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India is taking 'holycow' to a whole new level, even killing for it.

Shajida ji, please.

Have you actually lived in India?

Warm and sunny it is? Try burning tandoor, with dust and filth and smog and free radicals and chemicals.
I have! Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, you name it! And for around 6-7 years in all. Have you lived in Seattle? Most of native find the gloomy and rainy winter with snow and no sun unbearable. Heck medically many people develop depression due to something called as SAD. So much, we actually take vitamin D supplements to avoid that kind of disorder, and do not even get me started on Norway at all. I have friends from UK who want to flee to Australia to avoid all the gloomy climate in London. BTW, compare climate of Queensland with that of Mumbai or Maharashtra. It has too many similarities.

Have you seen a European compared to us?

Even their chashma wala and twenty pens in top shirt/lab coat pocket academics, scientists, and nerds are fitter, more athletic, bigger, stronger, taller than us.

I see them day in and day out. They come in all shapes and size. There are extremely fit folks and there are extreme obese and sick folks in the US. Same in India. And no, academics, scientists are NOT nerds. Its about time you stop watching those tapes/DVDs/MKVs of Revenge of the Nerds.

Lastly, blaming the genes is usually a marker of losers in life. Till you are trying to hit olympic level fitness genetic material is seldom a constrain. I am not talking about 'genetic diseases' or 'genetic disorders', just the genetic diversity. And by any stretch of imagination neither a random/avarage America/European or Indian comes even close to hitting their genetic potential. Most of the time they are in the shape and fitness due to their nutrition and exercise regime or lack there.
Lastly, blaming the genes is usually a marker of losers in life. Till you are trying to hit olympic level fitness genetic material is seldom a constrain. I am not talking about 'genetic diseases' or 'genetic disorders', just the genetic diversity. And by any stretch of imagination neither a random/avarage America/European or Indian comes even close to hitting their genetic potential. Most of the time they are in the shape and fitness due to their nutrition and exercise regime or lack there.

You have just shattered his illusions. He was convinced that changing his religion granted him superior genetics.

Now it looks like he is stuck with that bag of rice and eternal shame to show for it. :(

His pain is genuine.
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You have just shattered his illusions. He was convinced that changing his religion granted his superior genetics.

Now it looks like he is stuck with that bag of rice and eternal shame to show for it. :(

His pain is genuine.

People have very very wrong ideas about genetics. I always run into folks who blame their genetics for being fat or for not able to grow muscles. Here is the basic issue. Genes are the carriers of traits and they influence the body in very fundamental ways but it is very very hard to argue one trait is necessarily superior to another.

Some folks have traits in terms of depositing fat as they have much higher number of fat cells in their body; usually it is also closely associated with somewhat slower rate of respiration and energy consumption. They curse that they are fat because of this and they have 'inferior genes'. Here is the rub. These so called Endomorphs; short fat and round in body shape; if they maintain their body mass properly can outlive the size zero models by one or two decades and will appear much younger in their later years with much less skin wrinkles; that is if they maintain their weight properly. This is because slower metabolism is also associated with lesser oxidative stress due lesser release of free radicals in the body. If you realize this trait; you can make best use of it and live a long, healthy and good looking life, otherwise you will live as a fat person and will die early due to CVD.

Some folks complain that they cannot build muscles mass or they cannot lift as much as weight as their other 'Mesomorphs' do. Here is the rub, they have more slow twitching muscle fibres in their body. These muscle fibres cannot provide huge instantaneous power as fast twitching tissues but they also do not produce as much of lactic acid as fast twitching tissue do. That means such people will have much higher endurance, may be they should try their luck in endurance oriented sports like marathon instead of power lifting or body aesthetics/body building.

In short, it is about realizing what you have and putting it to best use yields better results than harping about what you might have had and not doing anything. It hold true in most of the cases. There are few 'really unfortunate' ones but then that is not the case with whole of 1.2 Billion strong community of Indians.
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We are not declaring any war or Jihad against any Country

A lot of Bad Things happen in USA too
ie Racist Attacks ; School and College shootings
While I agree, ban on cow slaughter is normal (we all should respect religion) and all Indian minorities must obey the law.
What this post has to do with War or Jihad against any country?
While Donald Trump is a "racial extremist" and Modi being a "Religious Extremist" these things will happens both in India and USA.
People have very very wrong ideas about genetics. I always run into folks who blame their genetics for being fat or for not able to grow muscles. Here is the basic issue. Genes are the carriers of traits and they influence the body in very fundamental ways but it is very very hard to argue one trait is necessarily superior to another.

Some folks have traits in terms of depositing fat as they have much higher number of fat cells in their body usually it is also closely associated with somewhat slower rate of respiration and energy consumption. They curse that they are fat because of this and they have 'inferior genes'. Here is the rub. These so called Endomorphs, short fat and round in body shape, if maintain their body mass properly can outlive by one or two decades than size zero model and will appear much younger in their later years, if they maintain their weight properly. This is because slower metabolism is also associated with lesser oxidative stress due lesser release of free radicals in the body.

Some folks complain that they cannot build muscles mass or they cannot lift as much as weight as their other 'Mesomorphs' do. Here is the rub, they have more slow twitching muscle fibres in their body. These muscle fibres cannot provide huge instantaneous power as fast twitching tissues but they also do not produce as much of lactic acid as fast twitching tissue do. That means such people will have much higher endurance, may be they should try their luck in endurance oriented sports like marathon instead of power lifting or body aesthetics/body building.

In short, it is about realizing what you have and putting it to best use yields better results than harping about what you might have had and not doing anything. It hold true in most of the cases. There are few 'really unfortunate' ones but then that is not the case with whole of 1.2 Billion strong community of Indians.

Interesting take on bio diversity and I am in complete agreement with you on this.

The problem arise when people want to justify their actions based on a perceived "superiority" only to find out later that it was all in their head.

This reality is sometimes too much to handle, so they then get a compulsive need to put down others just to feel good about themselves.
Interesting take on bio diversity and I am in complete agreement with you on this.

The problem arise when people want to justify their actions based on a perceived "superiority" only to find out later that it was all in their head.

This reality is sometimes too much to handle, so they then get a compulsive need to put down others just to feel good about themselves.
Well, it happens all too often everywhere. Folks in Pakistan, atleast on this forum, tell us Indian Muslims that how much of trouble we are in due to rising Hindu nationalism. Yes, no denying it will impact us in one way or the other. Modi government wants to put some constrains on Indian Muslims in the way we live our lives and will also end up inciting few to commit acts of violence specifically targeting Muslims.

However, it is also doing a hell lot of ensure the general life of an Indian will be better. This is why I am not so much bothered about Modi and BJP and even welcome them with open arm and mind because the other option which has been tried over past 60-70 years was more secular, more socialist but at the same time more lethargic and more nepotist.
Well, it happens all too often everywhere. Folks in Pakistan, atleast on this forum, tell us Indian Muslims that how much of trouble we are in due to rising Hindu nationalism. Yes, no denying it will impact us in one way or the other. Modi government wants to put some constrains on Indian Muslims in the way we live our lives and will also end up inciting few to commit acts of violence specifically targeting Muslims.

However, it is also doing a hell lot of ensure the general life of an Indian will be better. This is why I am not so much bothered about Modi and BJP and even welcome them with open arm and mind because the other option which has been tried over past 60-70 years was more secular, more socialist but at the same time more lethargic and more nepotist.

Are you seriously telling me that Abolishing Triple Talaq and implementing a UCC will seriously put "constraints" on the Indian Muslims ?

Or is the strict implementation of the Law that will put the constraints ?

What specific act are you talking about ?

Also can you give me 2 example of how the CONgress was more 'secular' and 'socialist' than the BJP ?
Are you seriously telling me that Abolishing Triple Talaq and implementing a UCC will seriously put "constraints" on the Indian Muslims ?

There are a few...

1. Unified civil code is one thing. Restriction Tripple Talaq and number of wives -- which bothers some of more conservative portion of our community.

2. There was also a proposal on change of inheritance laws.

3. Some regulation on Waqf was proposed in terms of land which can be claimed for Mosque.

4. Beef restriction needless to say here. No matter how you slice and dice it, it is a restriction on basic freedom of individuals.

5. Then there is whole Babri Masjid and Ram Mandir issue. Many feel that Muslims will be forced to abondon claim on that land.

Also can you give me 2 example of how the CONgress was more 'secular' and 'socialist' than the BJP ?

Congress was the one which introduced the word and concept 'secular' into the very foundation of this country during Partition. In my opinion there cannot be any bigger example.

Nehru's policies in terms of license Raj, labour rights, subsidized fuel, furtilizer, electricity etc are the best examples of socialist policies. These were aimed at benefit of masses at the cost of slower economic progress.
There are a few...

1. Unified civil code is one thing. Restriction Tripple Talaq and number of wives -- which bothers some of more conservative portion of our community.

2. There was also a proposal on change of inheritance laws.

3. Some regulation on Waqf was proposed in terms of land which can be claimed for Mosque.

4. Beef restriction needless to say here. No matter how you slice and dice it, it is a restriction on basic freedom of individuals.

5. Then there is whole Babri Masjid and Ram Mandir issue. Many feel that Muslims will be forced to abondon claim on that land.

1. Change in marriage and inheritance will come under UCC. This will bring the muslims at part with non muslims in India. So how is that a "constraint" ?

By that logic, CONgress had put "constraints" on Hindus and thus proved itself to be Non Secular.

Making everybody equal under the law is the very definition of secular.

2. Waqf is still more free than compared to Hindu temple boards. But you will have to be more specific.

3. There is no new restrictions BJP has imposed except implement Existing Laws. So how is this restrictions on basic freedom of individuals ? Are you claiming that breaking the law is the definition of "basic freedom of individual" ?

4. Ram Janmabhoom issue is in the SC. BJP has no role to play there. So how can you blame the BJP ? This is illogical and prejudiced.
1. Change in marriage and inheritance will come under UCC. This will bring the muslims at part with non muslims in India. So how is that a "constraint" ?

By that logic, CONgress had put "constraints" on Hindus and thus proved itself to be Non Secular.

Making everybody equal under the law is the very definition of secular.

2. Waqf is still more free than compared to Hindu temple boards. But you will have to be more specific.

3. There is no new restrictions BJP has imposed except implement Existing Laws. So how is this restrictions on basic freedom of individuals ? Are you claiming that breaking the law is the definition of "basic freedom of individual" ?

4. Ram Janmabhoom issue is in the SC. BJP has no role to play there. So how can you blame the BJP ? This is illogical and prejudiced.

I can argue on this but I will avoid doing that in this thread. It will be out of topic. Plus all of the things I am going to say are available here in this forum and elsewhere too.
Congress was the one which introduced the word and concept 'secular' into the very foundation of this country during Partition. In my opinion there cannot be any bigger example.

Nehru's policies in terms of license Raj, labour rights, subsidized fuel, furtilizer, electricity etc are the best examples of socialist policies. These were aimed at benefit of masses at the cost of slower economic progress.

You are Wrong AGAIN.

During partition the CONgress DID NOT Introduce the world "secular" into the constitution. This was done by Indira Gandhi during Emergency.

However the real "secular" nature of the Constitution comes from the secular nature of Hindu religion and all Hindus. Not the CONgress.

Socialist means Social ownership and control of the means of production, which may mean autonomous cooperatives or direct public ownership; wherein production is carried out directly for use. Which means PSU. Not the things you have mentioned.

Subsidies are not 'socialist', because that would make the US socialist too.

However it was the CONgress who later SOLD the PSU's thus distanced itself from the socialism mentioned in the constitution.

To its credit, the BJP has not yet sold any PSU unlike the CONgress and that makes the BJP MORE Socialist than the CONgress.

These are eh FACTS of teh case without any Prejudice.

I can argue on this but I will avoid doing that in this thread. It will be out of topic. Plus all of the things I am going to say are available here in this forum and elsewhere too.

There is nothing to argue, because nothing I have said can be faulted.

You can produce No FACTS to support your claims, only opinions disguised as facts.

You are a victim of your own honesty. Now if you can demonstrate the integrity to own up to that honesty this debate is over.
Mumbo jumbo Shajida.

If you believe Indians are equal and just the same physically to Europeans or even Africans for that matter, and that genetics do not make a huge difference, I really am not going to get into a debate on something so patently obvious.

We are probably the weakest and most non athletic people there are out there.

Agree or not, does not make a difference.

It's a potent mix of our weather, our food and above all our genetics.

Something about Aryan blood mixing with Dravidian caused a civilizational booboo of continental proportions.
Mumbo jumbo Shajida.

If you believe Indians are equal and just the same physically to Europeans or even Africans for that matter, and that genetics do not make a huge difference, I really am not going to get into a debate on something so patently obvious.

We are probably the weakest and most non athletic people there are out there.

Agree or not, does not make a difference.

It's a potent mix of our weather, our food and above all our genetics.

Something about Aryan blood mixing with Dravidian caused a civilizational booboo of continental proportions.

Leave it pal, you won't even understand it.
If two things are not same, it is not necessary one is better than other. Athletic has too many definitions, just like fitness. I guess you are one of those who believe that humans are more evolved than than say chimp. Anyways, enjoy your views and never procreate lest you pass your weakest genes further. Ta!
Leave it pal, you won't even understand it.
If two things are not same, it is not necessary one is better than other. Athletic has too many definitions, just like fitness. I guess you are one of those who believe that humans are more evolved than than say chimp. Anyways, enjoy your views and never procreate lest you pass your weakest genes further. Ta!

Can you tell me one attribute of strength, power, speed, endurance, where Indians come anywhere close to any other top races in the world.

We are not the tallest. By a long margin.

We are not the fastest. By a long margin.

We are nowhere close to the most powerful or strongest. By a long margin.

We do not come close to the top in any endurance activity. Not remotely.

And all of the above, forget on a planetary scale of all humanity.

I am talking Asia.

We suck at power sports. Weight lifting. Wrestling. Boxing. Mixed martial arts.

We suck at explosive speed. Endurance. Strength. Athletics. Swimming. Cycling.

Look at our pathetic record in sports. For a country of a billion plus.

Yeah you're right. I don't really know why I'm arguing with you or what for.
Can you tell me one attribute of strength, power, speed, endurance, where Indians come anywhere close to any other top races in the world.

We are not the tallest. By a long margin.

We are not the fastest. By a long margin.

We are nowhere close to the most powerful or strongest. By a long margin.

We do not come close to the top in any endurance activity. Not remotely.

And all of the above, forget on a planetary scale of all humanity.

I am talking Asia.

Look at our pathetic record in sports. For a country of a billion plus.

Yeah you're right. I don't really know why I'm arguing with you or what for.
Lol. So what are you going to do about your genetic problems? Blame your parents.
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