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India irked as China gets Pakistan's strategic Gwadar port

Your presence here negates your argument. But whatever makes the sun rise for you. :lol:

even though world dont respect Pakistan....we have no choice to change our neibhour
Your presence here negates your argument. But whatever makes the sun rise for you. :lol:

my presence also tries to beat some sense in to deluded minds here.but some prefer to stay in the state of delusion, good luck.

Why do our Indian 'strategists' and commentators always get 'irked' at anything Pakistan or China does? We are mature enough militarily and diplomatically to stand on our own. This so called Chinese threat called the 'string of pearls' to hem in India is plain balderdash!

It is worth reflecting on where the “string of pearls” concept comes from. Not from China and, although it is a fixation in some New Delhi policy circles, it is not an Indian strategic concept either. It appeared first in 2005 in the report, 'Energy Futures in Asia' prepared for the US Secretary of Defence by a Washington-based consultancy, Booz Allen Hamilton. The United States over the past decade has been encouraging India to beef up its naval efforts in the Indian Ocean, as it finds its naval assets increasingly overstretched and sees India as a regional balance against China.

So perhaps the US is encouraging India’s paranoia, as part of its efforts to seek burden-sharing partners. In the past few years, India has deepened security and diplomatic co-operation with the Seychelles, South Africa, Madagascar and Mozambique. India’s Maritime Doctrine, published in 2004, has shaped the country’s policy in the Indian Ocean. It also has given particular focus to “choke points” at entrances to the ocean, such as the Mozambique Channel. According to the doctrine, “control of the choke points could be useful as a bargaining chip in the international power game, where the currency of military power remains a stark reality.


To watch shipping movements along the Mozambique Channel “choke point”, India opened its second military listening post on foreign soil in 2007 in northern Madagascar. India has also been in discussions with the Mauritian government about a lease of the Agalega Islands which would officially serve as a high-end tourist resort but could provide an airstrip to serve Indian surveillance aircraft.

In August 2009, as part of this strategy, India boosted de-fence co-operation with the Maldives by agreeing to set up a network of 26 radars across the islands as well as an air station to conduct surveillance flights over the Mal-dives exclusive economic zone. Indian naval planners assume that the US military presence on Diego Garcia and the French naval base on La Réunion, buttress their efforts. Since 2001, India has conducted annual joint naval exercises with the French.

So although there is competition, there is no sign that the Chinese are planning any American or French-style bases for a “string of pearls” of Chinese naval facilities stretching from southern China across the Indian Ocean. Their strategy appears benign, seeking agreements allowing access to facilities for re-supply. The United States, with its base in Diego Garcia, France and India will remain the major naval powers in the Indian Ocean for the foreseeable future.

India should therefore not be alarmed that the Chinese seek re-supply naval facilities in the Seychelles and Gwadar. This paranoia of the Chinese trying to intimidate India by establishing a 'String of Pearls' needs to end. Preventing disruption of sea lanes for international shipping in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea is vital for all our economies.

Cheers! :tup:

source of this article???
You have got this reputation not only in india but all over world ;)

Achaa. Reputation hain to phir kya kar ley gaye?

Bollywood film bana laye gain kya?

We do what we want. Who is anyone to stop us?

Especially super duper power India? :rofl:
So this mean we are going to see increase in terrorism in Balochistan Province. Pakistan & China should make a Navy Base in Balochistan.

By the way who cares the crap what Indians think. Whenever Pakistan is starts some development there is a cold painful shiver in Indian spine, this shows that Indians don't want Pakistan to develop.
I am happy over this news and i am hopeful Gawadar will be utilized to its full potential under Chinese company.
Iran, UAE and India better not have evil intentions, in that case they are directly messing with China and China will give them big danda. What we need to do is to provide security to the whole town form a special mission force and eliminate BLA and their training camps from A'stan.
IMO completely destroy American/Indian objectives in this whole region GREAT JOB... want complete Chinese Naval Forces over there.... want Balochistan (Gawadar) become HQ of Chinese Naval Command to handle all kind of BS of US/India in the region!
IMO completely destroy American/Indian objectives in this whole region GREAT JOB... want complete Chinese Naval Forces over there.... want Balochistan (Gawadar) become HQ of Chinese Naval Command to handle all kind of BS of US/India in the region!
Well India-China standoff in this region won't happen. Its just same old rhetoric both countries have. And Its a naval base, not Army or airforce base. China won't send its troops. The main objective of US and India design lies on focusing Afghanistan.

As for India, Iran is the emerging partner. India also has good ties with KSA and US has been a good ally of KSA for long.

So its going to be a stalemate situation for India vis-a-vis China.
Well India-China standoff in this region won't happen. Its just same old rhetoric both countries have. And Its a naval base, not Army or airforce base. China won't send its troops. the main objective of US and India design lies on focusing Afghanistan.

As for India, Iran is the emerging partner. India also has good ties with KSA and US has been a good ally of KSA for long.

So its going to be a stalemate situation for India vis-a-vis China.

KSA - India relation is like hi hi hello hello nothing else more... on the other side KSA have full support from Pakistan same vis-a-vis. About Iran, Iran don't have much issue regarding Gawadar. So simply this Gawadar Port under China's control only focus on direct trade from China > Middle-east and > Europe and to control all routes of Oil/Trade etc from Gulf > Arabian. Damn Strategically Port on the planet. If china will be there, defintly put their forces and complete handle/control the area because it will very important base for China either (trade/Military/Oil) in future. Only hurt India and US objectives.
This is a historic step, however a great deal of work is yet to be done. Logistical routes have to be built to link China, C.Asia, Mongolia and Russia.Once its done Pakistan can find itself in the middle of a gold rush initiating as the largest economic shift in human history, only if we the right visionary leadership, we can turn Pakistan into a regional power broker.

India has a reason to cry, anything that benefits Pakistan is conceived in the Indian psyche,to be a possible threat to India.

well your country itself bleeding inside.. it doesn't matter what media... says we are not weak, they are welcomed to INDIAN OCEAN
@Stealth I agree its very good from strategic and economic point of view. It swill take away the China's exposed sea routes from Gulf, Afica, Europe in IOR which can be easily intercepted by US Navy. Now, they will have better zccess.

As for Hi Hello relations with KSA, I think you missed recent news of trade and investment. I don't know why people think that Gwadar is challenge to us. If China ever come in between India and Pakistan, it will have to face India and its allies in SCS.

Don't think that India is not doing anything to counter this. But India is focusing in trade with China. We don't want any war with anyone as we are more focused towards are economy.

As for Iran, India is a trusted nation who still trades with Iran in spite of all the pressure of US and European Union.

It will be too much optimistic for Pakistan to expect China fighting against India because of Pakistan. The way Indo-China relations are improving, Look at their investment in India and in Pakistan. Pakistan is indeed at strategic location. But this doesn't make China to have bad relations with India over Pakistan.

China will rather play an important role to keep hostility between India and Pakistan at lowest. As it doesn't want unstable region and any trouble in Pakistan for its own purpose and uninterrupted access to the region I mentioned.

That's why these are the field India and China have converging interest. Both want to focus on economic growth. Alas, Pakistan is not jumping in the Band Wagon of Economic growth and still stuck in same old obsession with Kashmir.
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One side India focusing on economy but other side supporting terrorism in Pakistan from Afghanistan. That will hurt India in future as well and blaming Pakistan about "Pakistan still stuck in same old obsession with etc" that's what India and US want "Dont want Pakistan focus on economy/Dev". Other side China/India relation is like Pakistan and India relation. The trade between India and China is nothing special about.
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One side India focusing on economy but other side supporting terrorism in Pakistan from Afghanistan. That will hurt India in future as well and blaming Pakistan about "Pakistan still stuck in same old obsession with etc" that's what India and US want "Dont want Pakistan focus on economy/Dev". Other side China/India relation is like Pakistan and India relation. The trade between India and China is nothing special about.
Indiqa don't care about Pakistan's internal problem if it doesn't repeat 1990s incursions, supporting LeT like organizations and sending Kasabs.

The day India and Pakistan agree to stop all these proxy wars, that day, India will stop exactly what Pakistan was doing in 1990s.

As for trade with China. it will jump to $ 100 billion. Chinese car manufacturers want to gain entry in Indian market of Rising Middle Class. It also want the Power units supply market where it can have monopoly as Indian industries are not able to meet the demand.

You would be surprised to know how many Chinese cheap phone are used in Indian rural region. Hell, a Chai Thadi where I sometimes go, has a Chinese phone and watches MP4 songs of regional movies while making tea. :D

Dear, Economy and the market are the strength of India, weapons are just for show off.
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