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India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir


Sep 29, 2011
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One of the most outspoken voices of moderation in Pakistan, Ayaz Amir, a PML (N) parliamentarian and ardent supporter of friendlier Indo-Pak ties, tells Sameer Arshad that anti-New Delhi rhetoric is yesterday's news in his country. Excerpts:

Has trade triumphed over hostilities after the Mumbai attacks?

Trade is one of the factors. There is a growing feeling in Pakistan that the era of animosity is over and we should move to a new phase of relationship. The hotbed of hostility against India used to be Punjab. Anti-India sentiments also stemmed fromPartition. That has changed. Now, there is greater maturity. Mumbai was a tragedy. We are finally out of it. We may have many like Hafiz Saeed but the real guys behind (Mumbai attacks) were splintergroups not controlled by him. We have militant offshoots. But overall the anti-India feeling is rather old. We have public meetings here and Indiais never mentioned . I come from the army belt of Chakwaland Rawalpindi , and there is hardly any village which does not have a recent tomb of a soldier who has died fighting the Taliban. We no longer have soldiers dying in fight against India.

So that's the main factor...

The situation on our western borders is also driving the feeling . But in order to sustainthis mood (favouring peace with India) and push it forward, there is a feeling in Pakistan that there should be some sort of a breakthrough on problems such as Sir Creek and Siachen, especially after the recent tragedy. There has been an outpouring of comments in Pakistan that thisstandoff in Siachen is completely senseless.

There are many in India who would argue that bonhomie from civilians is fine, but what matters is what the army has to say about this. Is the army on board?

The old situation has changed in the army as well. The obsession with India as an enemy is no longer the dominant sentiment . It will bemore pragmatic if we solve our problems through diplomacy. The feeling that India poses an existential threat is no longer there. The threat of Taliban is not going to go away with the US withdrawal (from Afghanistan). It may get even worse. We have many problems other than India.

Did Zardari's visit to Delhi break the ice?

Yes. Very few people opposed the visit but the government remains very unpopular. He was criticized for taking such alarge delegation to India. Questions were raised about the trip but not the spirit of friend- with India

There appears to be a change in the stance on Kashmir as well. How widespread is the feeling?

After the two countries signedthe Simla Agreement, Pakistanstopped talking about Kashmirfor the next 17 years. But Indiamismanaged Kashmir and Pakistan got into the act. Kashmir is a missed opportunity as far as India is concerned. Supporting militancy was a flawed policy and we did no service to the Kashmiris with it. We, in fact, damaged the Kashmir cause, and that is a growing feeling.
The Times of India on Mobile
The feeling is mutual but as ( he ) suggested 'Mumbai was a tragedy. We are finally out of it' would be an overstatement. The wound still is fresh in many minds and would take some time to 'get out of'. I'm sure their are far more people who stand to gain from peace than petty warmongering.
It was really astonishing that no Pakistani politician criticized Agni 5 test otherwise Most Pakistan polticians used to say missile test is symbol of India's imperialistic desire.

But the main reason I think is Pakistan has bigger headache which is America and the internal security crisis which made them realize talking peace with India.
It was really astonishing that no Pakistani politician criticized Agni 5 test otherwise Most Pakistan polticians used to say missile test is symbol of India's imperialistic desire.

But the main reason I think is Pakistan has bigger headache which is America and the internal security crisis which made them realize talking peace with India.

The reason they didn't criticize is because they knew 5000 km ranged Agni 5 is not meant for them.. Look at the reactions worldwide and you can easily realize who is really worried about it..
Nehru sowed the seed of 6 decades of enmity when he pulled out of Cabinet Mission Plan. Makes you wonder how things would have been different if instead of turning left had he turned right.
still that is not the same Pakistan we knew 15 years ago.

The reason for that is - we are not the same India that we knew 15 years ago.. So be proud and be arrogant for that's exactly what today's India stand for!!

Nehru sowed the seed of 6 decades of enmity when he pulled out of Cabinet Mission Plan. Makes you wonder how things would have been different if instead of turning left had he turned right.

Dear what happened in past is the thing of past and I believe one should not live with historic baggage.. time to move on because Nehru and Jinnah are dead long time ago..
Nehru sowed the seed of 6 decades of enmity when he pulled out of Cabinet Mission Plan. Makes you wonder how things would have been different if instead of turning left had he turned right.
how can he sow the seeds even when he pulled out ??
Nehru sowed the seed of 6 decades of enmity when he pulled out of Cabinet Mission Plan. Makes you wonder how things would have been different if instead of turning left had he turned right.

I don't think so. I read some where that Jinnah envisioned India & Pakistan coexisting as US & Canada with open borders, but after his death it was all forgotten.

Anyways past is past, if you want to live in it be my guest.
Who cares of how they look at us ?

Just don't send in the uninvited guests - non state actors - to our side and we could not care less what happens on that side.

Indians have already started overlooking Pakistan and expanded their horizons to bigger things. Pakistan remains significant to us only for negative reasons..if that is removed it goes to insignificant.
No longer an enemy?
Forgot so soon:
- who provides weapons to Pakistani Taliban
- who supports Balochistan movement from Afghanistan
- IAF helicopter violated in G.B
- Samjhota Express Bombings.
- Took Siachin/ J&K
- Has stationed some 700,000 soldiers in Kashmir
- forces France, U.S, Russia to embargo defence deals
- IAF purchasing 126+ Rafales, upgrading M2K, MIG-29, Jaguar for Billions of dollars
- Just recently tested an ICBM

India is seen as a never ending enemy...
Pakistan always tries to go for peace i.e Siachin/Kashmir solution, Trade, less troops at the border, IPL, Giving india as a Most favoured nation award, Pakistani actors/actresses/singers improving image in Bollwood, freeing prisoners who were fishermen, terrorists, etc. Despite of all this, India has done nothing in return to move forward.
- IAF purchasing 126+ Rafales, upgrading M2K, MIG-29, Jaguar for Billions of dollars
- Just recently tested an ICBM

I dont know why you think the Rafales and ICBM are for you. We already have every inch of your territory covered with existing missiles and Agni V is an unwanted overkill regarding Pakistan. Ditto with Rafales. When Pakistan's best aircraft is one that matches our upgraded Mig-29s why would we even think of wasting Rafales on you ?

Please, as I said Indians have started overlooking Pakistan and are setting their sights on wider horizons. Just don't send in the non state actors and we are prepared to overlook you completely.
No longer an enemy?
Forgot so soon:
- who provides weapons to Pakistani Taliban
- who supports Balochistan movement from Afghanistan
- IAF helicopter violated in G.B
- Samjhota Express Bombings.
- Took Siachin/ J&K
- Has stationed some 700,000 soldiers in Kashmir
- forces France, U.S, Russia to embargo defence deals
- IAF purchasing 126+ Rafales, upgrading M2K, MIG-29, Jaguar for Billions of dollars
- Just recently tested an ICBM

India is seen as a never ending enemy...
Pakistan always tries to go for peace i.e Siachin/Kashmir solution, Trade, less troops at the border, IPL, Giving india as a Most favoured nation award, freeing prisoners who were fishermen, terrorists, etc. Despite of all this, India has done nothing to move forward.

- who provides weapons to Pakistani Taliban - They support themselves.:cheesy:
- who supports Balochistan movement from Afghanistan- From Afghanistan means :toast_sign:from Afghanistan.
- IAF helicopter violated in G.B- Ok thanks for returning it.:tup:
- Samjhota Express Bombings.- Kargil back stabbing ?
- Took Siachin/ J&K - We didn't took it. it's ours.:disagree:
- Has stationed some 700,000 soldiers in Kashmir- we have 1.3 mil solder. So why we give them salary for siting Idol.
- forces France, U.S, Russia to embargo defence deals - RD-93, F-16 MLU & Block-52 ?:undecided:
- IAF purchasing 126+ Rafales, upgrading M2K, MIG-29, Jaguar for Billions of dollars- We have money.
- Just recently tested an ICBM- We have a bigger fish to Fry.:china:

Pakistan always tries to go for peace i.e Siachin/Kashmir solution--After that tragedy happen?
Trade- ok
less troops at the border- Due to expense (ta ki jayada Non state actors bhej-sako ? )
IPL - ?
Most favoured nation award- for what ? to send more Kasab & party
freeing prisoners who were fishermen, terrorists,- Fisher men ok but why freeing terrorist ?
Despite of all this, India has done nothing to move forward.-Remember when our P.M went to Lahore in bus for peace , what we get in-return.
No longer an enemy?
Forgot so soon:
- who provides weapons to Pakistani Taliban
- who supports Balochistan movement from Afghanistan
- IAF helicopter violated in G.B
- Samjhota Express Bombings.
- Took Siachin/ J&K
- Has stationed some 700,000 soldiers in Kashmir
- forces France, U.S, Russia to embargo defence deals
- IAF purchasing 126+ Rafales, upgrading M2K, MIG-29, Jaguar for Billions of dollars
- Just recently tested an ICBM

India is seen as a never ending enemy...
Pakistan always tries to go for peace i.e Siachin/Kashmir solution, Trade, less troops at the border, IPL, Giving india as a Most favoured nation award, Pakistani actors/actresses/singers improving image in Bollwood, freeing prisoners who were fishermen, terrorists, etc. Despite of all this, India has done nothing in return to move forward.

Baseless accusations and war mongering and what made you worried about agni 5 missile.
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