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India Is The World's Only Counter Weight To China

---------- Post added at 10:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

[/COLOR]Pakistan does not need western aid money.

lol, what makes you think Pakistan is going to be China's client. You know the relationship between Pakistan and China is based on mutual respect. Stop regurgitating lies.

Pakistan and India are in the same league. Have you done research? Pakistan and India are both REGIONAL POWERS.
India is not a Great Power.
Get your facts straight.
Just because India has a larger economy does not mean it is better than Pakistan in any aspect, whether it is politics, military, or future potential.

Pakistan can never win a war with India - By Pakitani Journalist Najam Sethi -1.flv - YouTube


Latest Truth about superpower pakistan.flv - YouTube

India is a potential superpower and Pakistan is a regional power? :lol: according to who?

LOL, those are their extremely retarded opinions! Pakistanis on youtube have condemned the person who posted the videos and the videos themselves.
Seriously the people on Dunyatv need to be fired!

Don't fool yourself, Pakistan and India are in the SAME LEAGUE. LOL, is this an Indian denying this! Why can't India fight and snatch all of Kashmir as India claims all of it?

Why is both Pakistan and India REGIONAL POWERS.
Why is India struggling for influence in Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Iran. You know why, because Pakistan has already beaten India in Afghanistan and China has beaten India in Iran and Myanmar!
Why are you laughing? Arn't we all having a jolly time!:rolleyes:

China can get oil and trade through Pakistan. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan need Pakistan in order to trade through the Arabian Sea.

Also an Iran-Pakistan-China pipeline, China would want this.

Don't always think of the present circumstances, also look at POTENTIAL.
The westerners don't call Pakistan "Pipelistan" for no reason you know.

The western countries can easily prop up India against this alliance. The only thing that is stopping the western countries to some extent, is India's bilateral relations with Russia. But, at the same time Russia needs to improve it's relations with Pakistan.
As you know America has bad bilateral relations with Pakistan.

I think the future is going to get interesting, since NATO wants to leave Afghanistan in 2014.

Indeed Pakistan location is strategic, it's a cross road for China, India and U.S to have a shortcut to some desired destinations


-China needs Pakistan to short cut to Arabian sea and Iran
-U.S needs Pakistan to shortcut to Afghan and Central Asia
-India needs the shortcut to get resource from Afghan and central Asia but request denied..or maybe too Shy to ask :lol:...now they have to use Iran port..and trouble themself to use the sea and land to reach the destination...at precondition that Iran is always happy with India...or somthing given in return in exchange.
Pakistan does not need western aid money.

lol, what makes you think Pakistan is going to be China's client. You know the relationship between Pakistan and China is based on mutual respect. Stop regurgitating lies.

Pakistan and India are in the same league. Have you done research? Pakistan and India are both REGIONAL POWERS.
India is not a Great Power.
Get your facts straight.
Just because India has a larger economy does not mean it is better than Pakistan in any aspect, whether it is politics, military, or future potential.

:rofl: Sometimes i think you are false flagger. trying to make fun of pakistan by using thr flag,
:rofl: Sometimes i think you are false flagger. trying to make fun of pakistan by using thr flag,

How am I making fun of my country.

Start behaving maturely on this forum, there was an Indian member claiming that India was going to be the next SuperPower. LOL,LOL,LOL....:rolleyes::disagree::lol::D

lol, and I am going to say it again, Pakistan and India are in the SAME LEAGUE, SINCE BOTH ARE CONSIDERED REGIONAL POWERS!

Other than boasting about economy! Pakistan has advantages over India, Pakistan does not have so many internal rebellions!
Pakistan does not have millions upon million of poor people. In fact India has more poor than Sub-Saharan Africa.

Grow up, and see the realities!
But, of course due to India's arrogance, India will now be propped by the western nations against China and Pakistan.
Against China, yes. Pakistan doesn't count in the big game being played out. It's just a small distraction India can do without.

And in today's world of geopolitics, it's imperative to be arrogant especially against troublesome neighbours. Gandhian principles in international relations don't work anymore. It's passe. An eye for an eye is the new mantra.

AND YES INDIA IS THE NEXT SUPERPOWER!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA ,lol! Just like one of the Indian members started a thread about this! HAHAHAHAHA LOL LOL LOL :lol: :lol: :rolleyes: :woot: :enjoy:

Ohhh yaa, you already know. :enjoy: And it's next of many great powers. Brazil, China South Africa later, Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, maybe even Nigeria in the future. Super Power is to much responsibly.

We'll form the justice league.

League of extraordinary countries.:enjoy:

So on.
Ohhh yaa, you already know. :enjoy: And it's next of many great powers. Super Power is to much responsibly.

And guess what, Pakistan is still able to challenge this "Indian Superpower" in Kashmir and Afghanistan. Stop fooling yourself.
Pakistan and India ARE In the same league, Both Pakistan and India are REGIONAL POWERS.
India is not a GREAT POWER.

Yes, PAKISTAN is Super Important in Asia.
Maybe the Europeans, Americans, and Far Eastern Asian countries ( for example: Japan and Philippines) don't care about Pakistan.

But, the Asian countries do care about Pakistan!
India needs Pakistan as a transit to Central Asia.
China needs Pakistan as a transit to the Arabian sea and as a land route to Iran.
Iran needs Pakistan as a land route to China.
Arab countries needs Pakistan as a land route to China.

We can even extend this to the Eastern African Countries (for example: Kenya).

America needs Pakistan for a pipeline from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan to Pakistan to the Arabian sea.

And guess what, Pakistan is still able to challenge this "Indian Superpower" in Kashmir and Afghanistan. Stop fooling yourself.
Pakistan and India ARE In the same league, Both Pakistan and India are REGIONAL POWERS.
India is not a GREAT POWER.

Sure sure.. And also add Bhutan.


Alright jezz, stop screaming at me. Pakistan super mega important.:enjoy:
Against China, yes. Pakistan doesn't count in the big game being played out. It's just a small distraction India can do without.

Big Daddy USA had to step in and do the job itself in Afghanistan because outsourced India was unable to beat little ol' Pakistan in the proxy war.

And in today's world of geopolitics, it's imperative to be arrogant especially against troublesome neighbours. Gandhian principles in international relations don't work anymore. It's passe. An eye for an eye is the new mantra.


Yeeesss.... Give in to the DARK side....
Big Daddy USA had to step in and do the job itself in Afghanistan because outsourced India was unable to beat little ol' Pakistan in the proxy war.

Are you going to cry now?......*sigh*
LOL, those are their extremely retarded opinions! Pakistanis on youtube have condemned the person who posted the videos and the videos themselves.
Seriously the people on Dunyatv need to be fired!

Don't fool yourself, Pakistan and India are in the SAME LEAGUE. LOL, is this an Indian denying this! Why can't India fight and snatch all of Kashmir as India claims all of it?

Why is both Pakistan and India REGIONAL POWERS.
Why is India struggling for influence in Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Iran. You know why, because Pakistan has already beaten India in Afghanistan and China has beaten India in Iran and Myanmar!

Same league ??You guys have beaten us in afghanistan ?China has beaten in IRAN ,Myanmar ??Damn!please what are you smoking these days ??Look pakistan is powerful but not upto the standards of regional power to become ,for that you should have an economy and influence in world politics. which is missing .Even north korea have huge military and they also quiet powerful but that doesn't mean they are regional power like Soko and Japan.
Don't fool yourself, Pakistan and India are in the SAME LEAGUE.
:rofl: Are you from Mars? Go get some education!
Why can't India fight and snatch all of Kashmir as India claims all of it?
Pakistan has been trying since the last 65 years to capture Kashmir - from Operation Gulmarg in 1947 to Operation Gibraltar in 1965, Siachen in 1984 and the Kargil war of 1999, but got a ruddy black eye in each! :azn:

Why is both Pakistan and India REGIONAL POWERS.
I beg your pardon! Pakistan is nowhere near a 'Regional power'! The world has accepted Pakistan as a 'failing state'. You've got a long, long way to go, baby!
Why is India struggling for influence in Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Iran. You know why, because Pakistan has already beaten India in Afghanistan and China has beaten India in Iran and Myanmar!
Don't count your chickens before they hatch! Afghanistan is still a long, long way off before you can declare 'victory'! (Which will never happen).

Get real and don't follow blindly the rants of your Mullahs and clowns like Zaid Hamid!! They're just leading you up the garden path.

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