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India is our true friend: Palestinian Authority


Mar 3, 2009
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India is our true friend: Palestinian Authority

RAMALLAH: Appreciating India's "timely help" with USD one million worth humanitarian relief in the aftermath of Gaza war and ten million dollars in
budgetary assistance, the Palestinian Authority has called New Delhi a "true friend" of the Palestinians.
India was among the first to contribute the humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency after Israel wreaked havoc on the civilians there during the December-January attacks.

"It (India) has proved itself a true friend and well wisher of the Palestinian masses by being among the first ones to provide the Palestinian Authority (PA) with budgetary support," Palestinian deputy Foreign Minister Ahmed Soboh said.

Speaking to PTI at a ceremony to lay the foundation stone of a multipurpose sports facility here being funded by IBSA (India, Brazil and South Africa), Soboh said the facility will help "channelise Palestinian youngsters energy in constructive activities".

The construction of the indoor facility, worth USD one million, will include a basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis and handball courts.

The project is the first of a three year one million USDs per year pledge made at the Paris Donors conference by IBSA that includes the reconstruction and equipping of one high school in the Gaza Strip.

India Provides Humanitarian Relief, Budget Aid to Palestine

India has donated US$1 million worth of humanitarian relief aid to Palestinians in Gaza and US$10 million in budgetary assistance to the Palestinian Authority, reported the semi-official Press Trust of India on Friday.

India was among the first to contribute the humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, after the Israeli raids upon the territory from last December to January, said the report.

Palestinian officials have thanked India for being a true friend of the Palestinian people by being among the first ones to provide the Palestinian Authority with budgetary support, according to the report.

Palestinian officials also held a ceremony Thursday in Ramallah to lay the foundation stone of a multipurpose sports facility funded by India, Brazil and South Africa, said the report.

The construction of the indoor facility, worth US$1 million, will include a basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis and handball courts.

The project is the first of a three year US$1 million per year pledge made at the Paris Donors conference by India, Brazil and South Africa that also includes the reconstruction and equipping of one high school in Gaza, said the report.

India Provides Humanitarian Relief, Budget Aid to Palestine - en.chinagate.cn
That's validation of India's principled stand on the issue.
BTW, who is the "Palestinian authority" now ? Hamas or Fatah ?
AFAIK, both the Gaza administration and the rest of Palestine admin. call themselves "Palestinian Authority"
That's validation of India's principled stand on the issue.
BTW, who is the "Palestinian authority" now ? Hamas or Fatah ?
AFAIK, both the Gaza administration and the rest of Palestine admin. call themselves "Palestinian Authority"

I would dought that India would give money to Hamas. I guess is Fatah.
great going INDIA....on one side you give them $1 milion on the other you buy AWACS and other good from israel....love the neutral stand by india
BS. These Indians only care about their own interests which is all fine by me. However, let's not forget that the Indians wouldn't even spare a drop of water to the Palestinians when the time is ripe. It's just in their interest at the moment to lick the heels of the Arabs because that way they can win the sympathy of the oil rich Arab world. On top of that, they also win the emotions of the common Arab. We all know in reality how much the Indian state loves the Muslims.
India has always been a friend of Palestinians. A pann Asian superpower and an opressed nation in the making. May this friendship last forever!
Palestinians have to believe in the peace process and reject militancy. Thats the only way, the Palestinian nation will rise !

BS. These Indians only care about their own interests which is all fine by me. However, let's not forget that the Indians wouldn't even spare a drop of water to the Palestinians when the time is ripe. It's just in their interest at the moment to lick the heels of the Arabs because that way they can win the sympathy of the oil rich Arab world. On top of that, they also win the emotions of the common Arab. We all know in reality how much the Indian state loves the Muslims.

When Pakistan was hand in glove with Americans in the 60's and 70's, India was highlighting the problem of the Palestinian people at the NAM. Yasser Arafat called India Palestines greatest friend. Of course, you would know more about the help India provided to the P.A than Arafat.

Our relationship with Israel is comparatively recent. Unlike some here, we don't see everything in Black or White. Support for Palestinians doesn't mean hatred for Israel.

Besides, Israelis who come to India are the most chilled out people you'll meet. It's impossible to hate them :P
great going INDIA....on one side you give them $1 milion on the other you buy AWACS and other good from israel....love the neutral stand by india

we buy stuff for our protection , wats wrong with that? , we help when we can and we cannot forgo self defence while helping another country , israel has the best so we buy it from them, you are just jealous that your country is not in a position to buy these stuff even though you enjoyed US support from 47 to say- some 6 yrs back after india -us relations started beefing up.
so hypocritical, one one side u support them and the other side u oppress kashmiris who are demanding the same thing from u, also the fact that they buy weapons from israel :tsk:
so hypocritical, one one side u support them and the other side u oppress kashmiris who are demanding the same thing from u, also the fact that they buy weapons from israel :tsk:

We buy weapons for our protection and there is absolutly nothing wrong with that. Kudos to india for providing aid palestinians and support for palestinian state.

Please dont try to derail the thread, there is seperate thread for Kashmir problem.
In line with the discussion there is an OP-ED in Saturday's Indian Express
A fine balance

For the last decade, India has pursued a policy of skillful ambiguity in the Middle East. It has adroitly pursued friendly relations with everyone: Israelis and Palestinians, Iranians and Saudis. While this performance should be applauded as a diplomatic tour de force, India’s nimble statecraft may not be sustainable if New Delhi seeks a greater global role commensurate with its capabilities. India has hedged its position on the two central crises — beyond Iran — that define the contemporary Middle East: the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. Should New Delhi seek to maintain friendly relations with all of these parties, it will be difficult to stay relevant. Furthermore, such fence-sitting conflicts with India’s desire to be recognised as a global power.

To date, India and Israel appear to have reached quiet agreement on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. India provides firm rhetorical support to the Palestinian people, but continues to provide billions to Israel’s defense establishment. Already this year, the two countries reportedly have concluded their largest defense deal to date in which Israel will provide an air defense system to India for $1.4 billion. While public accounts are sketchy, Indo-Israeli counterterrorism and intelligence cooperation also appears robust, with recent press reports that such cooperation includes spy satellite collaboration. In Delhi, it is common to hear criticism of US support to Israel, although India is not without levers in its relationship. As Israel’s Ambassador to India David Danieli said in a 2006 interview, “India certainly can contribute by having a dialogue with Palestinians and with Israel. India maintains equally good relations with both. So the ears of both sides are certainly open to hear Indian views.” While India could wait and watch while others do the heavy lifting in the peace process, it is in a unique position to draw on historical goodwill and influence with both parties.

For the full article
A fine balance
I think alot of INDIANS don't know that Pakistanis fought in the 6 days war against the ISRAELIS.....INDIA has a HYPOCRISY approach....they support both the sides i am sorry thisis not balance....how could you buy equipment from Israel a country that is killing PALESTANIANS....when the chinese did something similar in the red square in the 80s they got sanctioned and to date are sanctioned the problem is the WEST & INDIA all are hypocrits and ofcourse they will support each other and justify each other as being correct...
BS. These Indians only care about their own interests which is all fine by me. However, let's not forget that the Indians wouldn't even spare a drop of water to the Palestinians when the time is ripe. It's just in their interest at the moment to lick the heels of the Arabs because that way they can win the sympathy of the oil rich Arab world. On top of that, they also win the emotions of the common Arab. We all know in reality how much the Indian state loves the Muslims.

It hurts, right? The concept of 'Arab Brotherhood' falling apart? It was always a hogwash anyway. You simply can not digest Palestine, the pivotal source from which so-called 'Arab/Muslim Brotherhood' stems, having good relationship with India (should I say 'Kuffar'?). Arab/Muslims countries are supposed to be extremely unhappy over India-US-Israel nexus. Shocked, that it is not happening?

I would call this excellent diplomacy & excellent way to have peace in the region. The only viable option now is that Palestine & Israel co-exist. The sooner the Palestinians abandon militancy, the better for the region. But looks like some entities don't want to see that happen. It is like losing the power source of Islamic brotherhood.

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