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India in talks to export natural gas to Pakistan via pipeline

This again proves needs of Punjab dominates everything in Pakistan...

If Punjab needs electricity/gas, Pakistan will import it from sworn enemy India; what about needs of Sindh/Karachi/Balochistan/KPK

I think Iran-Pakistan pipeline should be best option for whole of Pakistan
Zaid Hamid should help. He has so much gas in his stomach which is polluting his mind off late.

India should help Pakistan in whatever way possible. Only way forward. But yes, terrorism and Zaid Hamid should be taken care of first.
Excuse me.....there is a wonderful saying....."Saala Ghaas kayenge but doosre ka diya nahin lenge"................pretty patriotic....but u know what..............its not u who is running short on food....u don't need to......its the small poor people who eat that and die.

Similarly in this case, the rich can afford generators to have electricity.....think about the closed industries due to lack of power....which will put several hundred out of work................the decision should be theirs that do they want a life or do they want to wait, watch and yearn so that the rich can fulfill their ego.
How is it possible as there is a serious deficiency of gas in India too and was looking for IPI gas pipeline. I think Pakistan can fulfill all of its needs once it shuts down its CNG stations all over the country then there is plenty of gas for house holds and industry.

There's enough energy in India. More than Japan but you need more to fulfil everyone's need. That's why we are going nuclear, hydel and solar. Bitumen coal is not enough. But we have thorium that can solve possibly world energy need till more advanced version. Average India is a middle class guy with 1 family car (varying size) , wife and 2 kids.
They pay for transportation from GAIL's pipelines and LNG import facilities.

The price should be fair ... and this works because cost transporting LNG from Karachi to Lahore via road or rail will costlier to them.

Good for both India and Pakistan. :tup:

Good for Pakistan ok. Good for India ???

- We will be paying for the gas when we purchase it.
- Pakistan will pay for the gas from us and the cost if transport and infrastructure.
- My point was why the heck we should do that when domestic infrastructure need isn't full filled.
- the said excess pipeline could be laid to the heard of our lands making fast transport of gas from coast o central india - reducing its cost.
- if at any point the relations go ballistic our pipe and payment will be gone for ever. So better stay way from the countries with whom we have problems.
- If GAIL think they need to expand their network beyond india. Try BD and Myanmar.
Okay to sell the gas. Just take the money first or seek delivery charges and ask pakistan to buy direct from oman or qatar. Cannot trust them with honoring payment contracts. Same precaution was taken during locomotive supplies by indian railway. They were not sure that they will get the money.
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