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India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

Hmmm....Considering the India bashing by most of my Pakistani friend here on this forum, it looks like the twain shall never meet! I wonder if this reflects the attitude of the majority in Pakistan?

Then there's Pakistan bashing too by Indians here, many of whom take vicarious pleasure at the multiple problems being faced by Pakistan.

'Aman ki Asha' and all those back channel stuff is fine but without a paradigm shift in the psyche of most people in the subcontinent, this so called peace process will be elusive and remain a non starter. We need to take out the strong and entrenched vested interests that are averse to a detente between our two countries, and neutralize them. But that is easier said than done.

However, it seems the people of Pakistan are a world apart from most Pakistani members on PDF!! The friendly attitude of the ordinary people I met whilst on a trip to Lahore including the taxi drivers and kababwalas was an eye opening experience! Friendly and hospitable, they had a special affinity to Indians in particular.

So why this 'Kolaveri di' on PDF?? I even tried a 'friendship' thread here some days ago but was beaten, bruised and hauled over the coals especially by my Pakistani friends here for even thinking of friendship!! Jeeez! That really sucked! :tdown:

Can Indo-Pak friendship become reality in the near future? An inveterate optimist that I am, I do think so. There's always light at the end of the tunnel however long it may be!



Keep Aman ki Ashi hope alive pal , a couple of guys like Razpak and Hafizz will always be around to derail the thread.....The majority are not like them and they do strive for peace !
i think the loc should be made the intl border, IWT scrapped and india should stop claiming P0K and Gilgit baltistan and lahore.
No longer an enemy?
Forgot so soon:
- who provides weapons to Pakistani Taliban
- who supports Balochistan movement from Afghanistan
- IAF helicopter violated in G.B
- Samjhota Express Bombings.
- Took Siachin/ J&K
- Has stationed some 700,000 soldiers in Kashmir
- forces France, U.S, Russia to embargo defence deals
- IAF purchasing 126+ Rafales, upgrading M2K, MIG-29, Jaguar for Billions of dollars
- Just recently tested an ICBM

India is seen as a never ending enemy...
Pakistan always tries to go for peace i.e Siachin/Kashmir solution, Trade, less troops at the border, IPL, Giving india as a Most favoured nation award, Pakistani actors/actresses/singers improving image in Bollwood, freeing prisoners who were fishermen, terrorists, etc. Despite of all this, India has done nothing in return to move forward.

A Perfect response by any Pakistani to traitor like Ayaz Amir's rants ... Truly Golden Words ...
i think the loc should be made the intl border, IWT scrapped and india should stop claiming P0K and Gilgit baltistan and lahore.
lol, india claims that lahore is its property too? :lol::lol::lol:
When you say "we", that only represents Indian government I believe, most of the indian population hates Pakistan considering the comments I read on IDF, TOI etc and I don't blame them for doing so

Buddy, Pakistanis were at recently conducted trade fair at Delhi. you should ask them how common public treated them and how many times were they threatened for being Pakistani.. Your view of Indian's hatred is based on some internet comments and let me tell you even those are not aimed at common mass but meant specifically for terrorist scum..
i think the loc should be made the intl border, IWT scrapped and india should stop claiming P0K and Gilgit baltistan and lahore.

It cannot be declared an international boarder until both sides agree.
And Pakistan is not ready to give up on the liberty of the kashmiris just yet.
Hindus do have a soft corner for pakistan, just like the german had for jews instead of shooting them in their heads they sent them to gas chambers.

atleast pakistanis have something to be happy about - this aint no muslim appeasing policy.

Disgusting is the way you think.. Anyways you stood true to your forum handle..

Only the media portrays it like that and idiotic wannabes think like that. After Mumbai attacks, every normal and dedicated Indian was pissed off from all corners of the country.

There's no peace possible because of Pakistan's ideology.

Mate, don't take me wrong.. I was enraged by Mumbai attacks as well but do you think common people had a role to play in it.. and I too hate those people who were involved in the attacks and would love to see those scum-shits to be burnt alive..

And I just asked if we can give peace a chance.. There is no use killing each other for ages to come but a peaceful environment will help a lot.. Thinking of it does not make me a wannabe!! Now, isn't it?
Hey my bharti friends. I guess you were missing me, but RazPak does have a life outside of PDF.
There are some Pakistani fools that want to make friends with India.

I say fitay mun to them.


*Indians want peace so they can sell their goods to us, not the other way around

*Indians want to brainwash Pakistani youth with their entertainment industry, something they have been successful at with the minority so far. They want to mentally enslave Pakistan and it's culture.

*Indians cry peace, peace, but why don't they play Pakistani cricketers in their IPL?

*Indian media paints our nation as terrorists using their subliminal messages or ie their propaganda machine.

*Indians massacre Kashmirs and oppress them and their rights

And there are just from the top of head.

Any Pakistani that wants friendship and peace should go to India and leave Pakistan.
Hey my bharti friends. I guess you were missing me, but RazPak does have a life outside of PDF.

and so does everyone here !!

So shall we continue the debate,where we left

So you think there should be no peace with India until India leaves kashmir ?
and so does everyone here !!

So shall we continue the debate,where we left

So you think there should be no peace with India until India leaves kashmir ?

After the gross human rights violations committed by your troops, you should have enough shame to leave on your own.
There are some Pakistani fools that want to make friends with India.

I say fitay mun to them.


*Indians want peace so they can sell their goods to us, not the other way around

Trade is beneficial for both

*Indians want to brainwash Pakistani youth with their entertainment industry, something they have been successful at with the minority so far. They want to mentally enslave Pakistan and it's culture.

Ban Bollywood - it simple !! you remind me of some Muslim Lunatic goes by name Anjeem chaudhary

*Indians cry peace, peace, but why don't they play Pakistani cricketers in their IPL?

It upto the franchise !! they feel Pakistani players are simply not worth the money

*Indian media paints our nation as terrorists using their subliminal messages or ie their propaganda machine.

*Indians massacre Kashmirs and oppress them and their rights

Pakistan does the same in Pokashmir

After the gross human rights violations committed by your troops, you should have enough shame to leave on your own.

If you go by that !! you have no right to live on this planet
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