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India is a democracy

Once you step out of the new shiny Airport in any of the Indian cities you would find beggars lining up the streets almost all of them from the Unfortunate lower castes. In cities like Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi more than 60-80% of it is SHANTY TOWN where you will find the worst imaginable inhuman conditions and people are living out there eking out a living......

And the point is according to Hindu caste system.....you arent supposed to help them because it was due to their previous lives such a situation has come forth.......another myth spread by the upper castes.

In almost all the villages Lower castes live segregated...........I am not getting the website but just last week a family in a village starved to death due to lack of drinking water as their village was cut off from the drinking wells just because someone dared to take water from the Common well which Upper castes had access to.

Such is the state .

how can u say that almost all beggars are from lower caste. have u personally done some census on it. i have seen or met many beggars who were not from lower caste. also the concept of upper class isolation from lower class is also fading away slowly. esp in urban areas it is hard to find any such thing now.
Once you step out of the new shiny Airport in any of the Indian cities you would find beggars lining up the streets almost all of them from the Unfortunate lower castes. In cities like Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi more than 60-80% of it is SHANTY TOWN where you will find the worst imaginable inhuman conditions and people are living out there eking out a living......

And the point is according to Hindu caste system.....you arent supposed to help them because it was due to their previous lives such a situation has come forth.......another myth spread by the upper castes.

In almost all the villages Lower castes live segregated...........I am not getting the website but just last week a family in a village starved to death due to lack of drinking water as their village was cut off from the drinking wells just because someone dared to take water from the Common well which Upper castes had access to.

Such is the state .

I know many Mishras/Tiwaris/Sharmas/Pandey/Trivedis driving taxis and living in chawls in south mumbai,last i knew they were brahmins from UP,the once richest kingdom of India.

Bangalore has no slums and Delhi has Yamuna Paar thats all.

Mumbai has maximum slums and all the poor regardless of caste live there.

That Karma applies to everyone and nowhere it says,u cant help them.Many people get help and many dont,thats all.

In all these slums,most people u ll find from UP/Bihar and the backward states where governance has failed.
5-10% upper castes have all the wealth?

If that was the case there ll be blood flowing in the rivers tomorrow.

Yeah i m Brahman from Tamilnadu and i have travelled all over the country and i know the status,inequality exists but not on the basis of caste,i can assure you that.

I dont think anyone gets rich simply on the basis of caste,in the old world the upper caste were rich because they had all the land and after the land reforms they are all gone.Today the biggest issue in the country is corruption and abuse of power,not caste.

From what we all know,there is reservation for every caste and even more so for the Dalits.In my state there is 69% reservation.Much more than the allowed 50%.

And secondly,u said india lives on 0.4 dollars per day,so how much is that in rupees?iwe take 40 rupees per dollar,it is 16 rupees.I highly doubt that statistic and even if u beg,u ll make more money than that.

Now,i ll tell u abt the indian system.a peasant living in a village tills the land and eats the produce,i dont knw how much he makes but he is not starving.This how most indian people live and they get food.

People who eat once/twice a day?You know what they eat?I know rickshaw drivers in Bihar who drink sattu powder with milk twice a day and pull rickshaws,u know what sattu is?

It is calorie rich,fat rich food which gives u taqat to last a day of hard work and they are not complaining.

According to you,if i go eat junk food paying 100s of rupees 4 times a day,i am prosperous but if i eat healthy sattu twice a day,i am starving.

And most of the lack of progress is in the states of UP/Bihar/Bengal/Orissa/parts of MP/AP

You come to any part of south india and nobody is starving there.who why are they not starving?

I ll talk about my home state TamilNadu,TN is a water starved state depending on few rivers for agriculture and we are the only place in India which dont get rainfall when the rest of the country gets,many parts of the state are very dry with no scope for agriculture.

But,TN is amongst the most industrialized and progressive states in the country.The people of TN are there alla round in every profession and in many countries.

This is because TN which had 50% literacy or even less during 1947 now has nearly 80.3% literacy and no religious violence or divisions.

This is because we had a mid day -meal scheme where kids were given food and a lot of freebies during the 1960s and 70s to attend school,getting educated was in the mind of most people,especially the dalits.

Today u can see TN a state with maximum backward castes and maximum reservations being a top state in the country on all accounts.

No need to talk about AP/Karnataka and Kerala.They are doing great too,Maharashtra and Gujarat are doing great too.

Punjab,Haryana,Himachal are also awesome.

That leaves us with the remaining states where it is a matter of governance.

I agree on only one thing,Government has failed in investing in Education and Health properly,like those gusy who are still uneducated even after 1991 liberalization are losing out on opportunities.

Now please dont tell me that this is the fault of the upper castes,it is a collective failure.

And Brahmans all across the world are amongst the least influential,poor minorities.

Hindu caste system denies education to no-one,dont talk mythology here.

And whatever education they denied back then is pretty much useless now.

In my state there are many people of other castes who are more intelligent than many brahmins and that includes dalits too.

So,now u r going to judge India from tabloids like TOI and NDTV,are not u guilty of giving them importance and attention in the first place and now complaining again.

And i dont know where u live/lived in india but i have lived in Madras/Bangalore/Hyderabad/delhi/Mumbai/Guwahati/Indore and travelled to all corners of India and i stand by what i say.

i dont know if you are a dalit,but in case you are,there is so much oppurtunity for u in India and if u r wasting all that and cribbing on the internet,then u r the loser.

simple as that.

Your hatred and arrogance is there for all to see. I will leave it to my Pakistani brothers and western audience to decide if I am speaking the truth or what u are saying is the one.

PS: FYI I am not a Dalit (Though i wish I was born one).

thank you
And my father who is a vadama brahmin,supposedly a great upper caste of Tamil Nadu lived his childhood in abject poverty eating brown rice porridge twice a day and walking to school barefoot with tattering clothes which belonged to his elder brothers when they were small.The reason?because my grandad refused to move to a city and provide his kids modern education and employment oppurutnities and my dad was lucky to get a govt job in a bank.

His brothers were not so lucky and had to fight it out in Mumbai living off petty wages and pigeon hole apartments together and now they r all doing great.

So,cut the crap and go to work.
Your hatred and arrogance is there for all to see. I will leave it to my Pakistani brothers and western audience to decide if I am speaking the truth or what u are saying is the one.

PS: FYI I am not a Dalit (Though i wish I was born one).

thank you

and i think ur incapability to read english is also clear,u talking out of ur *** and i am mentioning the truth,simple as that.

It is very obvious now that u r a false flagger and a troll,if i guess correct,u r chinese.

Infact it is obvious that you are.

Talk a walk sweetheart.

PS:Thanks a lot for giving me an opportunity to explain in depth the long standing question of Indian issues.
Götterdämmerung;2317781 said:
We have an EU constitution and an elected EU Parlament.
Does that make EU a country?

You in India are killing 6 million children each year by governmental neglect.
even if decrease that figure by half , you won't find a credible source to back it.
India is not real democracy it is a brahmin fascist country.

brahmin fascist??? - I am from a backward caste called Nadar in my state Tamil Nadu and once my community was very downtrodden till 1947, but if you google now on Nadars you can see my community is one of the richest in India - the reason for the success of my community is hard-work and our democratic system which allowed every community to compete equlay with out any discrimination and the so called Brahmin discrimination is only in the minds of Pakistanis not in Indians, we have moved far away from such things, and in fact inter-caste marriage is very common in cities now a day - they see the status and education before marriage not caste.

I agree in some parts of India still caste systems are followed but it doesn't stop any low caste or poor from reaching success in India. By the way now one of the top IT company in India called HCL is founded by the so called low caste Indian Shiv Nadar and now he is the 15th richest Indian and a dollar billoner ( his personal wealth is US$6 billion) - I don't know how many Pakistani are richer then this so called low caste Indian Shiv Nadar???, so Mr.StandForInsaf!!! India is not the country what you think we have moved far away from 1947 India of British era...

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