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India is our true friend: Palestinian Authority

paritosh tell me after the red square or whatever it is called issue the world isolated the Chinese....that is acceptable to the world but when Israels do what they did to innocent civilans in january...the world keeps mum...when ahmednedijan says ISRAEL is a racist everyone walks out....i am sorry it is just hypocricy...from the WEST & INDIA....

as for what pakistan has done well pakistan fought two wars against israel and i guess that is why pakistanis can't travel to ISRAEL....

i guess the US and INDIA have a similar stand when it comes to ISRAEL and palestian....

yes indeed zob...we all know about it...gaza is like a big zoo my friend...and it is very sad...read about the protests that rocked india when israel pushed for the offensive in gaza before their elections...

but as far as our having good relations with Israel is concerned...tell me dont you want Paksitan to have good relations with Russia?
when they themselves have crushed the chechen demand for a muslim state?
i dont know about you...but many muslims of pak support the chechen cause...yet many would like to lay their hands on the russian military tech...
haakw i knew this would come up :) we didn't feed them u and the americans fed them armed them sent them across the border they are pure afghans i do not consider them my own anyone cross the other side of the border entering my country is my enemy..:)kid pak army killed terrorists while even if my own brother becomes one i will not spare his life unless he surrenders himself to me for the crimes..on the contrary you govt supports all such elements funded under the table by uncle SAM. for ur kind information army killed terrorists dont matter if they were buloch a terrorist is a terrorist who uses factors to justify his cause the might be religion but do they have religion?

Question what has ur govt done for those Muslims of Gujarat affected by brutalities genocides crimes against humanity by your home grown terrorists and fascists and extremists should that million dollars be spent inside Gujarat??

now have i not accepted earlier that we to have some radical elements .......and that we are taking care of it ,relief work is still being carried out for the affected people
the supreme court has recently ordered the setting up of two special courts to try gujarat cases faster

and i believe this is out of current topic(am not escaping from your question for i have given you a reply)

now the palestian authority has praised india for its timely help ....and the friendship we have !!!!! why are you guys worried abt gujarat and other stuff .....

a palestine national has himself praised india . i beleive your opinions do not stand above his on this subject.

when you guys have not done anything to help them , why brag about the crediblity of someone who has!!!!
plz do something and then talk !!!! otherwise just applaud somebody who has shown some courtesy to his friend -rather than just being jealous and pouring hatered bacause that someone is better than you when it comes to actions
But you are buying weapons from the Chinese too :tsk:

lol fateh you convinently choose to reply to whatever you want....but hey WE r not SHINING RISING SECULAR INDIA THAT IS A SUPER POWER....so we can buy from the CHINESE...why do indians choose to argue on convinent issues and why do they think when it comes to us its a sin and when it comes to india it justifies....beisdes my frien fateh like you guys usually like to say PAKISTAN is not who you are competing with so stop pointing towards us and come up with something better....

@ HAWK can you please tell me which authority... i thinking my reading skills are lacking can you give me a name for this authority......??? because i think palestanians are not sure about what authority they support themselves....FATAH or HAMAS...

@paritosh well bro so now SUPER POWER RISING SHINING SECULAR INDIA.... is competing against a lawless pakistan....hahahaha are you serious....so now indians will justify their wrong doing by pointing at pakistan...that pakistan also does it!!!!!
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"It (India) has proved itself a true friend and well wisher of the Palestinian masses by being among the first ones to provide the Palestinian Authority (PA) with budgetary support," Palestinian deputy Foreign Minister Ahmed Soboh said.

please do read the first post before posting stuff , or go and get a pair of glasses to see clearly if you have any visual defects- out of concern for your well being
Lol at these silly Indians thinking they did something that contributed to World Peace...
Lol at these silly Indians thinking they did something that contributed to World Peace...

we do what little we can .....not like pakistan 'all talk and no action'

well what has your contributed too? "terrorism around the world?"

atleast we are better that way....doing somethng than watching people suffer
we do what little we can .....not like pakistan 'all talk and no action'

well what has your contributed too? "terrorism around the world?"

atleast we are better that way....

"The little we can" yeah right, Kashmir oppression, Tamils in Sri Lanka, human trafficking in Nepal & Bangladesh, supporting terrorism in Baluchistan and other areas...

And as far as spreading "terrorism around the world" is a bs simple minded belief. There have been many false flag operations led by Western agencies that black mail Pakistan. Also it is India that is actually a large supporter or terrorism, and Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Afghans, and China know this quite well.
@paritosh well bro so now SUPER POWER RISING SHINING SECULAR INDIA.... is competing against a lawless pakistan....hahahaha are you serious....so now indians will justify their wrong doing by pointing at pakistan...that pakistan also does it!!!!![/QUOTE]

so finally you accept that pakistan s lawless

we are not competing against you!!! we always compete with people who are better than us .....whats the use of competing with a loser anyway?:D
"The little we can" yeah right, Kashmir oppression, Tamils in Sri Lanka, human trafficking in Nepal & Bangladesh, supporting terrorism in Baluchistan and other areas...

And as far as spreading "terrorism around the world" is a bs simple minded belief. There have been many false flag operations led by Western agencies that black mail Pakistan. Also it is India that is actually a large supporter or terrorism, and Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Afghans, and China know this quite well.

keep telling that to yourself!!!!! and keep living in your dream world
You guys realize that you dont need to defend the Indian actions right? Who gives a $hit what some people think?

Dont reply and burn your blood.
You guys realize that you dont need to defend the Indian actions right? Who gives a $hit what some people think?

Dont reply and burn your blood.

Well said Mishrajee!!! I advice indian postser to not to give a r-a-t's furry arss about what other people think. We know we are helping them and they also admited that. Some India basher's opinions does not mean anyting. Remember you need two hands to clap, there is not need to respond to trollers.
Appreciating India's "timely help" with USD one million worth humanitarian relief in the aftermath of Gaza war and ten million dollars in budgetary assistance, the Palestinian Authority has called New Delhi a "true friend" of the Palestinians.
India was among the first to contribute the humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency after Israel wreaked havoc on the civilians there during the December-January attacks.

Funny how money can change the way an individual views a nation. Before the 10 million dollars, India's defence deals with Israel must have been pretty clear, but the Green papers can certainly blind. India's continued support and recognition of "rightful Israeli land" and the occupation of a population not dissimilar from the Palestinians has all been forgotten, and because of what? 10 million dollars in "humanitarian aid". I guess the strongest allies the Iraqis have are American defence contractors! Actions speak louder than words, but the dollar speaks loudest of them all.

There are traitors in every nation. I guess the Palestinians are no exception.


You don't have to give a cat's behind about what I say, if you view this as Indian bashing. I see it as bashing the guy who claims India is a "true friend". I bet the Israelis would say the same thing.
India is our true friend, said who? Palestinian Authority! What was left to discuss after that? Don't you guys know who is PLO? PLO has done more damage to Palestinian cause than the Israel, USA, and Western world combined. All Pakistani members who have some sympathy for the Palestinians, please do not waste your time on this non-sense news. Let Indians celebrate this, I would be concerned if this kind of a statement had come from the Palestinian people, since than, chill out.
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Lol at these silly Indians thinking they did something that contributed to World Peace...

Bro, they are kissing up to Arab Sheikh money ..thats is all!
Ask em how much money pours in each year in India from middle east. I guess muslims dont hate non-mulsims that much!

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