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“India is Seven Times less Relevant than China in the World Economy’

guys every single literate person knows tht india is now where near china in any mean nor chinease see them as competitors its just US & western media who "need" tht comparison....

otherwise on qualitative measure & in reality india cannot even comparable to Pakistan or Iran but is comparable to Bangladesh, African countries etc....
u jst proved my point..
Congrats for attaining the second highest cönsistent growth rate, becoming member of G20, being largest wealth creater of southasia..you are way ahead than us in scientific development and medical research..v are not even comparbe to nepal..
I hope these are the measures of development for ur post as well.
Well China is a ticking timebomb waiting to explode on its face !
China's epic hangover begins

China's credit bubble has finally popped. The property market is swinging wildly from boom to bust, the cautionary exhibit of a BRIC (Chicago Options: ^RBRCUSD - news) 's dream that is at last coming down to earth with a thud.

It is hard to obtain good data in China, but something is wrong when the country's Homelink property website can report that new home prices in Beijing fell 35pc in November (Stuttgart: A0Z24E - news) from the month before. If this is remotely true, the calibrated soft-landing intended by Chinese authorities has gone badly wrong and risks spinning out of control.

The growth of the M2 money supply slumped to 12.7pc in November, the lowest in 10 years. New lending fell 5pc on a month-to-month basis. The central bank has begun to reverse its tightening policy as inflation subsides, cutting the reserve requirement for lenders for the first time since 2008 to ease liquidity strains.

The question is whether the People's Bank can do any better than the US Federal Reserve or Bank of Japan (EUREX: FMJP.EX - news) at deflating a credit bubble.

Chinese stocks are flashing warning signs. The Shanghai index has fallen 30pc since May. It is off 60pc from its peak in 2008, as much in real terms as Wall Street from 1929 to 1933.

"Investors are massively underestimating the risk of a hard-landing in China, and indeed other BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China)... a 'Bloody Ridiculous Investment Concept' in my view," said Albert Edwards at Societe Generale (Paris: FR0000130809 - news) .

"The BRICs are falling like bricks and the crises are home-blown, caused by their own boom-bust credit cycles. Industrial (Mexico: ST2000.MX - news) production is already falling in India, and Brazil will soon follow."

"There is so much spare capacity that they will start dumping goods, risking a deflation shock for the rest of the world. It no surpise that China has just imposed tariffs on imports of GM (NYSE: GM - news) cars. I think it is highly likely that China will devalue the yuan next year, risking a trade war," he said.

China's $3.2 trillion foreign reserves have been falling for three months despite the trade surplus. Hot money is flowing out of the country. "One-way capital inflow or one-way bets on a yuan rise have become history. Our foreign reserves are basically falling every day," said Li Yang, a former central bank rate-setter.

The reserve loss acts as a form of monetary tightening, exactly the opposite of the effect during the boom. The reserves cannot be tapped to prop up China's internal banking system. To do so would mean repatriating the money now in US Treasuries and European bonds pushing up the yuan at the worst moment.

The economy is massively out of kilter. Consumption has fallen from 48pc to 36pc of GDP since the late 1990s. Investment has risen to 50pc of GDP. This is off the charts, even by the standards of Japan, Korea or Tawian during their catch-up spurts. Nothing like it has been seen before in modern times.

Fitch Ratings said China is hooked on credit, but deriving ever less punch from each dose. An extra dollar in loans increased GDP by $0.77 in 2007. It is $0.44 in 2011. "The reality is that China's economy today requires significantly more financing to achieve the same level of growth as in the past," said China analyst Charlene Chu.

Ms Chu warned that there had been a "massive build-up in leverage" and fears a "fundamental, structural erosion" in the banking system that differs from past downturns. "For the first time, a large number of Chinese banks are beginning to face cash pressures. The forthcoming wave of asset quality issues has the potential to become uglier than in previous episodes".

Investors had thought China was immune to a property crash because mortgage finance is just 19pc of GDP. Wealthy Chinese often buy two, three or more flats with cash to park money because they cannot invest overseas and bank deposit rates have been minus 3pc in real terms this year.

But with price to income levels reaching nosebleed levels of 18 in East coast cities, it is clear that appartments often left empty have themselves become a momentum trade.

Professor Patrick Chovanec from Beijing's Tsinghua School of Economics said China's property downturn began in earnest in August when construction firms reported that unsold inventories had reached $50bn. It has now turned into "a spiral of downward expectations".

A fire-sale is under way in coastal cities, with Shanghai developers slashing prices 25pc in November much to the fury of earlier buyers, who expect refunds. This is spreading. Property sales have fallen 70pc in the inland city of Changsa. Prices have reportedly dropped 70pc in the "ghost city" of Ordos in Inner Mongolia. China Real Estate Index reports that prices dropped by just 0.3pc in the top 100 cities last month, but this looks like a lagging indicator. Meanwhile, the slowdown is creeping into core industries. Steel output has buckled.

Beijing was able to counter the global crunch in 2008-2009 by unleashing credit, acting as a shock absorber for the whole world. It is doubtful that Beijing can pull off this trick a second time.

"If investors go for growth at all costs again they are likely to find that it works even less than before and inflation returns quickly with a vengeance," said Diana Choyleva from Lombard Streeet Research.

The International Monetary Fund's Zhu Min says loans have doubled to almost 200pc of GDP over the last five years, including off-books lending.

This is roughly twice the intensity of credit growth in the five years preceeding Japan's Nikkei (Osaka: ^N225 - news) bubble in the late 1980s or the US housing bubble from 2002 to 2007. Each of these booms saw loan growth of near 50 percentage points of GDP.

The IMF said in November that lenders face a "steady build-up of financial sector vulnerabilities", warning if hit with multiple shocks, "the banking system could be severely impacted".

Mark Williams from Capital Economics said the great hope was that China would use is credit spree after 2008 to buy time, switching from chronic over-investment to consumer-led growth. "It hasn't work out as planned. The next few weeks are likely to reveal how little progress has been made. China may ride out the storm over the next few months, but the dangers of over-capacity and bad debt will only intensify".

In truth, China faces an epic deleveraging hangover, like the rest of us.
guys every single literate person knows tht india is now where near china in any mean nor chinease see them as competitors its just US & western media who "need" tht comparison....

otherwise on qualitative measure & in reality india cannot even comparable to Pakistan or Iran but is comparable to Bangladesh, African countries etc....
What's your definition of quantitative/qualitative measures vis-a-vis Ind or China then ? Talking BS about us is common in your part of the world !
guys every single literate person knows tht india is now where near china in any mean nor chinease see them as competitors its just US & western media who "need" tht comparison....

otherwise on qualitative measure & in reality india cannot even comparable to Pakistan or Iran but is comparable to Bangladesh, African countries etc....

Our patients are getting traetment in Pakistan.Pakistani doctors are coming to India for treating our peoples.

We are thinking for buying electricity from Pakistan.

Railway ministry is planning to take railway engines on lease from Pakistan.

there are so many things for which we are grateful to you and yes we cant compare India with Pakistan.:no:

Javed bhai one thing I would like to tell u Please make sure that when ever write any countries name please keep first letter in Caps on ( India )
Our patients are getting traetment in Pakistan.Pakistani doctors are coming to India for treating our peoples.

We are thinking for buying electricity from Pakistan.

Railway ministry is planning to take railway engines on lease from Pakistan.

there are so many things for which we are grateful to you and yes we cant compare India with Pakistan.:no:

Javed bhai one thing I would like to tell u Please make sure that when ever write any countries name please keep first letter in Caps on ( India )
You have to admit it that the CN fanboys here on PDF are more delirious than Chinese themselves :girl_wacko:
You have to admit it that the CN fanboys here on PDF are more delirious than Chinese themselves :girl_wacko:

LOL, if you think Chinese are delirious, then what do you think of superpower Indians who conveniently forget that they have more poverty than Africa?

Isn't that the most illogical thing you have ever heard?
LOL, if you think Chinese are delirious, then what do you think of superpower Indians who conveniently forget that they have more poverty than Africa?

Isn't that the most illogical thing you have ever heard?
Depends on what you believe in ! FYI IND distributes more foodgrains through PDS than probably what the whole African continent produces, we also have NREGA that tackles rural poverty to an extent. Its easy for the UN/IMF to denounce everything that goes on here but living in IND does make me informed about simple facts such as 400 mil+ BPL citizens is totally wrong(unless you're counting child laborers) so believe you me all the crap on the internet isn't trustworthy :cheesy:
Well China is a ticking timebomb waiting to explode on its face !

China's epic hangover begins - Yahoo!

Hahaha, you guys have been predicting China's collapse for over 20 years now. :lol:

Meanwhile, India's economic growth is sinking to 6%, and their inflation is near double-digits. This is despite India being so far behind already.
Hahaha, you guys have been predicting China's collapse for over 20 years now. :lol:

Meanwhile, India's economic growth is sinking to 6%, and their inflation is near double-digits. This is despite India being so far behind already.
No I have not ! Everyone knows that the world probably will fall into recession the next year except the diehard Chinese, the first step towards curing an ailment is to admit that you're sick but since you guys won't admit it that'll only lead to extreme Paranoia & then Schizophrenia overtime :coffee:
look guys its not worth comparing India and china . they have an economy 4 times our size . they implemented reforms 20 yrs before us . and have no problems which the Indian diaspora keeps coming up with .
so instead of feeding these guys with more fuel . just ignore these threads . as of late they seem very common on PDF lately .:)
I wish India well, but they really need better economists. :undecided:
i agree wid u frnd..but the point is even a team of best economists can do nothing when final decision is to be taken by nerd gud for nothing ministers.
Interesting fact:

China's economy, is bigger than the rest of the BRIC countries combined (Russia, India and Brazil).

India's economy meanwhile... is smaller than Brazil's alone.

that is incredible and sad for those with superpower pretentions. India should compare itself to smaller countries like nepal etc and then they will feel better
that is incredible and sad for those with superpower pretentions. India should compare itself to smaller countries like nepal etc and then they will feel better

ok so pakistan should compare itself with somalia :pakistan:
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