbooza Kashmir aka Indian Held Kashmir :)

Typical cowardly move by India to work behind the scene, we openly stopped that dam in IoK!!

As far as funding is concerned, all countries including our pathetic neighbour India borrow money.

If you think you have so much money then help the Indian suffering from AIDS and HIV.
I can understand your frustration...cowardice is when a nation sends insurgents rather than fighting themselves. Atleast in our effort, no one got killed.

Most to the country borrow money...tell something new.

AIDS and HIV, if you have 1.2 billion people then susceptible and infected one are bound to be higher than other countries, especially in developing country. BTW read recent news, India has made strides in controlling it.
If going by the ADB's cancellation loans for Arunachal pradesh project on china's insistence that AP being disputed territory no wonderADB will provide loan for basha dam as whole state of J&K is disputed.So india will sure pull strings here as It has vote at ADB's board of governor:-)unsure:).India wants pakistan to spend from its exchequer on basha dam.
Despite any opposition, perceived or real, Pakistan must go ahead with Bhasha dam. I believe Pakistan can do it. It has survived in a hostile environment and needs water storage facilities and power for its future.

If India can build dams in illegally occupied Kashmir, we should have no compunction in following through energy projects in Azad Kashmir.

So now our desi liberals must realize who our real enemy is. No Amn ki Asha or crap like that will work. We have to jealously guard our interest in the face of an enemy who is out to destroy and give us grief at every available opportunity.
If going by the ADB's cancellation loans for Arunachal pradesh project on china's insistence that AP being disputed territory no wonderADB will provide loan for basha dam as whole state of J&K is disputed.So india will sure pull strings here as It has vote at ADB's board of governor:-)unsure:).India wants pakistan to spend from its exchequer on basha dam.

WB or ADB loan for Bhasha Dam seems impossibru.
Money is more powerful than nuclear weapon.....that's what India is using....they can build nukes but not get money for this much needed project.
Money is more powerful than nuclear weapon.....that's what India is using....they can build nukes but not get money for this much needed project.
Money couldnt save roman empire.

WB or ADB loan for Bhasha Dam seems impossibru.
Lets see if chinese or even americans will be interested in investing$7-8 billion in basha dam.
Money couldnt save roman empire.

Lets see if chinese or even americans will be interested in investing$7-8 billion in basha dam.
We are not living in those times......money well spent is the greatest asset. Only China....MAY BE, if it serves their interest.

India will keep doing what it is doing right now. Every year lost will put them behind at least for some time.
All political parties based on religion color and tongues have been created by people in power is to strengthen Pakistan economy?

We continue to blame rest of the world yet totally ignore problems we create and refuse to fix our self's. if the world bank isn't giving you the money for the construction apply a special charge on all electrical bills and collect money for the construction of DAM and there could be Million other ways to construct this dam. But do they want to the answer is NO.

Pakistani Politicians used to blame all our problems on Generals now they cant so its India and the world yest i haven't seen any initiative from them towards the construction of any thing .simply put it we have Retards running the country whose idea of fixing the problem is Blame it on some one else and it will go away easiest Target for obvious Reason India.

Funniest thing is to look at it this way House of Saud and other G cc countries are openly involve in funding Terrorist and extremist in our country some Pakistani having all the facts in front of them Refuse to believe or acknowledge Reality but if one was to say Its India TA_DA so to answer your question if you are awesome the answer is No but you are the best scape Goat for our incompetent Politicians.

Our Polticians are also no better. e.g. They blame on Monsoon for falling growth while they have squandered Coal Resources to private parties ( who are hoarding them) for their Party Gains.
The only disputed territory is Maqbooza Kashmir aka Indian Held Kashmir :)

Typical cowardly move by India to work behind the scene, we openly stopped that dam in IoK!!

As far as funding is concerned, all countries including our pathetic neighbour India borrow money.

If you think you have so much money then help the Indian suffering from AIDS and HIV.

lol...HIV can't be cured but can be prevented by creating awareness which we can see everyday in indian tv,magazines,newspapers etc...and free condoms from gov:D Polio was possible so we kicked it out from our country.....pakistan should be worried about their Polio which spreading day by day.
We are not living in those times......money well spent is the greatest asset. Only China....MAY BE, if it serves their interest.

India will keep doing what it is doing right now. Every year lost will put them behind at least for some time.
human nature and ruling class' attitude never changes in any yug. itihas gawah hai.
The only disputed territory is Maqbooza Kashmir aka Indian Held Kashmir :)

Typical cowardly move by India to work behind the scene, we openly stopped that dam in IoK!!

As far as funding is concerned, all countries including our pathetic neighbour India borrow money.

If you think you have so much money then help the Indian suffering from AIDS and HIV.

Well that is one delusional stance,on which even your own govt won't agree with you(as they will loose their only legal claim to Kashmir) ..either entire Kashmir(including GB) is disputed or none is.

PS : Which Indian dam did you stop?
Only Manmohan singh can save basha dam funding for pakistan if pak govt lobby him just like EU trade consessions.Or may be india can fund it as a CBM and goodwill gesture;)
human nature and ruling class' attitude never changes in any yug. itihas gawah hai.
Those who had money, had power, and vice verca. Using it at right time is the real talent which few people have, different from general humans and general ruling class, setting the elite ruling power on forefront. Itihaas gawah hai.....
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