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India is evaluating options beyond dialogue and diplomacy against China

I concur....In this particular case, Indian forces should be defensively postured until otherwise required....

This issue does not need to blow out proportions unless China is suffering from overconfidence...
India in the mean time can use its diplomatic channels to brand China the aggressor....this might even involve media and propoganda, but those are way safer and economically sane options to deal a blow to china than escalating militarily...

Besides, with the elections coming up, Congress knows that hurting the economy by pushing a war on the people is a sure shot way to lose the elections...
At the same time I must also commend the Chinese on a well timed intimidation tactic....especially when the Political parties ruling the country are walking on a thin line..

You are mistaken - the one aspect which makes various ethnic groups and communities think as one - that is Indian - is when crisis in thrown in at India with threats of foreign intervention on Indian sovereignty - example, BJP rode to power once again in 1999/2000 was due to its robust military response though it goofed up initially.

So even a perception of weakness on the part of Congress will hurl congress to its defeat next year and if the NDA has enough arsenal in its Propaganda wing, it is doomsday for Congress.
You are mistaken - the one aspect which makes various ethnic groups and communities think as one - that is Indian - is when crisis in thrown in at India with threats of foreign intervention on Indian sovereignty - example, BJP rode to power once again in 1999/2000 was due to its robust military response though it goofed up initially.

So even a perception of weakness on the part of Congress will hurl congress to its defeat next year and if the NDA has enough arsenal in its Propaganda wing, it is doomsday for Congress.

Im a bit unclear on your thought my friend....So u agree that the Congress will try to save face?

I agree that national calamities and external threats bring every nation, no matter how divided together..

No such thing as a white being a 'Native'. You're a barbaric white foreigner from Europe occupying Native American land. The Indians might always lick your red rec*tums but you will never get that from us. You know that too.
Indians have always been the white man's slave, they just prefer it that way, it's how they have been brought up from the day were popped out from their mothers womb.

Its true...the chinese have paid their a$$ licking dues by building the great american railways....They have since graduated to respectable positions ;)
Every time an American rides the amtrak, they get their salad tossed...free of charge mind you...LOL!
Im a bit unclear on your thought my friend....So u agree that the Congress will try to save face?

I agree that national calamities and external threats bring every nation, no matter how divided together..

Bro - The economy comes first would be the rational thought but with the Indian media and the public looking at the situation pretty closely, anything short of a robust response from Congress will be seen as a weakness on the part of Congress and will lead to defeat next year as people have never compromised on national integrity - which is both healthy in most aspects and unhealthy in certain aspects. (unhealthy because it is does prevent a border compromise with neighboring countries leading to resolution of the border dispute so India can concentrate in growing beyond a regional power)
We are claiming back our territory and that's EXACTLY what the PLA did. You are utterly powerless to do anything about it because attacking us will get you another good ole spanking like 1962. You know it too. Otherwise the lowly Indian military would have done something about it. We are judge, jury and executioner. India has no say in this whatsoever.

We need more aggressive attitudes from your lot....just makes our task easier

India will continue to rule its lands that China claims ...we shall see what transpires with regards to the rest of your comments...Im still waiting for that great invasion that the Chinese think they can achieve at any point being the "judge. jury and executioner"
Im a bit unclear on your thought my friend....So u agree that the Congress will try to save face?

I agree that national calamities and external threats bring every nation, no matter how divided together..

Its true...the chinese have paid their a$$ licking dues by building the great american railways....They have since graduated to respectable positions ;)
Every time an American rides the amtrak, they get their salad tossed...free of charge mind you...LOL!

We are an independent country, that's the way we prefer it. We are a proud civilisation that dislikes being told what to do. Indians are not like us, you prefer to look upto the white race as a superior race and seek the approval of the white man. It's just the way Indian psyche works. You have no honour or pride. We never look upto the white man and dislike being told what to do. Indians just prefer being a vassal state, I'm not blaming India because the only way India can be great and important in this world is by being a vassal state of the Anglo-Saxons.
Bro - The economy comes first would be the rational thought but with the Indian media and the public looking at the situation pretty closely, anything short of a robust response from Congress will be seen as a weakness on the part of Congress and will lead to defeat next year as people have never compromised on national integrity - which is both healthy in most aspects and unhealthy in certain aspects. (unhealthy because it is does prevent a border compromise with neighboring countries leading to resolution of the border dispute so India can concentrate in growing beyond a regional power)

What I mean is that the Congress will avoid war at any cost at least for the next year...since elections will play a major role...

But I believe that what the congress is doing now, ie. diplomatic channels is a must...my take is that had this happened a couple of years ago, the Congress's response would have been extremely vocal..

PS:Im unaffiliated as far as parties are concerned..Ill vote for any party that provides economic progress and guarantees national security
You are mistaken - the one aspect which makes various ethnic groups and communities think as one - that is Indian - is when crisis in thrown in at India with threats of foreign intervention on Indian sovereignty - example, BJP rode to power once again in 1999/2000 was due to its robust military response though it goofed up initially.

So even a perception of weakness on the part of Congress will hurl congress to its defeat next year and if the NDA has enough arsenal in its Propaganda wing, it is doomsday for Congress.

The current leadership is completely out of depth, they are only good at jumping from one crisis situation to another without any favorable outcome on any.
We need more aggressive attitudes from your lot....just makes our task easier

India will continue to rule its lands that China claims ...we shall see what transpires with regards to the rest of your comments...Im still waiting for that great invasion that the Chinese think they can achieve at any point being the "judge. jury and executioner"

Not really.

We entered your so called territory and what did you do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING :lol:

Why? Because the fact that we are Chinese scares you. We are inside your head and this incident brings back old scars from 50 years ago. That incident 50 years ago still haunts you to this very day. India always thought itself as an equal to China but after that incident we put you in your place and that stings you. That was the most humiliating thing in the history of Indian civilization.
We are an independent country, that's the way we prefer it. We are a proud civilisation that dislikes being told what to do. Indians are not like us, you prefer to look upto the white race as a superior race and seek the approval of the white man. It's just the way Indian psyche works. You have no honour or pride. We never look upto the white man and dislike being told what to do. Indians just prefer being a vassal state, I'm not blaming India because the only way India can be great and important in this world is by being a vassal state of the Anglo-Saxons.

You're so right!!!!

India wanted British colonization...thats what started the whole damn Indian Independence movement...It all makes sense now!

It would be best advised if you keep the slave talk to a minimum...the Chinese as a people have a chequered history with slavery...so it would be better if you speak for yourself instead of for the Indians..
What I mean is that the Congress will avoid war at any cost at least for the next year...since elections will play a major role...

But I believe that what the congress is doing now, ie. diplomatic channels is a must...my take is that had this happened a couple of years ago, the Congress's response would have been extremely vocal..

PS:Im unaffiliated as far as parties are concerned..Ill vote for any party that provides economic progress and guarantees national security

Bro - don't get me wrong that I am trying to see you as affiliated to one of the parties - I feel what I am stating is right but I may not be. Beyond that, lets see how the situation turns out - I thought Chinese setting up tent in th first few days but looking back it may not be a bad thing - It might wake up the mandarins at the center that Chinese may not be trusted and the 21st century Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai will not work out and will force the center to take a concrete policy decision wrt Chinese including SCS and end up cultivating more concrete friendships with Japan, Vietnam, SK not to mention US.
Not really.

We entered your so called territory and what did you do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING :lol:

Why? Because the fact that we are Chinese scares you. We are inside your head and this incident brings back old scars from 50 years ago. That incident 50 years ago still haunts you to this very day. India always thought itself as an equal to China but after that incident we put you in your place and that stings you. That was the most humiliating thing in the history of Indian civilization.

We presently are doing what's the right thing to do - why would we want a war for ourselves at the present moment? we would very much like to take you on when most of your enemies are finished with you :lol:

Joke apart - the whole scenario is a bit much for you to comprehend - so I'll leave it at that.

Bro - don't get me wrong that I am trying to see you as affiliated to one of the parties - I feel what I am stating is right but I may not be. Beyond that, lets see how the situation turns out - I thought Chinese setting up tent in th first few days but looking back it may not be a bad thing - It might wake up the mandarins at the center that Chinese may not be trusted and the 21st century Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai will not work out and will force the center to take a concrete policy decision wrt Chinese including SCS and end up cultivating more concrete friendships with Japan, Vietnam, SK not to mention US.

You are right, the Manmohan Singh Govt was going gungho about the upswing in the Indo Chini relationship and planning joint exercises, visits and a combined bank - this scenario must have woken them from the slumber and would have identified the real enemy for them.
Not really.

We entered your so called territory and what did you do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING :lol:

Why? Because the fact that we are Chinese scares you. We are inside your head and this incident brings back old scars from 50 years ago. That incident 50 years ago still haunts you to this very day. India always thought itself as an equal to China but after that incident we put you in your place and that stings you. That was the most humiliating thing in the history of Indian civilization.

It amuses me that you itch for a war...

I prefer to look beyond the incidence with a pros and cons scenario...if a situation benefits India (trade) and diplomacy can retain the positives, we prefer that option. I dont think ANYONE considers China "scary" on account of pitching a tent in a disputed area

Besides...if this is the Chinese idea of scoring points on India...Ill be happy to oblige..It doesnt change the situation on ground which is....India continues to rule its territories claimed by China..and I dont see how this incidence has changed that in any shape or form...Its a minor irritant that will be resolved...
At the end of the day what matters is that we as Indians can force our govt into war or change the govt itself...I dont believe the CPC will be asking the Chinese populace when selling your soul to the devil...speaks a lot about how "proud and independent" you are as a civilization...
From being the whipping boys of east asia to being the whipping goats for your own people...i salute your independence!
Im a bit unclear on your thought my friend....So u agree that the Congress will try to save face?

I agree that national calamities and external threats bring every nation, no matter how divided together..

Its true...the chinese have paid their a$$ licking dues by building the great american railways....They have since graduated to respectable positions ;)
Every time an American rides the amtrak, they get their salad tossed...free of charge mind you...LOL!

The chinese must be extremely proud of the fact that they along with blacks broke their backs building roads and railways for the Americans to ride on, and even today millions of chinese toil on 20 hour shifts without leave and low wages for decades so that the Americans and the Europeans have their toilet paper, underwear, cheap electronics etc on time.
Perhaps they are both COCONUTS. Know what I mean?

Even in the India superpower 2030 movie, it requires a white person to affirm the advancement of India. Indians have not confidence on themselves unless approved by white people. At the same time, its sad that they portrait white people as servants and beggars behaving like today's Indians. That part is racist at best and psychopathic at worst.
Chinese already lost balls, ccp said there soldiers arent there, it must be PLA deserters trying to get refuge in India :rofl:

no, they said that the soldiers haven't crossed into Indian territory, and according to their logic, they're right. The Chinese consider the are to be Chinese territory.

You're just being delusional.
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