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'India is a loser', says Sri Lankan media

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Bangladesh as well voted against the resolution and for SriLanka. This will make things easier for Srilanka to invite China do the exploration in Palk strait. Bringing China even closer to South Asia. And even closer to india. Perhaps, india or whomever india was pleasing wants that.
Why china? why not bangladesh come and explore palk strait? btw palk strait is indian territory and chinese are welcomed to come and invest in india.
Indians need to learn that you can not bully or force people to like you if you side with whites and Americans against the neighbourhood your neighbours will consider you a loser. Sri Lankan brothers should not forget this
if it was that important to you why was your govt so undecided until the last minute

inside pressure from both parties of tamilnadu or may be signalling something which is going to happen with sri lanka in future;)
Indians need to learn that you can not bully or force people to like you if you side with whites and Americans against the neighbourhood. Sri Lankan brothers should not forget this

who is bullying whom and for what ?
Indians need to learn that you can not bully or force people to like you if you side with whites and Americans against the neighbourhood. Sri Lankan brothers should not forget this

you are responsible for bringing so called whites in region.you used to take money from them earlier and still taking;)
They kill your people and you supply them ammunition for killing:)

so turn your neck and see your self if your blind ego lets you to do so;)
Pakistan did not even vote...

Pakistan did not have to vote. Pakistan stood by SriLanka in most critical time of its existence, while india was playing double face game and aiding tamil terrorists. Every SriLankans know Pakistan as their tested friend in their heart. Problem for india is no amount of propaganda can erode that truth and reality india had established.
Indians need to learn that you can not bully or force people to like you if you side with whites and Americans against the neighbourhood your neighbours will consider you a loser. Sri Lankan brothers should not forget this

Our leaders don't copy your leaders. And what help can Pakistan really provide to Sri Lanka to counter India. Kindly explain.
Indians need to learn that you can not bully or force people to like you if you side with whites and Americans against the neighbourhood your neighbours will consider you a loser. Sri Lankan brothers should not forget this

Says a person whose country has provided military base to these whites to bombard its own people.
I wonder why Pakistanis BDs are getting annoyed at this. We had to side with our people . They should be happy that now their buddy(?) China is now even closer to SL.
Its editorial captioned 'a defeat as good as victory'

Lolz.Sounds almost as if they're talking about a cricket match and not a UN resolution.You still have to face the brunt of the ''as good as defeated'' resolution in the morning,Sri Lanka.Doesn't matter even if it gets vetoed in the future calls for action,the fact would remain that Sri Lanka got tagged as a violator of internationally recognized human rights by a majority of votes.Unfortunately for you guys,stuff like that doesn't wash off that easily.
Pakistan did not have to vote. Pakistan stood by SriLanka in most critical time of its existence, while india was playing double face game and aiding tamil terrorists. Every SriLankans know Pakistan as their tested friend in their heart. Problem for india is no amount of propaganda can erode that truth and reality india had established.

I guess you have lot of time to do BS... Guess what we don't even care
Pakistan did not have to vote. Pakistan stood by SriLanka in most critical time of its existence, while india was playing double face game and aiding tamil terrorists. Every SriLankans know Pakistan as their tested friend in their heart. Problem for india is no amount of propaganda can erode that truth and reality india had established.

And critical time you are talking about ??
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