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India is trying to delay Pakistan's Bhasha dam thru WB


Aug 23, 2007
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India is trying to delay Pakistan's Bhasha dam thru WB

According to Dawn's report, India is pushing the World Bank to stop funding for the Bhasha dam. This is a new development and one wonders the reason behind this latest bout of animosity by India.

"The World Bank has so far been reluctant to commit funds for the $12 billion Diamer-Bhasha project apparently because of behind-the-scenes opposition from India."
WB wants Bhasha dam delayed | DAWN.COM

ANP is also supporting India and Senator Zahid Khan is trying his best to delay the Bhasha dam.

Pakistan must not delay Bhasha dam because:

  • We don't have water storage capacity.
  • Our existing dams will have capacity issues because our glaciers are melting faster than anticipated.
  • We also need Bhasha dam to generate power.

This is a scheme to destroy Pakistan's economy further and then disintegrate Pakistan.
ANP is anti Pakistan & enemy of Pakistan, they are also against Kala Bagh Dam & India well they are Pakistan's worse enemy there is no doubt about that. Now Indians are desperate & they are pushing their corrupt & terrorist assets (ANP, MQM, PPP) in Pakistan to stop these development programs. This is where Pak Army needs to step in & take this issue to the corrupt Govt. & force them to do the right thing or else............................
Their is nothing to oppose from behind the scene, World Bank can't fund any project on Disputed land!

This Dam is on Disputed territory aka pakistan 0ccupied Kashmir!(Gilgit-Baltistan)

India claims this territory, hence World bank can't finance it! India should oppose it by tooth and nail as it is a disputed territory!

Spend from your own pocket or leave it......:coffee:


By the way i found these lines funny from the same article..

Responding to a question about excessive use of Chinese machinery despite its inferior quality, the Wapda chairman said it was not possible for the authority to buy equipment from other countries with funding from China. “How can we set our conditions when we are borrowing money from other countries? If China gives funding we are bound to buy Chinese equipment,” he added.

India is trying to delay Pakistan's Bhasha dam thru WB

According to Dawn's report, India is pushing the World Bank to stop funding for the Bhasha dam. This is a new development and one wonders the reason behind this latest bout of animosity by India.

"The World Bank has so far been reluctant to commit funds for the $12 billion Diamer-Bhasha project apparently because of behind-the-scenes opposition from India."
WB wants Bhasha dam delayed | DAWN.COM

ANP is also supporting India and Senator Zahid Khan is trying his best to delay the Bhasha dam.

Pakistan must not delay Bhasha dam because:

  • We don't have water storage capacity.
  • Our existing dams will have capacity issues because our glaciers are melting faster than anticipated.
  • We also need Bhasha dam to generate power.

This is a scheme to destroy Pakistan's economy further and then disintegrate Pakistan.

All political parties based on religion color and tongues have been created by people in power is to strengthen Pakistan economy?

We continue to blame rest of the world yet totally ignore problems we create and refuse to fix our self's. if the world bank isn't giving you the money for the construction apply a special charge on all electrical bills and collect money for the construction of DAM and there could be Million other ways to construct this dam. But do they want to the answer is NO.

Pakistani Politicians used to blame all our problems on Generals now they cant so its India and the world yest i haven't seen any initiative from them towards the construction of any thing .simply put it we have Retards running the country whose idea of fixing the problem is Blame it on some one else and it will go away easiest Target for obvious Reason India.

We're so awesome!!!

Funniest thing is to look at it this way House of Saud and other G cc countries are openly involve in funding Terrorist and extremist in our country some Pakistani having all the facts in front of them Refuse to believe or acknowledge Reality but if one was to say Its India TA_DA so to answer your question if you are awesome the answer is No but you are the best scape Goat for our incompetent Politicians.
Well I am already skeptical of the news because of this part:

According to Dawn's report

But if true then this is just how things are done in the world- big guys telling the little ones what to do (yes, India is a big power these days). Money talks and India is an ever-growing contributor to the WB and IMF and thus has significant clout within the orginsation. Are you guys honestly telling me that if the postions were reversed and Pakistan was the one with all the cash and power that Pakistan wouldn't do the same to India(again, if true)? No way! Because Pakistan will send armed teorroits to slaughter innocents but launching an objection the the WB is just too underhand lol!!

The real solution is, if Pakistan really wants this dam, to pay for it themselves. Maybe make a few less nukes (you've got enough I reckon) and fund an actually worthwhile project.

All political parties based on religion color and tongues have been created by people in power is to strengthen Pakistan economy?

We continue to blame rest of the world yet totally ignore problems we create and refuse to fix our self's. if the world bank isn't giving you the money for the construction apply a special charge on all electrical bills and collect money for the construction of DAM and there could be Million other ways to construct this dam. But do they want to the answer is NO.

Pakistani Politicians used to blame all our problems on Generals now they cant so its India and the world yest i haven't seen any initiative from them towards the construction of any thing .simply put it we have Retards running the country whose idea of fixing the problem is Blame it on some one else and it will go away easiest Target for obvious Reason India.

Funniest thing is to look at it this way House of Saud and other G cc countries are openly involve in funding Terrorist and extremist in our country some Pakistani having all the facts in front of them Refuse to believe or acknowledge Reality but if one was to say Its India TA_DA so to answer your question if you are awesome the answer is No but you are the best scape Goat for our incompetent Politicians.

What an incredibly well put argument, one I whole-heartedly aggree with!
India Wil never get away with this , Shhhhuuu Koi aaraha hey!
India Wil never get away with this , Shhhhuuu Koi aaraha hey!

Ok, first of all, Pakistani Media. we know the level of intellect they got. secondly, India is trying to delay what? if there's was opposition from India expressed already, only then can we assume such thing is indeed happening.
Their is nothing to oppose from behind the scene, World Bank can't fund any project on Disputed land!

This Dam is on Disputed territory aka pakistan 0ccupied Kashmir!(Gilgit-Baltistan)

India claims this territory, hence World bank can't finance it! India should oppose it by tooth and nail as it is a disputed territory!

Spend from your own pocket or leave it......:coffee:

The only disputed territory is Maqbooza Kashmir aka Indian Held Kashmir :)

Typical cowardly move by India to work behind the scene, we openly stopped that dam in IoK!!

As far as funding is concerned, all countries including our pathetic neighbour India borrow money.

If you think you have so much money then help the Indian suffering from AIDS and HIV.
The only disputed territory is Maqbooza Kashmir aka Indian Held Kashmir :)

Typical cowardly move by India to work behind the scene, we openly stopped that dam in IoK!!

As far as funding is concerned, all countries including our pathetic neighbour India borrow money.

If you think you have so much money then help the Indian suffering from AIDS and HIV.

So only Disputed territories are the one Pakistan disputes? who says that? who buys that? let me tell you, the more Kashmir is propped up the more whole of Pakistan becomes fair game to the world and India. If Kashmir region has to be rethought, whole Pakistan needs reshaping too.
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