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India In China’S New Assertiveness – Analysis


Let me just sum up what you said and ask you if it sounds as stupid to you as it does to me.

-Pakistan didn't lose BD because of distance

-Pakistan lost because it could not get by the blockade.

Naturally the question then becomes, how did India blockade Pakistan?
Because India surrounds BD and Pakistan is on the other end.

One would even say that Pakistan lost BD because it was FAR AWAY.

If India was a country of birds, they still would have won given the situation.
hence, anyone could have won that war. So if China has nothing to brag about for 62, then India really has nothing to brag about for 71

What happened to your strategy of 'Defence of East Pakistan lies in West'? Pakistan could not make any significant gains in the western front, where bulk of its military assets were located, to force India into negotiation. Pakistan and India were evenly matched in western sector and India was able to effectively checkmate Pakistan there and also completely rout Pakistani forces in Eastern sector.
Oh trust me. The teacher has long been watching the naughty student all the time. We learnt a lot from you guys, in one way or another, about economic growth, effective governing, not to waste money on foreign made weapons and so on.

OF COURSE why waste $$$ when you can ctrl C Ctrl V, figures yep that the challenges of democratic government as opposed to communist dictatorship.
Oh trust me. The teacher has long been watching the naughty student all the time. We learnt a lot from you guys, in one way or another, about economic growth, effective governing, not to waste money on foreign made weapons and so on.

When the teacher was watching, what did she see? After 1962 the student broke up a country and liberated a new nation. Added new territories to the country and effectively protected the territorial integrity of the existing parts, in spite of all kinds of tactics used against us by our enemies. The student has grown economically and militarily and its clout all over the world has also grown many folds.
Whereas the teacher got azz whopped many times since 1962. 1969 by Russia, 1979 by Vietnam, 1991 by Taiwan. The teacher can only wring their hands at the Japanese when they do their war memorial honours every year and just swallow their national humiliation without being able to do anything about it. The PLA is best know for massacring unarmed students in Tain'an'men square in 1989 and on unarmed bhuddist monks in Tibet and muslim minorities in Xinjiang. Also, for running factories making iPhones and garments using slave labour.
When the teacher was watching, what did she see? After 1962 the student broke up a country and liberated a new nation. Added new territories to the country and effectively protected the territorial integrity of the existing parts, in spite of all kinds of tactics used against us by our enemies. The student has grown economically and militarily and its clout all over the world has also grown many folds.
Whereas the teacher got azz whopped many times since 1962. 1969 by Russia, 1979 by Vietnam, 1991 by Taiwan. The teacher can only wring their hands at the Japanese when they do their war memorial honours every year and just swallow their national humiliation without being able to do anything about it. The PLA is best know for massacring unarmed students in Tain'an'men square in 1989 and on unarmed bhuddist monks in Tibet and muslim minorities in Xinjiang. Also, for running factories making iPhones and garments using slave labour.

You think you know better than the Indian Armed forces themselves? :rofl:

'India can't match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

New Delhi: Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.
I love these Bashkar Roy articles.

They sound like they have been written by some of the Indians on this very forum.
You think you know better than the Indian Armed forces themselves? :rofl:

'India can't match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

Not sure what is there to rofl about?? Is it a secret that we don't have the capability and neither the intention to match China weapon by weapon??? Even a kinder garden kid can crack this that an economy of less that $2Trillion cannot compete with economy almost thrice its size. Moreover there is no need for it..Our goal is to keep reminding you that any mischief in our border area will mean a very bloody nose...Trailers of this has been shown to you both in 67 and 87. we don't have any more desire then this, hence need to match you weapon by weapon doesn't arise...
You think you know better than the Indian Armed forces themselves? :rofl:

'India can't match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

So you believe in what the Indian General said and don't understand what he really means?? Basically he is making a case for more budget allocation for defence, which every military does. You see, the problem is, Pakistan can no longer be used as excuse for increase in defence budget. Thank God, we have you guys as our neighbour, otherwise our politicians would have left our military to rot, like what happened until 1962. 1962 was a good kick-in-the-butt for us.

Thanks for your reply. I am not from J&K and I must apologies if my location is a bit confusing. I am in New Delhi right now but I have lived all around India as I am an Army Officers son (postings) and also myself have served in the British Army for a couple of years.

Good to know at least you're a part of "the family". :)

I too have siblings serving in different divisions of armed forces.

Branding a whole country on personal perception is an opinion which you have a right to carry. However, I feel sometimes we go overboard and try to imprint our perception/opinion on others.

My dear friend, this is not my personal view. Ask any indian from the bordering states with China and he will tell you just what I have told. Why? Because we have seen their real face. There's a famous saying that pertains to us and Chinese:

India is chaotic on the surface by deep down it is calm; China is calm and smooth on the surface but beneath there is a seething storm going on.

The CCP is very different from the common Chinese. If a common Chinese came up to me, we might have a nice chit chat over a couple of cans of beer or something. But individual relationships don't define national relations. That is what you have to understand.

Defending your nation from external attack is not wrong. And countering this is simply trying to be politically correct.

My experience with Chinese tells me they are humble, modest, hardworking and sincere. Now if I will try to imprint the same to someone who has not had a very good experience with Chinese will start a heated argument.

Individual characteristics don't work up for an entire country; there is a world of difference between the two. You will need to visit our NE states more in order to understand why there's a distrust and dislike of Chinese here.

Well I long for peace... that doesn't mean I am a coward... it just means it gives me more time to prepare for adversities and growth.

Everyone wants peace. You think I would like a war? :) No man. If there's a war, my cousin and real brothers would be the first in line. Do you think I'd like to see my family in that worry? I can very well understand the pain and fear a soldier's family undergoes during conflict. My eldest cousin fought in the Kargil war and lived to tell about it but the apprehension, fear and worry my aunt had to undergo was unbearable to watch. When he returned back victorious (with a few injuries), it was as if her life had been returned to her.

So please don't think that I don't desire peace.

But to have peace, you must understand war.

Please no offence intended.

None taken, bhai. It was your ignorance of the situation in eastern border that caused you to express your opinion and it is your right. :cheers:

Glad to have this discussion with you.
Bring it on Chin, here's a message written by Indian Jawans in Sikkim :enjoy:


The only thing india can do is watching. So enjoy.

At least we watch; unlike you lot who can only talk and display propaganda photos distributed by your government and do nothing about it.

---------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

Bring it on Chin, here's a message written by Indian Jawans in Sikkim :enjoy:



I was about to post the last pic! You stole the idea right out of my head! :D

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